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Being a homeowner is a great achievement and experience, but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. And one of the biggest responsibilities of all is keeping your home as clean, tidy, and organized as possible.

It’s much nicer to live in a clean and hygienic house, rather than one which is covered in dirt and stains. But what’s the best way to keep your house clean? Well, in this guide, we’ll take a look at five vital household items you need to deal with almost any mess.

Five Essential Cleaning Items for Your Home

  • Broom

Brooms are some of the oldest cleaning items in the world, used throughout history to sweep dirt, dust and debris away, and they’re essential items today. A good quality broom will prove especially useful in your backyard, helping you sweep dirt and weeds away from places like decks, patios and driveways. Brofoms can be useful indoors, too, and are great for sweeping up spillages of things like dog food or powders like flour.

  • Mop

Brooms are good at dealing with loose dirt and dust, but they’re not as effective for liquid spillages or stains on your bathroom and kitchen floor. For those kinds of problems, you’ll need a mop and a bucket to go along with it. Mops are great for wetting the floor and getting rid of stains or marks on the likes of linoleum or laminate tiles.

  • Vacuum cleaner

Of course, no home can be complete without a decent vacuum cleaner. These are some of the most useful cleaning items of all, ideal for sucking up all kinds of dirt and messes, and the great thing about vacuums is that they work on a wide range of surfaces, from hardwood and laminate to rugs and carpets. They’re especially handy if you have lots of carpeted floors, as they can suck dirt and allergens from deep down in the fibers. They come in many different sizes from durable commercial vacuums or small, battery-powered, cordless handheld vacuums. If you want to go the extra mile, you can follow up by cleaning your carpet with carpet shampoo.

  • Tough sponge

Sometimes, you’ll find yourself facing a tough stain in a tricky location, like on a door or on the back of the sofa. For those kinds of situations, it’s useful to have a strong sponge or scour pad. Or, if you can find one, you can opt for a sponge and scour pad all-in-one. These cleaning tools are great for dealing with stubborn messes that need a little physical effort to wipe or scrub away.

  • Spray bottle

Last but not least, we strongly recommend investing in a spray bottle, or ideally a few spray bottles that you can fill up with a range of different cleaners. These bottles are really useful when you want to lightly moisten a stain or mark before rubbing it away with a cloth, rag or sponge. And you can fill them with all kinds of solutions, including homemade vinegar and lemon juice cleansers.

Final Thoughts

So, if you want to keep your home as clean as possible, make sure you invest in each of these essential items. With these cleaning tools by your side, you’ll be able to tackle any stain or mess with ease.

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