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May 24, 2024

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    From years of experience in the field, I can attest that few things are as unsettling as the sight of a trail of ants marching through your kitchen or an entire colony taking up residence in your lawn or garden. If all you have on hand is some bleach, you might be surprised to learn that bleach can, in fact, kill and repel ants. 

    If you’re intrigued by the science behind this unconventional approach and are seeking the most efficient methods for vanquishing household ants or repelling outdoor colonies with the help of bleach, read on. (And fear not, we’ll also explore some alternative strategies that pack an even mightier punch against these pesky invaders!)

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    • Bleach can kill all kinds of insects when applied directly.
    • Ants lay different scents down as they travel to a food source and return with the food to the colony, bleach and help eliminate those
    • Diatomaceous Earth is natural alternative to bleach for killing ants.

    Does Bleach Kill Ants?

    In short, yes. Bleach can kill all kinds of insects and ant species when applied directly — including ants. Surprisingly, this question has even been researched and published in a peer-reviewed journal.

    Today’s Homeowner Tips

    However, unlike most pesticides, bleach has no residual killing effects. In other words, as soon as it is dried up the bleach will not kill anything. Bleach must be applied directly to the insect to be effective.

    Bleach likely works by destroying an insect’s waxy exoskeleton, interfering with their ability to breathe, and surrounding them in a chemically hypertonic, high-pH solution that disrupts the water balance in their bodies. In non-science terms, that essentially means that bleach kills insects by massively disrupting the environment they’re in. cells are used to dealing with.

    So, yeah… bleach kills ants. But, it is not the most effective or the most practical way to kill ants. To really get rid of ants for good, hiring an exterminator is the best route to take.

    Does Bleach Repel Ants or Destroy Ant Trails?

    Yes, bleach can repel ants and destroy ant pheromone trails, and is even strong enough to kill cockroaches. “Ant trails” describe the scented pathways that ants lay down as they walk. Ants lay different scents down as they travel to a food source and return with the food to the colony.

    This helps all the other ants find the food, grab a piece, and return to the colony successfully. Since bleach is a powerful household cleaner, these scent trails are no match. Even a highly diluted bleach (such as ½ cup per gallon of water) can easily wipe away any scents that ants lay down.

    While some individual scout ants travel outside the bounds of an ant scent trail, the large majority of ants in a colony are “programmed” to only follow these scent trails.

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    So, if you find a line of ants marching into your home, a little bleach can go a long way in preventing more from following.

    Follow the trail of ants back outside with a bleach-soaked cloth in hand. Wipe across the ant trail, then mop up the rest of the trail that leads into your house. While this won’t kill a colony of ants, it should take them quite a while to find a new path into your home.

    This technique will break up ant scent trails, but bleach itself may also have some repellent properties. Researchers in the study cited above claim that bleach is less repellent than Comet and Pinesol, but more repellent than Formula 409.

    This should be taken with a grain of salt, as this was just one environmental study with many uncontrolled variables. 

    Reasons Not to Use Bleach to Kill Ants

    Bleach is technically able to kill ants and may even have some repellent properties, but is it is by no means the best product on the market for killing or repelling ants if you have an ant problem. Natural products like Diatomaceous Earth (DE) for ants and chemical pesticides Raid are much more effective at killing ants quickly, and both have a residual killing effect that can last for months after the time you apply the product. 

    Besides the fact that bleach is only mildly effective compared to other products, there are a huge number of reasons NOT to use bleach: 

    • Bleach kills any plants it is sprayed on (including your lawn or houseplants!)
    • Bleach can discolor many surfaces – including countertops, hardwood floors, and even concrete
    • Bleach can ruin your clothes if not applied carefully
    • Bleach can kill non-target organisms such as soil bacteria and worms – organisms that are beneficial to your lawn and garden
    • Bleach was not made to kill ants.
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    Alternatives to Bleach for Killing Ants

    There are many alternatives and home remedies that you can use to remove ants from your property, including both natural and synthetic products. Bleach might work, but all of these products will work much better!

    Natural Products

    • Diatomaceous Earth – this dust-like powder is made from the silica shells of tiny marine organisms called “diatoms.” These shells are super sharp, and they work by cutting through an insect’s exoskeleton and slowly leading to dehydration. Simply dust the path ants and using and put some dust on and around the colony and it should die off or move on in a few days.
    • Essential Oils — plant essential oils contain many naturally-occurring chemicals that can kill and repel ants. For example, mint oil, peppermint oil, clove powder, and many other essential oil products have been evaluated as contact toxins against fire ants. While you can buy some of these products directly, some companies specialize in producing natural ant repellents. EcoRaider and Wondercide are both created with a variety of essential oils for repelling many different insect species.

    Synthetic Products

    • Ant Baits — these products are great because they specifically target ants without unleashing toxic pesticides throughout your property and home. The best ant baits work by lacing a tasty ant-treat with a synthetic pesticide, such as spinosad or abamectin. The ants ingest the bait and the insecticide and carry it back to the colony – wiping out the entire colony in a short time. Ant baits are great for long-term ant control. Check out our Terro ant bait review.
    • Ant Sprays — companies like Raid. And Ortho produces spray products that are specifically formulated for ant colonies. Some ant sprays are formulated with pesticides that work over a longer period and can be transferred throughout a colony, while other sprays are formulated to instantly kill any insect they contact nearly immediately. Be sure to pick the spray that is right for you — an ant colony emerging in your kitchen might require immediate action, while a slow trickle of ants from the outdoors can be better managed using a slow-action formula.
    • Ant Granules — there are also many products on the market that package synthetic pesticides into granules that you can broadcast across your lawn. These products work in a similar way to bait-stations in that the ants will carry them back to the colony for consumption. However, these granules are much easier to use over a wider area – such as a lawn or outdoor space.

    Final Thoughts

    While I’ve found that bleach can indeed kill ants on contact and disrupt their scent trails, it’s not the most effective or practical solution I would recommend for tackling ant infestations. The key downside is that bleach has no residual effects, so it only removes the ants it directly touches. It also carries risks that I always caution against, like damaging surfaces, plants, and beneficial organisms.

    In my years of experience, I’ve discovered more targeted ant control products are better suited for persistent problems around the home and yard:

    • Natural options like diatomaceous earth and essential oil sprays provide longer-lasting ant deterrence without resorting to harsh chemicals.
    • Synthetic baits, granules, and sprays containing ant-specific insecticides get to the root of infestations by removing entire colonies over time.

    I know the convenience of using a common household item like bleach is tempting, but I always recommend a multi-pronged approach using proven ant control methods. With some diligence and the right products, you can effectively get unwanted ants out of your space for good.

    Carefully weighing the pros and cons of each method is crucial to making the choice that is most effective and appropriate for your specific situation. Don’t let those pesky ants march any further — take back your home using targeted, low-impact solutions that apply professional know-how. You’ll breathe easier once the ants are gone for good.

    To safelly and effectively get rid of ants, your best bet might be to get professional pest control help.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Here are some frequently asked questions about ants and if bleach or other agents can prevent or kill them.

    Does bleach kill ants immediately?

    Yes, bleach can kill ants immediately upon direct contact. However, it has no residual effects once it dries, so it only kills the ants it directly touches.

    What do you mix bleach with to kill ants?

    You don’t need to mix a bleach solution with anything else to kill ants. The plain liquid bleach is effective at exterminating ants when applied directly. Some people may dilute it slightly with water, but undiluted bleach works best. You can use a spray bottle or just pour it on the surface.

    Does spraying vinegar keep ants away?

    Vinegar can help repel ants to some degree due to its strong smell. However, it is not a reliable long-term solution. Vinegar may temporarily disrupt ant trails, but the effects are short-lived compared to proven ant control products.

    Does baking soda kill ants?

    No, a DIY remedy for killing ants like baking soda alone does not kill ants. However, it can be combined with powdered sugar to make a bait that attracts and kills ants when ingested. The baking soda disrupts the ant’s digestive system once consumed.

    What kills ants immediately?

    While bleach can kill ants immediately on contact, some of the fastest-acting ant killers are synthetic insecticide sprays made specifically for that purpose, such as products containing bifenthrin, permethrin, or deltamethrin. These sprays will kill ants within seconds or minutes of spraying them directly.

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    Gabe Buckley

    Gabe Buckley is a professional science writer with a Bachelor's of Science in Zoology and a Master's of Professional Natural Sciences from Colorado State University.

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    Coty Perry

    Expert Writer & Reviewer

    Coty Perry is a lawn and garden writer for Today’s Homeowner. He focuses on providing homeowners with actionable tips that relate to the “Average Joe” who is looking to achieve a healthier and greener lawn. When he isn’t writing he can almost always be found coaching youth football or on some trail in Pennsylvania in search of the next greatest fishing hole.

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