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Laundry is just never a fun chore, even when you have a washing machine. After separating colors and lugging your basket to the machine, you have to be careful to measure the right amount of detergent. You may end up with too little or too much detergent. Or worse, you may even spill some all over your clothes or on the floor, requiring more cleanup! To ensure you get the right amount of laundry detergent every time, you should try out one of these best laundry detergent dispensers.

Laundry detergent dispensers have probably been an overthought, but you’ll find out just how effective and helpful they are once you try them out for yourself. They really make laundry day a little less taxing, as you’ll have one less thing to worry about while doing chores. Read on to find out what our top five picks are for the best laundry detergent dispenser.

Comparing the Best Laundry Detergent Dispensers

The Original Laundry Soap Station

– Best Overall


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This first laundry detergent dispenser is fairly straightforward. It’s a plastic station to place your bulk laundry detergent containers. There’s ample space for the detergent bottle, so no matter what brand you’re using for soap, it should fit just fine. Aside from the platform that holds the bottle in place, there’s also a space below to place a measuring cup. Simply press the button and let the detergent flow until you have just the right amount of soap for your laundry.

Key Features

Unlike other detergent dispenser options, this station is fairly straightforward, with a very simple design. It’s worth noting that while other designs have the detergent bottle lie at an angle, this station lets the bottle lie flat. This may be a problem once your bottle has little detergent remaining, but other than that, you should have no issues using this dispenser station at all.


  • Simple design
  • Easy to set up


  • Can be a hassle to use when there’s little detergent remaining

Smart Design Sud Station

– Runner Up


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This next laundry detergent station is interesting in the sense that it has slightly more potential based on its tilt. At first glance, you’ll notice that it’s fairly simple. The top grooves hold large, heavy detergent bottles in place. The blue tray under the dispenser is not just for show – it’s actually a non-slid tray, which is a lot handier than you think.

Key Features

Even though laundry detergent dispensers make it easier to pour detergent for your laundry, it’s still prone to human error, and you may either tip the cup and spill the detergent or pour out a little too much from the bottle and cause overflow. The non-slid tray minimizes the chances of you spilling, so you don’t have to worry about making a mess as often.


  • Non-slid tray
  • Storage space for other items


  • May be too small for certain brands

Skywin Laundry Soap Station

– Honorable Mention


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This next laundry detergent dispenser makes use of gravity to dispense laundry detergent more quickly and efficiently. While keeping the bottle flat is fine when there’s plenty of detergent remaining in the bottle, it can be difficult to dispense when there’s only a little remaining. This isn’t the case, however, when you tilt the bottle at an angle, as gravity will pull the remaining detergent closer to the dispenser and cup.

Key Features

But you may be wondering – how do you keep the detergent bottle in place when it’s tilted at an angle? The answer is simple – you use a strap. The strap holds the detergent bottle tightly in place, so even if the bottle is at an angle, it won’t just fall off the station. The area for the detergent cup is molded so that the detergent doesn’t drip out of the station. It also prevents the cup from moving about as you pour the detergent onto it.


  • Holds detergent at an angle
  • Prevents spillage


  • Requires a bit more setup than other dispensers

Tidy Cup Laundry Cup Holder

– Also Consider


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This laundry detergent dispenser station is different from the previous ones thus far. Instead of holding the detergent bottle in place with a separate area for the cup, it instead serves as a cup holder and is attached directly to the bottle. When placed on the edge of a shelf or table, you can use the cup holder to pour your detergent into the cup without worrying about spills and the like.

Key Features

The cup holder comes in a set of two, so you can have two bottles with cup holders at once. Perhaps you use the spare for bulk fabric softener or bleach. The holder is designed to elevate the cup slightly, so if any excess detergent pours out, it won’t come into contact with the mess. This will make your cup detergent-free on the outside while also making it easier to clean the cup holder after use.


  • Comes in a set of two
  • Keeps cup elevated


  • Requires placing the bottle on the edge of a shelf or table

Laundry Detergent or Fabric Softener Cup


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This second cup holder is functionally the same as the previous one. You simply place the cup holder by attaching it to the detergent bottle and pour out the detergent onto the cup once it’s in place. However, there are a few differences from the previous cup holder, and these differences may be enough to want you to choose one over the other.

Key Features

Firstly, the cup holder is made out of 100% recycled materials. If you have a mind for environmental protection and sustainability, then this can be a great way to support recyclable production. The product is also non-toxic, and you won’t have to worry about it containing any BPA, phthalate, PVC, or melamine.


  • Non-toxic
  • Made from recyclable materials


  • Can only be used on the edge of a shelf or table

Best Laundry Detergent Dispenser Buyer’s Guide

If you don’t want to make a mess when doing your laundry, then you’ll need a proper laundry detergent dispenser. Here’s what you should look for when getting one.

What Is a Laundry Detergent Dispenser?

A laundry detergent dispenser is a station or holder that facilitates the dispensation of laundry detergent onto a measuring cup. It usually helps with keeping the bottle and cup stable while also catching any spillage that may occur in the process.

Why Is It Important To Have a Laundry Detergent Dispenser?

It makes doing your laundry much easier

If you have a washing machine at home, then the most difficult part of doing your laundry is probably getting the right amount of detergent for the job. Sure, you can use a cup to more accurately measure the amount needed, but doing so by holding the cup in one hand and the detergent bottle in the other is certainly easier said than done. Let’s be honest: buying in bulk is extremely cost-effective, but the large containers are hard to work with. Even if you have someone else to either pour the detergent or hold the cup for you, you’ll need some coordination to prevent any detergent from spilling or getting the wrong amount in the cup.

A laundry detergent dispenser makes the process of preparing your detergent much, much easier. It holds both the cup and the bottle in place, and all you have to do is wait until the cup has just the right amount of detergent for the job.

It prevents messes

Ironic as it may sound, you can make a mess while doing your laundry, and this usually happens when you spill some detergent on the floor, sink, or machine. Liquid detergent is notoriously difficult to remove, as anything it touches becomes slippery. You’d need towels to properly clean the mess, and it’ll waste minutes of your time. For something as mundane as doing the laundry, that’s not something you really want to happen.

With a laundry detergent dispenser, however, messes are minimized and controlled. Since it holds both the bottle and the cup in place, there won’t be any inaccurate dispensing, and even if you pour too much detergent, the dispensers usually have room to catch the excess detergent without it touching your table or floor. So, instead of cleaning a larger area, all you have to do is wipe the dispenser clean, and everything’s back to normal.

Things To Consider When Buying a Laundry Detergent Dispenser

These tips should help you find a laundry detergent dispenser that suits you well.


The shape of laundry detergent dispensers is pretty important, as it can either make it easier or more difficult to get laundry detergent out of the bottle. While this may seem like the two have no correlation at all, the shape (and, in particular, the angle of the slope) of the dispenser can affect how easily you can dispense the detergent from its bottle.

In many laundry detergent dispensers, there’s an area where you put the detergent bottle in place. This area can either be flat or tilted toward the cup. Flat surfaces are completely fine when the detergent bottle is full, as there’s still plenty of detergent remaining. Once there’s only a little bit left, however, it can become increasingly difficult to get the remaining liquid out.

With a tilted detergent dispenser, however, the story is different. Instead of the remaining detergent settling in the bottle, gravity acts on it, and it’ll move toward the dispenser and cup. This means that you can get every last drop of the dispenser without having to manually tilt the bottle. So, in summary, if you’re looking for a laundry detergent dispenser that holds the bottle in place, look for one that holds it at an angle to take advantage of gravity’s effects.


Laundry detergent dispensers vary in size, and this can be important when you’re using different brands of laundry detergent. While some stations may be able to support some brands, other bottles may be too large for the station to handle, and you’ll have to buy supported brands to adjust. This isn’t an issue when it comes to detergent cup holders, though, so if you’re getting a cup holder, then you shouldn’t really worry too much about compatibility.

Types of Laundry Detergent Dispensers

Dispenser stations

Dispenser stations hold the laundry detergent bottle in place at a certain height. They also have an area to place the detergent cup on. Simply place both the bottle and cup in their appropriate areas, and all you have to do is pour out as much detergent as you need. These stations usually have anti-skid material to prevent the station, bottle, and cup from moving around and causing a mess.

Cup holders

Cup holders are far smaller than dispenser stations, and instead of holding the bottle in place, they’re actually connected to the bottle itself. This means you’ll need little to no space to use the cupholder. However, because the cup holder must be placed below the detergent bottle, it can only be used when the bottle is placed on the edge of a table or shelf.

Best Laundry Detergent Dispensers FAQs

Q: Are laundry detergent dispensers worth it?

A: Laundry detergent dispensers can make it easier for you to prepare the liquid detergent for your laundry and can really make a difference when used regularly.

Q: Should I get a cup holder or a dispenser station?

A: If you don’t have a lot of space, a cup holder is a great choice. If you have an area where you can permanently place your detergent bottle, however, a dispenser station is worth the extra investment.

Q: Can laundry detergent dispensers prevent messes?

A: Laundry detergent dispensers can catch any spillage when pouring out liquid detergent.

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