When most people clean their gutters, they put the ladder close to the house. Then, they pick up and toss out debris — but that may not be the best way to clean gutters.

And one thing’s certain: It’s not the fastest way.

You have to frequently move your ladder down the house as you clean each stretch of the gutter, and the whole process can be time-consuming.

Now, you can extend your reach by using a leaf blower, but you still have to move the ladder frequently.

So, I’m going to show you a way to extend your reach even further. You just need that leaf blower and a length of plastic downspout. You can be the judge of whether it’s the best way to clean gutters.

I took a pair of snips and I cut the end of the downspout, and pinched it close with some duct tape. Doing this creates a little more power and pressure at the end.

Next, you just take the leaf blower, slip it at the end of the downspout, and you can turn it on and blow out the debris. 

How do you like that?

In just a few seconds, you can blow out 8 to 10 feet of gutter — and when it comes to moving that ladder? It’s down to the minimum. Now I just have to move my ladder maybe once and I can clean the entire house’s gutters!

Simple Solution is brought to you by Tite Bond: The Pro’s Advantage.

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Joe Truini

Radio Show Co-Host

Joe Truini is a contractor, author, and the host of “Simple Solutions” on Today’s Homeowner TV and the weekly Today’s Homeowner radio show. He has worked on both large commercial projects and residential remodeling, and has written for national publications such as This Old House and Popular Mechanics. He has also written eight books, including three best-selling shed-building books. Joe lives in Connecticut with his family and enjoys hiking, traveling, and baseball in his spare time.

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