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Are you trying to decide between blinds and curtains for your sliding glass doors? The right window treatment can make a huge difference in the look and feel of your space. And in this post, we’ll discuss the differences between blinds and curtains, as well as the best type of window covering for sliding glass doors.

Whether you want something that adds a touch of luxury or something that’s practical and functional, you’ll find plenty of options to choose from. We’ll cover everything from material types and colors to textures and styles, so you can feel confident when you make your choice.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Window Treatments

Window treatments are an essential component of any space’s décor and functionality. When deciding on the best window treatments, you’ll need to take many factors into consideration, such as size, budget, and purpose. The most common window treatments are either blinds or curtains and both serve the purpose of light control and privacy. Each of these options also has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of Blinds

Blinds are an ideal choice for those seeking a more minimalistic approach to window treatments because they tend to have a smaller footprint in comparison to curtains. They come in a variety of materials, including wood, vinyl, aluminum, and fabric, making them a great addition to any home aesthetic. In addition to offering great insulation benefits like keeping out drafts and regulating temperature, blinds also provide excellent light control by blocking out light when you want total darkness or letting in just the right amount of sunshine when you need some light.

Benefits of Curtains

Curtains provide numerous decorative options including patterned fabric and muted colors that often reflect the style of the home’s interior. Unlike blinds, the billowing drapes of curtains can soften up a room significantly. They create an impressive visual statement that has the ability to instantly transform the look and feel of any room with minimal effort. Curtains also offer insulation properties because the thick fabric layers act as natural insulators which can help keep interior temperatures balanced throughout the year.

Factors To Consider for Sliding Glass Doors

Many overlook sliding glass doors when incorporating window treatments into any given space. But it’s important to remember that they need specialized attention due to their unique shape and design. Light control is especially important for this type of door as it affects more than just one room due to its expansive windowpanes that stretch from floor to ceiling.

You’ll also want to take the sliding glass door’s handles into account as it serves both aesthetic and functional purposes. If it’s broken or outdated it may be necessary to upgrade or replace it with a sliding door handle replacement before installing any new window treatments.

Popular blinds for sliding glass doors include vertical blinds and panel track blinds due to their excellent light control and water-resistant properties that make them ideal for use in damp rooms such as bathrooms or near swimming pools. Vertical blinds give off a very contemporary look with their sleek lines while panel track blinds provide maximum coverage for large sliding glass doors. Not only do these types of window treatments offer insulation against extreme temperatures but they are also easy to operate. Vertical blinds open by simply adjusting the slats while panel track blinds operate similarly but with panels instead of slats.

Curtains make beautiful additions to any sliding glass door due to their diversity in design and material choices. These range from sheer fabrics like voiles or organza that allow low levels of light into the room while still providing privacy or heavier fabrics like velvet or damask that can block out sunlight completely. Curtains will need additional hardware such as brackets or rods that you’ll need to install before hanging drapery fabric across them. This will ensure that no curtains remain secure without sagging over time.


Properly selecting a window treatment for sliding glass doors allows for easy light control along with improved insulation benefits while adding style points on top of everything else. Whether you prefer the simplicity of blinds or the beauty of an elegant curtain, you really can’t go wrong!

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