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When it comes to keeping your house cool and comfortable during the summer months, your air conditioner plays an important role. But like any machine, your AC can become dirty and full of dust, which not only affects its performance but can also be unhealthy for you and your family. Fortunately, you don’t need to call an expensive technician to clean your AC – you can do it yourself with just three easy steps!

In this post, we’ll explain everything you need to know about how to clean an air conditioner. We’ll share step-by-step instructions on how to clean your AC, a list of all the materials you’ll need, and tips on how to keep your AC running efficiently all season long.

Step 1: Preparation

Shut Off the Power

Before starting any project on an air conditioner, shut off all power sources to the unit. This is an important step to take to avoid electric shock or damage to the system.

Gather Necessary Supplies

You will need a few cleaning supplies on hand, such as a mild detergent, soft-bristled brush, hose, vacuum with attachments, and ac coil cleaner. AC coil cleaner is an important item to have on hand as it is formulated to dissolve dirt and grime buildup in the air conditioner coils without damaging them.

Set Up a Drop Cloth

Placing a drop cloth or plastic tarp underneath your air conditioning unit will help protect your floors and catch any dirt or debris that comes loose during your cleaning process. Once you are finished, simply wash the drop cloth or tarp and store it away until the next time you need to use it.

Step 2: Cleaning Your AC Unit

Remove the Grill and Filter

Carefully remove the grill from the unit, ensuring that nothing is damaged in the process. Gently wipe down the grill using a chemical cleaner, making sure you capture all of the built-up grime. Then remove the filter and clear out the trapped dust and debris. If necessary, replace the filter with a new one.

Vacuum and Clean the Interior

Use a vacuum cleaner with attachments to reach into the crevices and other hard-to-reach spots inside your AC unit. This ensures that all of the dust and debris are removed before you use any detergents or cleaning chemicals. Once you have finished vacuuming, scrub the interior of the unit using a soft-bristled brush and mild detergent. Make sure you use an appropriate ac coil cleaner to wipe down the evaporator and condenser coils.

Disconnect and Wash the Drain Tube

Carefully disconnect the drain tube from the main part of the unit and then rinse it out thoroughly with a hose. Make sure to remove any built-up gunk or grime before reconnecting it back onto the unit.

Step 3: Finishing Up

Reassemble the Unit

Once your cleaning is done, make sure to replace all parts back onto the air conditioner where they belong. This includes the drain tube, filter, coils, and grill. Always double-check that everything is secure and attached correctly before reconnecting the ac unit to the power source.

Turn The Power Back On

Once everything is securely reattached to the unit, reconnect it to the power source. Run a system test to ensure that it’s functioning correctly before leaving your AC on for an extended period of time.

Run Your System and Check For Proper Operation

Make sure that all operations are running properly by checking your air conditioner’s settings and temperature sensors. Also, ensure that no unusual noises or smells are coming from your system after using ac coil cleaner or other cleaning chemicals on it.


Cleaning your air conditioner is very important for its performance as well as your family’s health. Fortunately, cleaning your AC doesn’t need to be a difficult task. With just three easy steps, you can make sure that your air conditioner is functioning properly and is free of any unhealthy dust or grime. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long without having to pay expensive technician fees. So take a few minutes to clean your AC today and you’ll surely enjoy the benefits during the hot months ahead!

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