Moths may be harmless but can be a nuisance at a backyard cookout or campfire. Their attraction to light makes them a problem if you plan on having a porch lamp or candles illuminating your party or gathering, and an infestation can be a serious annoyance.
Staying consistent with your moth extermination methods is one of the best ways to make sure it works. If you know how long you can expect a group of moths to live, you can determine whether you’re taking the correct steps to remove them.
The Moth Life Cycle
The first stage of the moth’s life cycle is the embryonic stage. Adult female moths lay eggs and the embryo starts to develop. Much like a fish or bird egg, moth eggs start forming once a male and female moth mate. The female then finds a suitable spot to lay the eggs, usually somewhere with lots of vegetation.
After the eggs hatch, the moth larvae start to look for a food source. Known as caterpillars, they begin by eating their eggshells and any plant material they can find. As they grow, they shed their skin like snakes do, consuming the shed skin.
Once they’ve eaten enough, they form a cocoon, like butterflies. This pupal stage transforms them into adult moths, breaking down and reforming their bodies through histogenesis.
The caterpillar spins a silk cocoon to live in during this change. Inside, it uses up the calories from its larval eating. When the metamorphosis finishes, the moth emerges, able to fly in hours after drying its wings and expelling waste.
How Long are Lifecycle Stages?
Each stage within the moth’s lifecycle takes a different amount of time. The length of a stage is dependent on many factors, including species, climate, food source accessibility, and more.
Depending on the factors listed above, an adult female moth will lay between 20 and 100 eggs at a time over the course of two weeks. Moth caterpillars, or larvae, emerge from their egg state within 7 to 14 days of being laid. Moth larvae often transform several times throughout their lifespan, including shedding their skin. For example, clothes and pantry moths may leave shed casings throughout your home. Larvae continue to grow until they pupate, or spin a cocoon from the webbing they create. Clothes moths can live between two and 30 months in this destructive larvae stage.
Finally, an adult moth will emerge from their cocoon between eight and 28 days later. The adult stage varies depending on species. Adult moths you would find in your home, like clothes moths, usually live between 30 and 45 days.
How Long Do Moths Live?
Moth species have varying lifespans depending on climate and mates. Most have two generations annually, one grown and mating while the next develops. The adult lifespan of a moth refers to the time a moth lives with its wings.
Adult lifespans can vary and refers to the time an adult moth lives. The total life span includes time spent in the larval and pupal stages, as well as the adult stage. Fall eggs develop in 10 to 11 months, but warmer spring weather speeds development into four- to five-month life spans. Some moths have one generation yearly, living around 12 months in total.
Frigid areas like the Arctic extend lives to two years. In deserts, moths can hibernate in cocoons for seven years, awaiting rain. Harsh conditions usually mean slower development and longer lives.
Factors that Influence Moth Lifespans
Several factors influence the lifespan of a moth, including the species of the moth, climate conditions, and more.
The common clothes moth and pantry moths are found primarily in homes and can live for between two to six months. These moths spend most of their life in the larval stage, during which they eat through things in your home, such as clothing, dry goods, and more.
Moth Behavior and Habits
Here are common moth behaviors to consider when planning moth prevention:
- Fertile females lay up to 1000 eggs, surging populations.
- They crawl into cracks and crevices, so caulk and seal openings.
- Moths eat natural fibers, so store fabrics sealed away.
- These pests flock to lights, so use yellow bulbs or keep lights off.
- Most moths are nocturnal, decreasing activity in daylight.
Signs of a Moth Infestation
Because some types of moths spend most of their lives in the larvae stage, it can be difficult to easily spot when you have a moth infestation.
One way to know if you have clothes or pantry moths is by their skin casings. Pantry and clothes moth larvae shed their casings as they grow, so finding these casings is a good indication that you have moths in your home.
Moth larvae are often destructive as they eat their way through clothing and other textile goods, and even open dry goods. You might start to notice small holes in your clothing or carpets, or even find pantry moth larvae in your dry goods. If you suspect you have a moth infestation, I recommend contacting a pest control expert immediately.
Moth Prevention Tips
Here are ways to deter moths and avoid infestations:
Apply diatomaceous earth in sheltered spots to dehydrate them.
Capture male moths in pheromone traps to stop reproduction.
Frequently wash natural fiber items, then store them in airtight containers to kill eggs.
Install screened doors to limit moths flying in when lights are on.
Spray moth-killing insecticides in heavily infested areas and around entry points. Consider professional pest control methods for severe infestations.
Throw away anything moths have already damaged.
Vacuum often to remove eggs and larvae, immediately discarding the bag outside.
So, Is Understanding Moth Lifespans Useful?
Knowing approximately how long pests live can definitely help control them. Since you’ll know their full life cycle length, you can gauge whether your prevention methods work.
For example, suppose the average life span is five months from the egg stage to adult. In that case, consistent pest control during that time frame should greatly reduce their numbers. If moths remain prevalent, you may need to try new or more aggressive methods. Knowledge of their stages also helps you target them effectively — vigorous washing of fabrics when they lay eggs, trimming plants while they form cocoons, etc.
Understanding the moth’s life span allows for properly timed control methods. It also helps assess if your current pest regimen is working or needs adjusting to fully remove an infestation.
FAQs About Moth Lifespans
How long do moths live without food?
Most adults survive just one to two weeks without food before starving. However, some larvae can live months without food by entering diapause, a hibernation-like state.
What is the shortest moth life span?
The adult stage of small species like pygmy moths may only last two to three days with a total life span of a few weeks. Larger species can live several months as adults.
Do male and female moths live equally long?
Yes, generally, moth gender doesn’t impact total life span. In some species, males have a slightly shorter adult stage than females and die after mating.
Do moths die after laying eggs?
Most females live for a period after reproducing. However, some short-lived species die within days of laying eggs.