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Are you looking for ways to declutter your kitchen and maximize the space you have? These 10 storage hacks will help you make the most of the space and keep things organized so you can spend less time struggling to find what you need and more time enjoying your kitchen.

From storage containers that stack to cleverly designed pantry carousels, these hacks are sure to help you regain control of your kitchen and make it easier to find what you need while cooking. If you’re ready to declutter and make the most of your kitchen space, keep reading.

Assess the Situation

It all starts with taking stock of what you have in your kitchen. Evaluate what areas need the most attention and what items tend to pile up quickly. This process can give you a better idea of where to start in terms of storage hacks and will enable you to prioritize the tasks at hand.

Create a Designated Spot for Kitchen Essentials

Designate a certain area or drawer specifically for your must-have kitchen items like oven mitts, utensils, aprons, and cooking tools. Doing this ensures they are always easily accessible when needed and keeps them from cluttering up other areas of your kitchen.

Add Organizers to Cabinets

Storage cabinet pullouts are perfect for storing food items like canned goods, condiments, bottles, and boxes that can easily get lost in the dark depths of your cupboards. This frees up space and makes it easier to find items without having to search through cabinets each time something is needed.

Utilize the Refrigerator Door

Take advantage of the refrigerator door by adding extra storage bins for keeping refrigerated items within reach. This space helps keep things neat and organized while leaving shelves open for other food items inside the refrigerator compartment.

Invest in Under-cabinet Storage Solutions

Cabinet space is limited in most kitchens, but under-cabinet storage solutions offer room for cooking tools, dishes, glassware, utensils, and more. Many come with adjustable shelves to make them fully customizable. Installing kitchen cabinet organizers is especially helpful as they effectively utilize limited space without taking up too much room.

Hang Cooking Utensils

Ditch those bulky utensil holders and take advantage of wall space by hanging kitchen utensils like spatulas, whisks, ladles, spoons, and measuring cups. This solution provides easy access to these items while freeing up countertop and cabinet space for other cooking tasks.

Maximize Countertop Space

Give your countertops a makeover by investing in handy cookbook stands or storage containers that fit nicely into corners or tight spaces. Kitchen organizers, like cutlery trays, also help keep knives and other sharp tools out of harm’s way while freeing up countertops.

Acquire Open Storage Solutions

Open storage solutions, such as shelves or floating shelves, make great additions to any kitchen. This option is perfect for those who prefer their kitchen items on full display.

Use the Space Above the Cabinets

Don’t neglect those spaces above the cabinets. They’re great for storing spices, cookbooks, or baskets filled with miscellaneous items such as tea towels or kitchen towels. You can even hang pot holders if no other space is available for them.

Use the Walls for Additional Storage

Don’t be afraid to add extra storage by mounting hooks onto walls for pot racks or anything else that needs extra hanging space. Magnetic spice racks make great wall mount options, as do floating plant shelves, capable of doubling as easy access for frequently used ingredients and cookware.


Creating a clean, organized, and well-functioning kitchen doesn’t have to be daunting. By following these simple storage hacks, anyone can transform their small or cluttered kitchen into an organized space free from unnecessary clutter. With a little bit of effort and creativity, you’ll be well on your way to having the clean and organized kitchen of your dreams.

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