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If you’ve been dreaming of remodeling your kitchen for a while, now is the time to do it. With just a few carefully considered adjustments, you can transform your kitchen from dull and outdated to sleek and modern. In this post, we’ll discuss five ways to achieve the designer-approved look you’re after. We’ve compiled the top techniques to make your kitchen look like it’s right out of a magazine.

Whether you want to add storage solutions or an eye-catching backsplash, we’ll cover all the essential steps to remodeling your kitchen. Read on to find out how to make your kitchen look like it was designed by a pro.

Overview of Kitchen Remodeling

Remodeling your kitchen can be a daunting task. There are plenty of reasons to take on this project, including increasing the value of your home, making yourself more comfortable, and making your cooking more efficient. Whether it’s a small update or a radical redesign, embarking on a kitchen remodeling journey is an exciting endeavor.

Any kitchen remodeling project can come with a wide variety of benefits. By making changes to your existing space, you can add value to your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers. You can also improve functionality and increase storage capacity. Updating to newer, energy-efficient appliances and fixtures adds value and can help you save money.

Layout and Walls

One of the key elements when undertaking a kitchen remodel is deciding what kind of layout works for your space and lifestyle. Open floor plans are popular for their airy feel but may need additional considerations when installing new cabinets or appliances. A kitchen island is also an excellent way to add more function and storage to your new space. Determining the optimal placement for this piece is essential for ensuring traffic flow, access to cooking areas, and proper seating.

The walls in any kitchen make a huge difference in its aesthetic appeal. When deciding on your wall coverings, keep in mind the color scheme so that it ties everything together nicely. After constructing your wall coverings, it’s time to install cabinets. With the vast array of design options available, be sure to select ones that fit your needs while still having a stylish design appeal.

Countertops and Backsplashes

The range of materials available today for countertops is vast, giving you plenty of choices when selecting countertops for your kitchen remodel project. Consider complementary backsplash tiles that match or offset the material used for countertops with their unique style and texture.

Kitchen Appliances

Choosing the right appliances for your new kitchen is important since many appliances come with different sizes, performance levels, operation methods, and connected features. Efficiency-wise, some models have higher energy ratings than others which can lead to lower electricity bills over time. Many manufacturers have features like timers and thermal protection sensors.

Upgrading your existing appliances when remodeling your kitchen is an excellent way to increase resale value and improve convenience while cooking meals or storing food items. Connected features are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners who want access to their digital devices directly from their appliances.

Kitchen Floors and Storage

The flooring in any given room sets its tone for style and durability. When it comes to kitchens, this is especially true given all activities that take place within them. Popular flooring materials include wood, stone, and tile. When selecting flooring materials, it’s important to consider the material type and finish. Matte finishes do well with high-traffic areas since they provide better protection against wear, while glossy finishes offer more shine but may fade quicker if exposed to sunlight. Choose an option with anti-slip properties to avoid accidents.

As anyone who has ever cooked knows, storage capacity is key. This storage goes beyond simply finding correctly sized units that fit specific spaces. You will need to identify what you need to store in your kitchen and find storage solutions that are functional for you. Wall shelves are a viable option for your island to help free up countertop space.

Smart Home Features

Some projects nowadays add smart home features, such as voice controls, so you can turn on your lights or change the temperature of your kitchen remotely. These features can help you be more productive and monitor your home while you are away. Consider consulting an expert to help you decide which products are right for you.


Remodeling your kitchen is no small task, so it’s critical to ensure you get it right the first time. By considering all the elements involved, such as materials, design aesthetics, appliances, and storage, you can prepare for the process ahead. Having professionals involved can be beneficial, as they can advise and assist you with your remodel. The right design, materials, and tools can help you achieve the designer-approved kitchen of your dreams.

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Founded in 1973, Old House Journal is the original authority when it comes to old-house restoration, traditional house styles, period kitchens, bath & kitchen restoration, DIY projects, gardens & landscaping, and more-- from Colonial and Victorian through Arts & Crafts and Mid-century Modern homes.

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