To improve your garage, try these DIY tips.
Garage Hacks:
- Car Parking Gauge: Hang a tennis ball from the garage ceiling on a string so the ball touches the windshield of the car when you pull in the proper distance from the garage door and wall.
- Wall Bumper Guard: Use screws to attach a pool noodle to the side wall of the garage to prevent damage to the car door and wall when the door is opened.
- Floor Spill Cleanup: To clean up oil and other spills on the floor of a garage, spread cat litter over the spill to absorb it, then sweep up the cat litter and dispose of it.
Allen Lyle: Because garages serve so many purposes, there are always opportunities to use creative hacks to simplify them.
For example, hanging a tennis ball from the ceiling is a great way to identify the perfect parking spot for the car. Line it up to contact the center of the windshield when the car is ideally positioned to clear the garage door and leave room to walk around.
A pool noodle attached to the side wall of the garage makes a great bumper to prevent damage to the car door if it’s opened into the wall.
Spills of all kinds are common in the garage, but especially oil and other automotive fluids. To clean them up quickly and completely keep a container of cat litter handy. Spread some litter over the spill, then grind it in. The kitty liter will absorb the spill so you sweep it up and dispose of it.
Further Information
- Garage Car Parking Gauge (video)