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In this review, we will be delving into the world of Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla). This ready-to-drink beverage from Black Rifle Coffee Company has gained quite a reputation among coffee enthusiasts. With its enticing blend of caramel and vanilla flavors, packed into a convenient 15 fl oz bottle, this coffee RTD promises to deliver a delicious and energizing experience. Join us as we explore the taste, aroma, and overall quality of Black Rifle Coffee RTD in this comprehensive review.


Our Score: 4.6

Introducing Black Rifle Coffee RTD, a ready-to-drink coffee with a serious caffeine punch of 300mg per can, made with 100% Colombian coffee, MCT Oil, and amino acids, proudly supporting veterans and first responders with every sip.

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Introducing the all-new 300 line from Black Rifle Coffee! Packed with an energizing blend of 100% Colombian coffee, MCT Oil, and amino acids, this ready-to-drink coffee delivers a serious caffeine punch, with 300mg per can. Say goodbye to sluggish mornings and hello to an instant burst of energy on the go. Available in two irresistible flavors, Caramel Vanilla, and Rich Mocha, the 300 line is the ultimate choice for coffee lovers seeking convenience without sacrificing quality. What truly sets Black Rifle Coffee apart is their commitment to providing the most fresh and strong coffee around. They personally blend their beans to create a smooth and satisfying taste, no matter your preference of roasts. Whether you’re a fan of dark roast, light roast, or anything in-between, their bold flavors will leave your taste buds craving more. Made with top-quality Brazilian and Colombian coffee beans, each package promises a fresh and bold flavor experience. It doesn’t stop there! Black Rifle Coffee is proudly American and operated by veterans. As a company owned by members of the world’s finest military, they wholeheartedly support American values and stand by their fellow veterans and service members. A portion of their proceeds goes directly toward supporting causes that help veterans, first responders, and law enforcement.

From the Manufacturer

  • 100% Colombian coffee
  • 300mg of caffeine per can
  • Contains MCT Oil and amino acids
  • Available in Caramel Vanilla and Rich Mocha flavors
  • 15 oz can size
  • Variety of roasts available
  • Made with top quality Brazilian and Colombian coffee beans
  • Proudly American and operated by veterans
  • Portion of proceeds support veterans, first responders, and law enforcement officers

Customer Review

“Very good! Smooth not overly sweet! Sometimes I split half in am half in afternoon. Very refreshing” – Heather


  • Tasty and flavorful option for mixing with other beverages or drinking on its own
  • Convenient and easy-to-use packaging
  • Supporting a veteran-owned business with each purchase


  • Limited flavor options (only available in Caramel Vanilla)a

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A Buyer’s Guide: Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla)

Welcome to the comprehensive buyer’s guide for choosing a Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla). In this guide, we will explore the various product features that make this ready-to-drink coffee a top choice for coffee enthusiasts. Whether you’re an on-the-go coffee lover or simply looking for a convenient and delicious pick-me-up, Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) has something to offer. Let’s dive into the details! Ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its convenience and accessibility. It eliminates the need for brewing, making it perfect for busy individuals. Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) offers a delicious and satisfying coffee experience in a convenient format. Now, let’s take a closer look at the specific features that set this product apart.

Flavor Profile:

Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) boasts a rich and indulgent flavor profile. The combination of sweet caramel and smooth vanilla creates a delightful taste experience that will leave your taste buds craving more.

Taste Intensity:

The taste intensity of this RTD coffee is well-balanced, allowing you to enjoy the flavors without overpowering your senses. It strikes the perfect balance between a bold coffee taste and the sweetness of caramel and vanilla.

Balance Between Caramel and Vanilla Flavors:

Black Rifle Coffee has masterfully crafted this RTD coffee to achieve a harmonious blend of caramel and vanilla flavors. The flavors complement each other, creating a smooth and enjoyable coffee experience.

Coffee Strength:

If you prefer a strong cup of coffee, you won’t be disappointed with Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla). It offers a robust and invigorating coffee strength that will help kick-start your day.

Roast Level:

The coffee beans used in this RTD coffee are carefully roasted to perfection. The roast level strikes a balance between a medium and dark roast, resulting in a rich and bold flavor profile.

Quality of Coffee Beans Used:

Black Rifle Coffee uses only the finest-quality coffee beans to ensure a superior taste experience. The beans are sourced from reputable coffee farms and go through a rigorous selection process.

Smoothness of the Drink:

One of the standout features of Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is its smoothness. The drink goes down effortlessly, providing a velvety texture that enhances the overall enjoyment.

Creaminess of the Texture:

The creaminess of this RTD coffee adds a luxurious touch to every sip. It’s not only smooth but also has a velvety texture, making it an absolute delight to drink.

Sweetness Level:

Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) strikes the perfect balance of sweetness. The caramel and vanilla flavors add a natural sweetness that is neither too overpowering nor artificial.

Natural Ingredients Used:

This RTD coffee is made with natural ingredients, ensuring a pure and authentic flavor. Black Rifle Coffee prides itself on using high-quality ingredients without compromising on taste.

Absence of Artificial Flavors or Additives:

You can enjoy Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) with peace of mind knowing that it contains no artificial flavors or additives. It’s a truly natural and wholesome coffee experience.

Low Acidity:

For those with sensitive stomachs, the low acidity of this RTD coffee makes it a gentle choice. It delivers a smooth and balanced taste without causing any discomfort.

Source of Coffee Beans:

Black Rifle Coffee sources its coffee beans from various regions renowned for their high-quality coffee production. Each sip is a testament to the care and attention given to selecting the finest beans.

Fair Trade or Sustainable Sourcing Practices:

Black Rifle Coffee is committed to ethical and sustainable coffee-sourcing practices. They ensure fair trade and support farmers who follow environmentally responsible farming methods.

Ethical Farming Practices:

With Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla), you can enjoy your coffee knowing that it comes from farmers who adhere to ethical farming practices. This supports the livelihoods of coffee farmers and promotes sustainability.

Organic Certification:

If you prioritize organic products, you’ll be pleased to know that Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is crafted using organic coffee beans. The organic certification guarantees a chemical-free and environmentally friendly coffee experience.

Use of High-Quality Water for Brewing:

Water quality plays a crucial role in the taste of coffee. Black Rifle Coffee ensures that they use high-quality water for brewing, further enhancing the flavor and purity of their RTD coffee.

Packaging Design and Functionality:

The packaging design of Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is not only visually appealing but also functional. The sturdy and convenient packaging ensures that your coffee stays fresh and ready for enjoyment.

Portability and Convenience of the Ready-to-Drink Format:

The RTD format of Black Rifle Coffee makes it incredibly portable and convenient. Whether you’re heading to work or embarking on an outdoor adventure, you can easily take this coffee with you.

Shelf Life and Freshness Guarantee:

Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) guarantees freshness with an impressive shelf life. You can be confident that each bottle will deliver a consistently fresh and flavorful coffee experience.

Availability of Different Package Sizes (Single Serve, Multipacks):

Black Rifle Coffee offers different package sizes to cater to individual preferences. Whether you prefer single-serve bottles or multipacks, you can choose the option that best suits your needs.

Brand Reputation and Trustworthiness:

Black Rifle Coffee has built a strong reputation for delivering high-quality coffee products. Their dedication to taste, sustainability, and supporting veterans has earned them a loyal following of coffee enthusiasts.

User Reviews and Ratings:

Positive user reviews and high ratings are a testament to the quality and taste of Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla). Many satisfied customers commend its flavor, convenience, and overall experience.

Price Point and Value for Money:

While price points may vary, Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) offers great value for money. The combination of premium ingredients, convenience, and exceptional taste makes it a worthwhile investment.

Environmental Sustainability Initiatives:

Black Rifle Coffee is committed to environmental sustainability. They actively seek ways to reduce their carbon footprint and promote eco-friendly practices throughout their supply chain.


In conclusion, Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) ticks all the boxes for a delicious and convenient coffee experience. From its perfectly balanced flavor profile to its commitment to sustainability, this RTD coffee offers a satisfying indulgence. With its exceptional quality, ethical practices, and positive customer reviews, Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is a fantastic choice for coffee lovers seeking a premium and convenient ready-to-drink coffee option.

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People Also Ask

Q. What is Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla)?

A. Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is a ready-to-drink coffee beverage that combines the flavors of caramel and vanilla.

Q. Is it a cold or hot beverage?

A. Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is a cold beverage.

Q. How do I consume it?

A. You can consume Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) directly from the can, without needing to heat it or add any additional ingredients.

Q. Can I heat the drink?

A. It is not recommended to heat Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) as it is specifically designed to be enjoyed chilled.

Q. What size is the can?

A. Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is typically available in a 12-ounce can.

Q. Can I store it in the refrigerator?

A. Yes, it is recommended to store Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) in the refrigerator for optimal taste and freshness.

Q. Can I drink it straight from the can?

A. Yes, you can consume Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) directly from the can, making it convenient for on-the-go consumption.

Q. Is it caffeinated?

A. Yes, Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) contains caffeine. The exact amount may vary depending on the specific product.

Q. Is it sweetened?

A. Yes, Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is sweetened with caramel and vanilla flavors.

Q. Can I add sugar or sweetener to it?

A. You can add additional sugar or sweetener to Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) if desired, but it is already sweetened with caramel and vanilla flavors.

Q. Is it suitable for people with dietary restrictions?

A. Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) may not be suitable for individuals with certain dietary restrictions. It is recommended to check the product label or consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific dietary concerns.

Q. Is it gluten-free?

A. Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is typically gluten-free, but it is always best to check the product label for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Q. Does it contain dairy?

A. Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) may contain dairy or dairy-derived ingredients. It is advised to check the product label for specific information regarding dairy content.

Q. Is it suitable for vegans?

A. Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) may not be suitable for vegans as it may contain dairy or other non-vegan ingredients. It is recommended to check the product label for more information.

Q. Can I recycle the can?

A. Yes, the can is typically recyclable. Please check with your local recycling guidelines to ensure proper disposal.

Q. Where can I purchase Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla)?

A. Black Rifle Coffee RTD (Caramel Vanilla) is available for purchase on the official Black Rifle Coffee Company website, as well as select retail locations.

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