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Cleaning your bathroom may not be at the top of your list of things you want to do in your free time, but that doesn’t mean it should be ignored. Cleaning your bathroom is often seen as a tedious task, but it doesn’t have to be! With the right tips and techniques, bathroom cleaning can be a breeze.

In this post, we’ll share the top 5 tips for cleaning your bathroom quickly and efficiently. Not only will you save time and energy, but you’ll also be able to enjoy a flawless, fresh-smelling bathroom. Keep these useful tips in mind the next time you’re tackling the dreaded bathroom cleaning and you’ll be surprised at how easy and satisfying it can be.


What to Have on Hand

Before you begin, it’s important to make sure you have all the necessary supplies. You’ll need a general all-purpose bathroom cleaner, glass cleaner, grout cleaner, sponge or scrub brush, cloth or microfiber rag, an old toothbrush, a small bucket filled with warm water, and rubber gloves for protection. You may also want to invest in some cleaning wipes for quick refreshers in between deep cleans.

Prep Work

Moving Items Out

Take everything off of your countertop and shelf and put them in boxes or bins so they will stay together and out of the way while you clean. Put any bath mats that may be in the shower or by the sink outside of the room so they don’t get wet.

Tackling the Toilet

Start by tackling the toilet first, as it is one of the dirtiest surfaces in the room. Put on your gloves and use a toilet brush dipped in your all-purpose cleaner to scrub down the sides of the bowl inside and out. Flush. Then, pour a cup of baking soda into the bowl before flushing it with hot water. Finally, spray a generous amount of toilet cleaner around the rim of the toilet bowl outside and use paper towels to wipe it down until it sparkles!

Scrubbing the Shower

Washing the Walls

Start by spraying down your shower walls with an all-purpose cleaner, and then use an old sponge or scrub brush to scrub away any built-up dirt or soap scum. If any stubborn stains just won’t budge, mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar in a bowl and use it to scrub away stubborn stains.

Cleaning the Tub

Spray down your tub with an all-purpose cleaner, and then use a sponge or cloth rag to wipe away any soap scum. If any tough stains won’t easily come off with just cleaning products, mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar again into a paste-like consistency and apply it directly onto stubborn stains before wiping them away with your cloth or rag.

Refreshing the Grout

Fill a small bucket with warm water and add a few drops of bleach into it before using an old toothbrush to scrub away any mold or mildew growth on your shower grout lines. Make sure to rinse off any bleach residue after scrubbing with clear warm water before continuing to the next step!

Cleaning the Vanity

Wiping the Countertop

Wipe down your vanity countertop with an all-purpose cleaner before drying it off with an absorbent cloth or microfiber rag for maximum shine! If any tough stains won’t come up easily with just cleaning products, mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar into a paste-like consistency again before applying directly onto stubborn stains and wiping away with an absorbent cloth or rag until they disappear!

Polishing Fixtures

Next, take some glass cleaner with an absorbent cloth or rag and wipe down all fixtures, like faucets, drain stoppers, towel holders, etc, until they shine like new!

Cleaning Mirrors

Use glass cleaner once again with an absorbent cloth or rag to wipe down mirrors until they sparkle! It’s important not to overspray glass cleaner directly onto mirrors as this can cause streaks due to too much moisture being applied at once – so the best practice is always to spray onto your cloth before wiping down surfaces instead!

Vacuuming & Mopping

Vacuum up any dust bunnies living underneath cabinets or in corners using attachments, then give the entire floor area a good wipe down to get rid of any excess cleaner.


With these five tips, you can quickly and easily have a sparkling clean bathroom that looks and smells great. Cleaning your bathroom doesn’t have to be difficult and time-consuming, with these tips, you can spend less time cleaning and more time doing the things you love. Taking the time to thoroughly clean your bathroom regularly will not only leave you with a bright and beautiful bathroom but also help ensure it stays that way for as long as possible. So grab your supplies, put on your rubber gloves, and get to work!

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