In the realm of life’s universal truths, the 80/20 principle (80% of all outcomes come from 20% of causes) reigns supreme — and it applies to our closets as well. In terms of our wardrobes, the concept suggests that we wear a mere 20% of our wardrobe a staggering 80% of the time.

The million-dollar question is: how can we manage this 80% of seldom-worn garments so our lives are more functional and enjoyable? 

Join me and embark on an exploration of the art of the closet cleanout, where I unravel valuable insights, tips, and product recommendations to help you in declutter and optimize your wardrobe. From pinpointing the clothes you really love and wear to embracing the paramount importance of comfort, we’ll navigate the journey together.

Anyone can clean out a closet. But not everyone is equipped to do it in a way that yields everyday benefits and is deeply gratifying on a personal level as well.

Below, I let you in on the five biggest rules for a great closet cleanout session:

1. Try Everything On

Although it can seem tedious, trying on your clothes is essential. It provides a comprehensive understanding of what you have that fits your lifestyle and body, informing decisions about what to keep, donate, or toss.

When you step into each item of clothing, you get a real sense of how it fits and feels on your body. Take your time, and consider the fit, comfort, and style. Paired with a well-deserved cup of your favorite beverage, this chore turns into a mini fashion show and ensures you make decisions about your clothes with complete information. It also helps you identify pieces that may need tailoring or repairs — set these aside to drop off after your cleanout or pack up for seasonal storing.

2. Be Ruthless with Shoes

Now focus on your shoe collection. Ask yourself which pairs you reach for consistently because they’re comfy and let you last all day on your feet. On the flip side, you probably have shoes that are uncomfortable, don’t match many outfits, or are there only for sentimental reasons. It’s time to part ways with those pairs. For example, that one pair of cute but non-versatile yellow flat loafers can find a new home. Make your closet a place of practical, wearable footwear.


3. Know Your Brand and Style

Take a closer look at your wardrobe and identify the recurring brands and styles that make you feel your best. Use digital tools like Stylebook or Pinterest to create a catalog of your clothing. This makes it easier to see what you have and know what works best for you. When you have a visual record of your clothes, you can make more informed choices about what to keep and what to let go of.

4. Categorize Clothes

person organizing folded clothes in their closet

As you go through your closet, create distinct piles or categories — one for items to toss, another for those you’d like to donate, a third for clothes you can consign or sell, and finally, a pile for those you absolutely want to keep. Remember, the goal is to keep only items that make you feel fantastic and flatter your figure. For pieces you’re attached to but that need some care, set them aside for repairs or tailoring.

You can also categorize pieces of clothing by the type of washing they require. Hate doing laundry? Don’t let that discourage you. Read our article about how to wash more clothing in an eco-friendly way, or consider investing in a washer that has more room per load.

5. Maintain Regular Purges

Make regular closet purges a part of your routine. Every three to six months, as the seasons change, revisit your clothing. Try items on, especially after periods of size fluctuation, and clear out pieces that are worn, no longer fit, or have fallen out of favor. Organize your closet with the help of shelves, dividers, bins, and hangers to maximize space and maintain an efficient, clutter-free space.

FAQs About Closet Cleanouts

How often should I do a closet cleanout?

The frequency of closet cleanouts depends on your lifestyle, but it’s generally a good practice to tackle this task every three to six months. By doing so, you can stay on top of your clothing inventory and make adjustments as needed to keep your closet working efficiently for you. Seasonal changes provide an excellent opportunity to revisit your wardrobe and ensure it remains organized and clutter-free.

What should I do with items I no longer want?

When you’ve decided to part ways with clothing items, you have several options. You can consider donating them to charitable organizations, which is a wonderful way to give your gently used clothing a second life and help those in need. Alternatively, you might think about consigning them at local shops for potential resale. Repurposing or upcycling is also a creative and environmentally friendly choice for items that no longer fit your style or needs.

How do I decide what to keep or toss?

The key to effective closet organization is to keep only the items that you genuinely love and those that flatter your figure. As you go through your clothes, ask yourself how each piece makes you feel and whether it aligns with your current lifestyle. If you find clothing that no longer meets these criteria, it’s time to consider letting go. Making space in your closet for items that make you feel great will not only declutter your physical space but also enhance your overall well-being.

How can I maintain an organized closet?

Maintaining an organized closet is an ongoing process that involves regular purges and using practical organizers. When conducting your seasonal cleanouts, try on your clothes to account for size fluctuations or changes in personal preferences. This step ensures that everything in your closet still fits and aligns with your style. To maximize space and maintain an efficient, clutter-free closet, employ organizers such as shelves, dividers, bins, and hangers. By doing so, you can optimize your storage and easily find what you need when you need it, keeping your closet in top form.

Editorial Contributors
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Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas

Expert Writer & Reviewer

Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas is a globetrotting content writer hailing from the USA. With a passion for pest control, he brings a unique perspective to his writing from his early years working for one of the largest pest control companies in America. Throughout his early 20s, Jordan gained valuable experience and knowledge in the field, tackling pest infestations head-on and ensuring the well-being of countless homes.

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photo of Lee Ann Merrill

Lee Ann Merrill

Chicago-based Lee Ann Merrill has decades of experience writing and editing across a wide range of technical and scientific subjects. Her love of DIY, gardening, and making led her to the realm of creating and honing quality content for homeowners. When she's not working on her craft, you can find her exploring her city by bike and plotting international adventures.

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