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“Home is where the heart is“- Elvis sang many years back, and we cannot agree more. It is not only a place to live but a haven, a comfort zone and a refuge you seek after a long tiring day.

If you are tired of how your living area looks and want a refreshing change, look no more. Transform your living room into a beautiful, comforting space using accessories to upgrade your game and get creative with colors and layout.

Here are some ways you can create stunning spaces that will leave your visitors in awe.

  • Mirrors and lighting

Invest in artwork and mirrors as they uplift your space and serve you in more ways than you can imagine. Being traditional as well as timeless, they create illusions. They reflect light and can make any room feel bigger. It is crucial to place your mirrors and lights in just the right places as both have the power to elevate your space or bring it down. Bad lighting can make any room look flatter. Available in different designs, shapes, and sizes, mirrors add a touch of vintage and class.

  • Decorative tray

A decorative tray not only gives an aesthetic vibe with its vibrant colors but also holds a functional value and can be utilized in multiple ways. Place your candles and sprinkle some rose petals, voila! You have created a warm atmosphere. These trays add a modern touch and come in different sizes and styles. Available in glass, metal, wooden and ceramic material, trays create a focal point and are a perfect addition to your living room.

  • Textiles

When styling your furniture, textiles like cushions, rugs and carpets are on top as they add a statement to the aura of your rooms. You can scatter the cushions, add throws on a chair or sofa or spread a timeless classic rug to amplify the space. An upholstered stool with intricate patterns gives the living room design a modern touch. Get creative and experiment with different textures to make your living space look elegant.

  • Color matching everything

The common mistake we often make while setting up our space is trying to color coordinate everything. Do not be too serious with color palettes. The trick is experimenting with colors to make the room look more lively. Accent colors add drama to your space and are not only limited to walls. It can be used in overall decor, from rugs to pillows to throws. Play boldly with colors to create a harmonious aesthetic theme that is soothing to the eyes.

  • Dried plants

Adding plants to your space can make you feel connected with nature. The rustic look of dried flowers transforms the atmosphere of any place. They are gorgeous, easy to maintain and worth the money. From pampas grass to wreaths to glixia, you can place them in ceramic vases separately or assemble them in a bouquet to have a vintage feel. After pressing them, you can also frame dried flowers and put them on the wall as a decor item. Clean them occasionally to revive their beauty and recycle them when necessary.

  • Personal touch

Adding a personal touch to your living room makes it look more welcoming. If you have kids in your house, this is the right time to imprint their life on walls. You can post their artwork or memorable family pictures. Similarly, if you have a lifelong passion, you can give its touch to your wall decor. For example, if you love reading, you can have a bookshelf that displays your favorite novels, or if you like to paint, you can show your artwork.


Whichever way you want to decorate your living space, the important thing to remember is to have fun. Don’t shy away from experimenting with something new. Trust yourself and enjoy the process of transforming your space from basic to chic with these budget-friendly ideas.

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