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The holiday season is upon us, and that means it’s time to start decorating. A great way to get into the holiday spirit is to decorate your home with your family. This can be a fun activity for everyone involved, and it will help create lasting memories. Plus, you’ll have a beautiful home to show!


The holiday season is upon us, and that means it’s time to start decorating. A great way to get into the holiday spirit is to decorate your home with your family. This can be a fun activity for everyone involved, and it will help create lasting memories. Plus, you’ll have a beautiful home to show off to your friends and family when they come over during the holidays. Here are some tips on how to make decorating for the holidays a fun family activity.


There are many different fun decorations for the holidays. One popular decoration is the white Christmas tree. This tree can be decorated with many different colored lights and ornaments. Another popular decoration is the wreath. The wreath can be hung on the door or the wall. It can also be decorated with different colored lights and ornaments.


There are many different ways to get the family involved in decorating. One way is to have each member of the family help decorate and light the tree. Another way is to have each member of the family help make a wreath. Or you could have each member of the family help decorate the house.

Decorating is more fun when everyone is participating. Assign tasks based on each person’s strengths and interests. For example, if your son is good at art, he can help you make homemade snowflakes to hang in the windows. Or if your daughter loves music, she can find festive songs to play while you’re working.


There are many different tips for making the holiday season less stressful. One tip is to plan ahead. This means that you should start planning for the holidays early so that you don’t have to do everything at the last minute. Another tip is to delegate tasks. This means that you should assign tasks to different members of the family so that everyone has something to do and no one is overwhelmed.

Make a plan

Sit down with your family and decide what kind of holiday decorations you want to put up this year. If you’re stuck for ideas, take a look at magazines or search the internet for inspiration. Once you’ve settled on a general theme, you can start making a list of all the things you’ll need to make your vision a reality.

Take your time

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither should your holiday display! Spread out the decorating over several days or even weeks so that it doesn’t feel like too much work at once. Remember, the process is just as important as the end result, so enjoy yourselves and don’t stress too much about getting everything perfect.

Make it special

Personalize your decorations by incorporating items that have sentimental value or special meaning to your family. For example, you could use Grandpa’s old army uniform as part of your Christmas tree decorations or bake Grandma’s famous sugar cookies to hang on the tree (just make sure to eat some while they’re fresh!). These types of decorations will not only look great but will also fill your home with happy memories of holidays past.

Follow the tips above to make sure your family enjoys every step of the process, from coming up with ideas to putting the final touches on your holiday display. And don’t forget to personalize your decorations by incorporating items that have sentimental value or special meaning to your family. These decorations will help bring Christmas magic to your home long after the holiday is over.

The Old House Journal Review Team’s product reviews and in-depth guides are here to help you restore, repair, update, and decorate your home. The content is created by The Old House Journal Review Team. The Old House Journal editorial staff is not involved. Old House Journal is reader-supported: When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. All questions regarding articles or product testing can be sent to

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