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Cleaning hard-to-remove stains and greases can be a real hassle. The dirty parts of sinks, cars, floors, mirrors, and windows where greases have set can easily be cleaned with the help of cleaning vinegar. The acetic acid present in the vinegar makes it a perfect option to cleanse the grime. The vinegar doesn’t only clean the surface but also disinfects that place by killing germs and bacteria. Moreover, vinegar can also remove the foul odor from carpets and clothes. Cleaning vinegar is a must-have in every household. Dozens of options are readily available in the market, and it can be troublesome for people to select the best one. To make this purchase easy for you, we have tested many products and created a list of some great cleaning vinegar.

We’ve also included a buying guide in this article to help you with your purchase.

Best Cleaning Vinegar Worth Considering

Calyptus Cleaning Vinegar

– Best Overall


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The Calyptus concentrated vinegar is nine times stronger than regular vinegar used at home for cooking purposes. This vinegar is highly concentrated and powerful. If the grime is not that tough, then you can dilute it with water. But if the dirt stain is potent, then it is recommended that you use it without diluting it. This cleaner can remove dirt from the floor, carpet, sink, ceramic, and glass. It can also remove odor, limescale, soap scum, and even rust. It can be used to clean cars, boats, and other such vehicles. Be very careful while using it because it can burn; use protective eyewear, or turn your face away when pouring it.


  • The vinegar cleaner is extraordinarily potent and concentrated
  • Apart from cleaning, it also kills weeds


  • This cleaning vinegar is highly-priced

Aunt Fannie’s Cleaning Vinegar

– Runner Up


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This vinegar is both people- and pet-friendly and provides a healthy home cleaning experience. It is a versatile cleaner as it can clean the kitchen, bathroom, food surface, plastic, grout, porcelain, metal, stainless, painted or sealed wood, sealed stone, baseboards, and ceramic. Grime present on any surface can easily be cleaned with this powerful cleaner. The best thing about this vinegar cleaner is that it contains many oils that neutralize the vinegar’s original odor and create a neutral scent. It is safe for use near food, kids, and pets.


  • It tackles greasy, grimy, and sticky messes with vinegar, essential oils, and plant-based cleaners
  • The cleaner is made of 100 percent pure essential oils, which is wonderful for your mood and home


  • The bottle of vinegar may start to leak after some time

HARRIS Cleaning Vinegar

– Honorable Mention


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This is best to be used in the home or garden. It is a highly concentrated vinegar that is nontoxic and also non-harmful. Plus, it doesn’t contain any chemicals or dyes. It can clean patios and driveways and eliminate odors from carpets or laundry.

This vinegar solution is six times more robust than the standard vinegar. It can be diluted by adding water to clean weaker stains. The company even offers a refund if the customer is not satisfied with the product for any reason.


  • It contains no bleach, ammonia, or harmful chemicals
  • It helps in removing soap scum & hard water stains


  • It smells worse than standard vinegar

Natural Armor Cleaning Vinegar

– Also Consider


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This option is six times stronger than the vinegar used for cooking purposes. It removes dirt, lime deposits, soap buildup, and calcium deposits from the refrigerator, grout, walls, drains, shower, dishwasher, doors, grills, oven, and exhaust fans. This cleaning vinegar can further clean outdoor spaces like foundations, fence lines, patios, driveways, edging, pavers, pools, wells, and water systems.

Safe for people, pets, and the environment, this product has been tested by homeowners and agricultural and horticultural professionals. The company will even refund you if the cleaner does not meet your expectations.


  • No foul odor
  • It is also perfect for killing weeds and unnecessary plants


  • The sprayer doesn’t work properly

Bluewater Chemgroup Cleaning Vinegar


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This is a natural and safe vinegar cleaning solution that can be used in place of toxic and expensive cleaning products. It is highly versatile as it is perfect for your home, laundry, car, and in your garden.

It can clear mineral deposits from a steam iron, clean lime deposits, and calcium sludge from drip coffee makers, and clean rust from tools. It neutralizes bad odor and can keep garbage disposals clean and smelling fresh. Moreover, it can remove coffee stains from stained cups and pots, prevent misty spots on glassware, and eliminate cooking odors in the kitchen.


  • It does the job perfectly by cleaning all the dirt and grime
  • This vinegar cleaner is non-toxic and safe to use
  • It is best for cleaning grout haze, windows, and mopping floors


  • The container of this cleaning solution is very leaky

Buying Guide for the Best Cleaning Vinegars

Many cleaning vinegars are accessible on the internet, but it is imperative to choose a cleaning solution that is functional, safe, and easy to use. This is because you do not want to buy a toxic vinegar solution. Furthermore, while choosing a cleaning vinegar that can help you clean every place you wish, there are various aspects to consider.

We’ve considered a set of factors to make this purchase as straightforward as possible for you.

What Are the Key Considerations While Buying a Cleaning Vinegar Solution?


The packaging of the cleaning vinegar is of due importance here as the packing should be of high quality. Some instances have been reported where the packaging of the cleaning bottle was not up to par, which led to leakage of the liquid. You should thoroughly check the bottle of the cleaner before buying it.


The effectiveness of the vinegar solution must be considered before buying it. This is the primary consideration, as the solution must be effective. There are some vinegar solutions whose efficiency decreases with time, so make sure you buy the one that remains efficient throughout its shelf life.


The affordability of a product is something that everybody has to see before purchasing it. Cleaning vinegar solutions come in a variety of price ranges. You should go for the ones that are not too expensive and not too cheap. This is so because the higher-priced ones will be heavy on your pocket, and the cheap ones are ineffective. Aim for the ones in the mid-priced range, as they are cost-friendly and functional at the same time.


The vinegar you buy should be eco-friendly. Some cleaning solutions contain many substances that are not suitable for the environment. Always check the ingredient list before purchasing a vinegar solution.

Which Features Should You Look For?


The cleaning vinegar should minimize the rancid smell of the place where it is being used. The high-quality solutions effectively stop the horrible odor. You should always buy one that stops the smell of the surface where it is being used. This way, the foul smell of trash cans and similar spaces can be decreased.


The strength of the cleaning solution is one feature that should never be compromised. This is because there is no point in purchasing a cleaner if it is not effective. You should look for the ones that are highly concentrated and potent.

Safe to use

The cleaning solution should be safe to use. It should contain no toxic chemicals or dyes. Some companies use bleach and other harmful substances to increase the efficiency of the vinegar solution. This does increase efficiency, but at the same time, it is also awful for health and the environment. Go for the cleaning vinegar that is safe to use and chemical-free.

Killing weeds

The best thing about cleaning vinegar is that it kills the weeds and unnecessary plants present in your outdoor areas. You should buy one that kills weed and cleans places at the same time.

What Are the Benefits of Cleaning Vinegar Solutions?

Cleans toilets

Cleaning vinegar solutions will clean your bathroom like magic. The toilets look fresh and highly clean when they are washed with the help of cleaning vinegar. Moreover, the awful grime of the toilet can also be eliminated.

Removes terrible odor

This is one tremendous benefit of cleaning vinegar. They remove the horrible odor of the place where they are used. They can remove the smell coming from your laundry baskets as well as your trash bins.

Cleans your kitchen

You can clean your kitchen and make it look fantastic by cleaning it with a vinegar solution. The kitchen top, shelves, cabinets, and stove can easily and safely be cleaned with cleaning vinegar.

Removes stains from the floor

Some harsh stains don’t go away, even after intense scrubbing sessions. Those types of floor stains, luckily though, can be removed with the help of cleaning vinegar. The acetic acid present in the solution makes it ideal for cleaning the stains on the floor.

Cleans garden

The places in your garden that contain dirt, grease, or grime can be cleaned with cleaning vinegar in no time and with little effort.

Removes rust from vehicles

Cars become rusty if they are not used much. Such tough rust stains can also be removed by regular use of cleaning vinegar. The vinegar solutions are marvelous as they can help clean rust, color, dirt, grease, or grime from vehicles.

What Is the Price Range of Cleaning Vinegar?

Cleaning vinegar solutions comes in the range of $5-$129. The expensive ones are highly effective, work fast, remove the toughest grease, and have great packaging. On the other hand, cheap ones are less effective, and their packaging is not up to par.

Cleaning Vinegar FAQ

Q: Is it safe to use cleaning vinegar?

A: Yes, it is safe to use cleaning vinegar. You should buy the one that doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or bleach, as it would be the safest one to use. One more thing that should be kept in mind is that you should be careful while using it and keep it away from your eyes.

Q: Are cleaning vinegars worth buying?

A: Yes, they are worth buying, as they clean the toughest of dirt and grease. If you have some places that you want to clean thoroughly, it will be worth buying.

Q: Can I use the vinegar present in my kitchen instead of buying cleaning vinegar?

A: You can use the vinegar present in your kitchen, but it won’t be as effective as cleaning vinegar. This is because cleaning vinegar solutions are much more potent and stronger than regular vinegar. Most of them are six to ten times more powerful than simple cooking vinegar. So, you should be buying cleaning vinegar solutions to remove the hardest grime.

Q: Can cleaning vinegars remove stains from clothes?

A: Yes, they can remove the stain from clothes. You have to place the solution wherever there is a stain and then rub it. Afterward, wash it, and the stain will come out.

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