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When lighting up your garage, it’s critical to choose the right type of lighting. The garage is a multi-purpose space where different lighting types can be used to achieve different effects.

We’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each lighting option so you can make an informed decision on which one is best for you. Whether you’re looking to improve visibility for DIY projects, enhance the look of the space, or just add extra light to your garage, there’s an option out there for you.

How To Choose Garage Lights

Assess Your Garage’s Lighting Needs

Before selecting any new garage lights, it is important to assess your current lighting situation and what improvements you wish to make. Start by determining how much light is needed in your garage and then consider the activities that take place there. Is the space mainly used as a workspace or as a storage area? Do you need bright lighting for tasks such as working on cars or tools? Or perhaps you only need minimal lighting, so you can navigate through safely without any harsh glare. All of these factors should be considered when selecting the correct garage lights for your needs.

Understand Different Types of Garage Lighting

When selecting garage lights, it is critical to understand the various types of lighting available and their advantages and disadvantages. Some common types include overhead fluorescent, LED bulbs, and incandescent bulbs. Fluorescent lights are more energy efficient than other types but may produce too much glare for some spaces. LED lights last longer and are brighter than other types, but can also be more expensive. Incandescent bulbs are relatively inexpensive, but they produce more heat than other types, which may make them less appealing in certain scenarios. Based on your assessment of the space and its needs, it is important to choose the type of lighting that works for you.

Consider Your Garage’s Structure

The structure of your garage should also be taken into consideration when selecting the right lighting fixture. If the walls or ceiling in your garage are made of wood or metal, then make sure that any fixtures you buy are suitable for use on these surfaces. Make sure that any fixtures purchased are designed to hold up to the extreme temperatures and humidity levels typically found in garages.

Choose the Right Bulb Type

Once you have determined which type of light fixture is most suitable for your garage’s structure, it is time to choose an appropriate bulb type. Most garages use LED or fluorescent bulbs because they are more energy efficient than other options and last longer than regular incandescent bulbs. LEDs are more expensive upfront but may save money in the long run due to their durability and longevity. Fluorescents offer an inexpensive alternative with plenty of brightness but may produce too much glare in some cases. It is up to you to decide which bulb type suits your needs and budget when selecting garage lights for your space.

Choose Appropriate Fixtures

When choosing garage lights, it is important to select appropriate fixtures designed for use in garages and ready for installation with minimal effort from you. There are several types of fixtures available for garages, including wall-mounted fixtures, ceiling-mounted fixtures, and track lighting systems which provide flexibility for different tasks in the space. Consider whether outdoor-rated fixtures may be necessary if there are exposed areas around the property and look out for safety features, such as shatterproof glass or covers, which guard against sparks flying out from the bulbs during installation.

Install the Garage Lighting

Installing a new set of garage lights requires electrical knowledge and skills. Consult a professional to ensure that everything is installed correctly. You can also have an electrician check your existing wiring so that everything is safe.

Maintain the Garage Lighting

Once your new garage lights have been installed, it is important to maintain them regularly to ensure they remain efficient and safe over time. Consider vacuuming the cobwebs off occasionally or dusting when needed, while also checking each bulb regularly.


Choosing the right garage lighting for your space requires careful consideration and planning. With planning and preparation, you can select the perfect lighting solution for your garage and make the most of the space. All that’s left to do is enjoy your new, bright garage.

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