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Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. It’s the ideal way to fuel your body with energy and nutrients for a great start to your morning. While it can be tempting to grab a quick breakfast and cup of coffee from a drive-through or coffee shop, it’s actually much cheaper to make your own.

Making your morning meal at home allows you to control the ingredients so you know exactly what goes into your breakfast. Of course, making breakfast for yourself can be tricky when you like variety and want it to taste as good as possible. So, if you’re looking to save money by preparing breakfast and coffee at home, here are some tips that will help.


Almost 64% of Americans drink coffee every day – and that number is only increasing. Save money by making it yourself with this useful information that can help you brew the perfect cup of joe.

Use quality coffee

The first thing to consider when choosing your brew method is the quality of your coffee beans, as this will affect the flavor, aroma, acidity level, and body. There are a few types of coffee beans, such as Arabica and Robusta beans.

In general, Arabica beans produce less caffeine than Robusta beans but have more complex flavors like chocolate or caramel notes. Robusta beans have more caffeine but can be bitter and more acidic. When buying coffee beans, try to find ones that are organic, fair-trade, and freshly roasted.

Get the right grind

Once you’ve selected the whole beans, it’s time to grind them. If you’ve ever tried to brew French press or pour over coffee in a drip machine, you know that getting the right grind is critical. Coarsely ground beans will clog up your filter basket, while finely ground beans will pass through without releasing their full flavor potential.

The best way to get the perfect grind is to buy a burr grinder, which produces consistent particle sizes every time. If you don’t have room for one of these machines on your countertop, a blade grinder is a great alternative. When buying equipment and accessories to make barista-style coffee at home, it’s a good idea to invest in a coffee maker cleaner to keep everything grime-free and functioning optimally.

Pick your brew method

There are plenty of ways to make coffee at home – from bean-to-cup coffee makers to elaborate French presses – and each method produces different results. If you’re looking for a quick fix in the morning, you may want to go with an automatic coffee maker. These machines are easy to use and can even be set to brew automatically, making them great for beginners. If you want more control over the brewing process, try out a pour-over or French press method instead.

Prepare a scrumptious brew

Depending on the type of coffee maker you have, there are different ways to prepare your morning cup. Automatic drip coffee makers are fairly simple to use. Just put ground coffee into a filter, add water, and turn on the machine. A few minutes later, you’ll have fresh coffee ready for drinking without any mess or inconvenience.

Manual drip coffee makers work similarly but require more effort to use. They typically come with a filter that needs to be placed over a glass carafe full of hot water before adding grounds. Drip coffee makers can sometimes splatter, so you should have a coffee maker cleaner at hand.

Whatever method you use, make sure to use freshly ground coffee beans for the best flavor. The longer you wait to brew your cup, the less flavorful it will be. Ideally, you should also only wait around five minutes before drinking it. Otherwise, the flavor will start to weaken.

Keep your equipment clean

Coffee makers can accumulate a lot of grime and buildup if you don’t clean them regularly. To prevent this from happening, you can either try a store-bought coffee maker cleaner or DIY your own coffee maker cleaner by diluting vinegar. A coffee maker cleaner will help remove oils and minerals that build up on the inside over time. If you don’t have time for scrubbing, use strong coffee maker cleaners to dissolve any calcium deposits that have formed inside the machine.


Start your day off right without breaking the bank. Make your perfect cup of coffee at home, and you’ll feel ready to tackle the day!

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