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It’s no secret that the pungent aroma and sticky texture of garlic can make the whole process a bit of a hassle. But fear not! The Gourmet Easy Garlic Press is here to save the day. This handy tool takes all the fuss out of mincing garlic, making it effortless to add that distinctive flavor to your cooking. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Gourmet Easy Garlic Press and why it’s the perfect tool for any home cook looking to elevate their culinary creations. So, let’s get started!


Our Score: 4.5

We all know how much flavor garlic can add to our cuisine, but let’s be honest: chopping and mincing garlic can be a difficult and time-consuming task.

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Whether you want to add minced garlic to your pasta, stir-fry, or roasted vegetables, the Gourmet Easy Garlic Press is the perfect kitchen tool for you. With its durable and high-quality stainless steel construction, this garlic press is built to last and can handle even the toughest garlic cloves. One of the standout features of this garlic press is its ergonomic design, which makes it comfortable and easy to use. With this garlic press, you can press garlic cloves quickly and efficiently.

From the Manufacturer

The Gourmet Easy Garlic Press is the ultimate kitchen tool for garlic lovers! Made from food-grade stainless steel, this product features grill holes that ensure a perfect mince or fine crush, giving you the flexibility to choose the texture that suits your needs. The press also has a large chamber that can accommodate multiple garlic cloves at once, saving you time and effort. What’s more, its curved handle is ergonomically designed for easy squeezing, allowing you to crush garlic cloves effortlessly. Unlike other garlic mincers, this one features detachable handles that make cleanup a breeze. And as if that wasn’t enough, this garlic press also comes with a 5-year warranty, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your purchase.

Customer Review

Customers have been blown away by the performance of this garlic press, and one review captures that excitement perfectly. She said, “The problem I had with our old garlic press was the fact you could never apply enough pressure on the garlic clove because the press did not meet the screen surface. The gap just made a mess of most of the garlic clove. This press precisely presses perfectly flush against the screen. There is no flex in the handle. You can can use as much pressure as you need to get the most out of each clove in either a coarse or fine mince. It works best if you remove the skin on the clove.“


  • Rust-resistant stainless steel construction
  • Large peeling chamber
  • Comfortable to use
  • Dishwasher safe


  • May require some force to mince

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Buying Guide: Garlic Press

Garlic is the unsung hero of the culinary world. Its pungent aroma and bold flavor can transform even the most basic of dishes into something unforgettable. But let’s be real: mincing and chopping garlic can be a frustrating task. Sticky and slippery, it always seems to find a way to escape the blade. With a garlic press, though, you can make quick work of garlic cloves and get back to the fun part of cooking – eating! But with so many different garlic presses on the market today, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most important factors one should consider when buying a garlic press so you can easily choose the perfect one for your kitchen.

What to Look for When Buying a Garlic Press


The material of the garlic press affects its durability and longevity. Garlic presses are usually made of stainless steel, aluminum, or plastic. Stainless steel is the most durable and long-lasting option, but it can be more expensive than other materials. Aluminum is more affordable and lightweight but tends to warp over time, which can be frustrating. Plastic is the least durable option, but it’s often cheaper. In addition, the material can also affect the flavor of the garlic. Stainless steel and aluminum are both neutral materials that won’t affect the taste of the garlic, while plastic can sometimes impart a slight plastic taste, which can be undesirable. If you don’t want your culinary masterpiece to taste like a plastic bag, stick with stainless steel or aluminum.


Garlic presses come in different designs, such as handheld, rocker, or lever. Handheld presses are the most common and require manual force to crush the garlic. Rocker presses have a curved blade that is rocked back and forth to crush the garlic. Lever presses have a lever that applies pressure to crush the garlic.

Chamber size

The chamber size determines how many cloves can be crushed at once and how much time is needed to crush them. Some garlic presses have larger chambers than others. If you’re only pressing one clove at a time, then this won’t matter much. But if you plan on making lots of garlic paste or are trying to process multiple cloves, then consider looking for a large chamber that will hold more cloves.

Hole pattern

The hole pattern in the garlic press determines how finely the garlic will be minced. Some presses have larger holes, which produce more juice, while others have smaller holes that create a finer mince. Consider the texture you want to achieve in your dishes and choose a garlic press that matches your preference.

Peeling mechanism

Some garlic presses come with a built-in peeling mechanism that removes the skin from the garlic cloves before crushing. This can save time and effort, especially if you’re crushing a large amount of garlic. However, not all garlic presses have this feature, so consider whether it’s important to you before making a purchase.


The handle is another important feature to consider when choosing a garlic press. Look for a handle that is ergonomic and comfortable to use so that you don’t strain or tire your hand while pressing. It should also have a non-slip grip that provides greater control when using the press.


Just like the handle, you should pay close attention to the weight of a garlic press. A heavier press will usually require more effort to use but may also provide more stability and control during use than lighter models. Consider how often you plan on using your press and choose one with an appropriate weight for easy use and superior performance.

Ease of cleaning

Cleaning a garlic press can be a laborious, tedious process, so it’s important to look for models that make cleaning easier. Some presses are dishwasher safe, while others come with removable press heads that allow you to thoroughly clean the press without making a mess. Additionally, look for models with wide openings that are easy to access and clean with a brush or sponge.

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At Old House Journal, we believe that shopping for quality products shouldn’t be a stressful experience. Whether you’re upgrading kitchen appliances or replacing outdated plumbing, our team of experts can help you find the perfect solution for your home. When reviewing products, our team of experts takes a holistic approach to evaluate the product’s features, benefits, and overall value. We also employ a data-driven approach, using both internal and third-party data sources to make informed decisions about which products are worth your hard-earned money. This way, you can feel confident while making the purchase!

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