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April 23, 2024

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    In this review, I’m going to show you how to get rid of earwigs and how to treat their entry points into your house. I’ll also guide you through performing your own pest control against these pincher bugs, as they’re often called.

    Read on below and examine some professional products and natural methods that will control earwigs that are known for controlling earwigs and preventing an infestation of them in your house.

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    Types of Earwig Killers

    1. Talstar PL Granules 25-Pounds
    2. Lambdastar UltraCap
    3. D-Fense SC
    4. Delta Dust
    5. Neem Oil
    6. Diatomaceous Earth

    How Earwig Killers Work

    Earwig killers work in different ways depending on the specific product. Some pesticides attack the central nervous system, reproductive system, exoskeleton, tracheae, or digestive system of earwigs. Others absorb moisture from the earwigs’ bodies, killing them through dehydration.

    No matter the method, earwigs must physically contact the earwig killer to be affected. This means earwig killers must be applied where earwigs are located. Granular pesticides and diatomaceous earth should be spread across areas where earwigs feed. Liquid pesticides can be sprayed as a barrier treatment around the home’s foundation and along baseboards. Pesticide dusts work well in wood piles, cracks, crevices, and crawl spaces.

    Are Earwig Killers Effective?

    When used properly, earwig killers are very effective. Some can be combined for a one-two punch, attacking earwigs in different ways. If earwigs evade one killer, the other often gets them. This layered pest control approach maximizes results.

    I suggest doing your research, reading reviews, and possibly even buying and trying more than one type of earwig killer to find the very best one for your situation.

    How to Use Earwig Killers

    Earwig killers are relatively simple to use, though the instructions for each type varies slightly:

    • Apply diatomaceous earth and pesticide dusts to wood piles, cracks, crevices, baseboards, doors, and windows where earwigs enter homes.
    • Granular pesticides and diatomaceous earth should be spread by hand or with a handheld spreader. Focus on areas where earwigs feed on plant material.
    • Liquid pesticides can be sprayed as a continuous barrier around the home’s foundation and along interior baseboards. Pesticide dusts also work well in crawl spaces.

    If you plan on tackling an earwig infestation anytime soon, I suggest reading up on various ways to get rid of them in addition to researching and purchasing the best pesticide.

    Are Earwig Killers Safe for Pets and Kids?

    Modern pesticides are safer than old formulas, but infants have weaker immune systems than adults. The younger the child, the greater the potential risk from pesticides. Children under six years old should be kept away from treatment areas for at least one hour after application.

    Today’s Homeowner Tips

    Natural earwig killers like diatomaceous earth and neem oil pose far fewer toxicity risks, with potential allergies being the main concern. Regardless, always follow label directions carefully.

    How to Choose the Best Earwig Killer

    Choosing the right earwig killer for your infestation makes a great difference in how successful your DIY pest control efforts are. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind while choosing:

    • Earwigs survive cold weather, so choose long-lasting earwig killers that don’t require frequent reapplication.
    • Good earwig killers are moisture-resistant, as earwigs prefer moist areas for laying eggs and hiding. Moisture-sensitive products won’t work as well.
    • Select products that can be evenly applied across areas where earwigs live and travel. Traps only treat small, localized areas and have poor success rates.

    Using Professional Pest Control

    Homeowners lacking the time or ability to self-treat earwig infestations may hire professional pest control companies to eliminate the pests. Experienced pros are familiar with the best treatment methods, products, and application techniques for your situation.

    Pros can also access commercial-grade pesticides not available to the public, providing added effectiveness against severe infestations. However, professional pest control costs considerably more than DIY methods. Expect to pay at least $125 for initial interior and exterior treatments. Regular preventative service averages $35 to $85 per month.

    One-time visit
    This one-time treatment includes an inspection, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up (if needed), costing $150 to $350.
    Monthly service
    Averaging $125 to $300 for an initial visit, this service includes inspections and treatments, costing between $50 to $75
    Annual service
    A recurring service that provides regular inspections and treatments once a year, costing between $125 to $500.

    Preventing Future Earwig Problems

    Along with using earwig killers, follow these tips to deter future infestations:

    • Caulk cracks and crevices where earwigs enter your home.
    • Install door sweeps and screens on windows and vents.
    • Keep your property free of debris piles and dense vegetation that offer prime hiding spots.
    • Reduce moisture sources by fixing leaky pipes, improving drainage, and ventilating damp areas.
    • Use sodium vapor lights instead of mercury vapor lights that attract earwigs.

    So, Are Earwig Killers Worth It?

    For most homeowners dealing with earwig problems, insecticidal earwig killers provide a fast, convenient, and affordable pest control solution. When used properly and safely according to label directions, they quickly knock down existing infestations and provide residual activity to prevent future infestations.

    While natural killers may be safer for families and pets, they usually require more frequent reapplication. Still, combining chemical and natural earwig killers can offer the best of both worlds — killing earwigs quickly while minimizing exposure to harsh toxins.

    Prevention is ideal, but when earwigs invade your home, the right earwig killers can eliminate the pests without breaking your budget.

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    FAQs About Earwig Killers

    How long do earwig killers last?

    Granular and dust earwig killers typically provide one to two months of residual activity. Liquid sprays may last two to four weeks. Nature-based killers have shorter duration, often just days.

    Will earwig killers hurt my garden plants?

    Only apply pesticide earwig killers according to label directions. Some formulas cause plant damage. Natural options like diatomaceous earth and neem oil are low-risk for gardens.

    Can I use earwig killers indoors?

    Most liquid and dust earwig killers are approved for interior use. Take care to avoid contact with food surfaces and children’s areas.

    How do I apply earwig-killer dust?

    Use a hand duster for cracks and voids. For open areas, lightly coat surfaces with a dust layer the thickness of a pencil line. Don’t overapply.

    Are earwigs dangerous to humans?

    Earwigs are not venomous or known to spread diseases. They can inflict painful pinches with pincers if handled roughly. Their presence is merely a nuisance.

    Editorial Contributors
    avatar for Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas

    Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas

    Expert Writer & Reviewer

    Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas is a globetrotting content writer hailing from the USA. With a passion for pest control, he brings a unique perspective to his writing from his early years working for one of the largest pest control companies in America. Throughout his early 20s, Jordan gained valuable experience and knowledge in the field, tackling pest infestations head-on and ensuring the well-being of countless homes.

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    photo of Jeff Zoldy

    Jeff Zoldy

    Jeff is a writer, editor, and marketer based in Charlotte, North Carolina. He has been editing on the Home Solutions team for over a year and is passionate about getting homeowners the information they need when they need it most. When he’s not working, Jeff can be found at baseball games, golfing, going to the gym, reading, watching movies, and playing video games.

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