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Tea is not only a delicious drink but a part of many people’s culture. It is an accompaniment to catching up with old friends or to soothe someone upset or suffering from a cold. For the perfect cup of tea, you could buy tea bags, but if you want to treat yourself to a little more luxury and refinement, you should consider buying a tea infuser.

We have listed the best tea infusers in 2023 below. So make yourself a brew (as the English say) and take a look!

Best Tea Infuser Buying Guide

Things To Consider Before Buying a Tea Infuser

Tea infusers have the same job, but the way they perform that job can differ significantly. For this reason, choosing the best tea infuser can seem like a difficult task. However, if you follow our advice on what features to look for below, you will find your perfect tea infuser in no time!

Size of your tea leaves

Some tea infusers are better suited to large tea leaves and others suited to small. What size tea leaf do you predominantly use? The longer the leaf, the more room it needs to brew.

Extendable sides

Extendable sides allow you to use a variety of different teacup sizes, as do long-sized sides.

Tea ball

Tea balls sometimes open into two semi-circles that you then fill with tea leaves. You then close both sides together, and your tea is in a circular metal cage. The issue with tea balls is that they are difficult to close without spilling some leaves if you fill both sides. Alternatively, you could only fill one semi-circle. This shouldn’t be an issue if you do not like strong tea.

You can also get a tea ball with a top-opening lid. The issue with this type of tea strainer is they are difficult to clean.

Brewing spoon

Brewing spoons were popular in the 1800s. They are large spoons with lids that allow you to stir the tea leaves around your cup and better help them infuse. This is only suitable for small leaf tea.

Tea infuser basket

A tea infuser basket is usually quite spacious and is perfect for large tea leaves. They typically have sides that rest on the cup’s edge.

Silicone tea infuser

Silicone tea infusers work in the same way a tea ball works. However, the nature of the silicone material allows for fun designs, such as diffusers that make it look like a frog, a duck, or a leaf floating in your tea.

Stainless steel

Choose a stainless steel tea infuser. They are easy to clean (depending on their shape) and will not rust.

Extra fine mesh

The extra-fine mesh will prevent any small broken tea leaves from getting into your cup and ruin your drink.


A long chain means you won’t accidentally drop the whole thing in your cup and need to fish it out. It also means you can use a tall cup and still rest the chain on the counter or saucer.

Secure lid

Make sure the tea infuser lid is secure. You might want to buy a screw lid. The most common lid is a latch.

Included saucer

You might want to choose a tea infuser with an included saucer. They usually are much smaller than a tea saucer and will take up less space.

Set of 2

You might like to buy a set of matching tea infusers for when you are entertaining guests. Most locations come in a group of two. However, there are larger sets available if that is what you are looking for.

Twist feature

Some tea balls come with a twist feature that allows you to scoop up the tea and then twist the device to close the lid. This feature equates to a lot less mess in the kitchen.

Non-slip grip

If you choose a tea infuser with a stick rather than a chain, make sure it has a comfortable handle. Dropping a tea infuser can cause a huge mess!


You might prefer a tea mug which is a travel mug with a built-in tea infuser. You may also prefer an infuser teapot – yes, you’ve guessed it, a teapot with a built-in tea infuser.

Tea Infuser Price Range

You can buy a small but practical tea infuser for as little as $5. However, some tea infusers can cost as much as $25. A teapot with a built-in tea infuser can cost up to $100, as can a tea mug. For a good tea infuser that will not leak and is durable, you don’t need to pay more than $15.

How We Choose the Best Tea Infuser

We chose the best tea infusers based on how well the tea infuses with the water in a certain amount of time. In addition, we judged how lid security and how many tea leaves escape into your cup or onto the counter.
We also based our recommendations on how much tea the infuser could hold. We used customer reviews to judge the long-term durability of the tea infuser, and we compared the overall quality of the product to the price.

What Are the Best Tea Infusers?

House Again Tea Ball Infuser

– Best Overall


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The House Again Tea Ball Infuser comes as an individual product, a set of 2, or a set of 2 with an additional spoon. Its screw lid with threaded connection design makes it easy to fill and use this diffuser without spilling tea everywhere. The extra-fine mesh on the stainless steel infuser cup effectively prevents any tea leaves from entering your water. There is a small hook on the end of the chain, which is a defense against the chain falling entirely into the cup. This product is classed as food-grade safe and can be used long-term without contaminating your drinks.


  • Stainless steel fine mesh
  • Secure screw lid
  • Hook on the end of a chain
  • Certified food-grade safe
  • Available in a set


  • The holes in the lid are larger than the mesh sides, making the tea leaves’ minimum size larger

OXO Brew Twisting Ball Tea Infuser

– Runner Up


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The OXO Ball Twisting Ball Tea Infuser is made from stainless steel. It has a straight handle with a comfortable grip. The handle twists to open and close the ball, so you can easily scoop up the tea and close the ball with minimal spillage. The stiff handle, rather than a chain, makes the ball tea infuser easy to stir to allow the tea to infuse better. In addition, this product is dishwasher and safe for your health as it is BPA-free.


  • Made from durable stainless steel
  • Convenient twist-action closes the ball
  • The straight handle allows for stirring
  • Dishwasher safe


  • This product is not suitable for extremely fine loose tea

LEVLOVS 3 Pack Snap Ball Tea Strainer

– Honorable Mention


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The LEVLOVS 3 Pack Snap Ball Tea Strainer is a great addition to your tea set, especially if you often entertain more than one guest at a time. This ball tea infuser is made from durable stainless steel and has a spring-type action that allows you to open the ball when you squeeze it. Releasing the pressure on the handle causes the tea ball to close again. This tea infuser holds 3 ounces of tea – the perfect amount for a perfect cup of tea.


  • Set of 3 tea infusers
  • Squeeze to open and let go to close the ball – no latches
  • Made from stainless steel
  • Handle means you can stir like a spoon


  • Squeezing action needed to open the ball might be difficult for those with arthritis

OTOTO Tea Infuser

– Also Consider


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The OTOTO Tea Infuser is the cutest way to steep your tea this winter. The adorable “Baby Nessie“ design is a little blue, red, or green Loch Ness Monster that can add a little playfulness to your tea time or give as a gift to your favorite tea connoisseur. But its cuteness is not all it’s good for; this tea infuser brings out all the wonderful flavors of your loose leaf teas. The smart design of Nessie means you can use the neck of the “monster“ to lift the infuser out of your tea once you’re done with it!

This tea infuser is compatible with loose leaf tea, powdered tea, fine ground tea, and herbal infusions as well. Once you’re done using it, simply discard the leaves, rinse out the infuser, and leave it to dry for your next use. You can wash it with some dish soap and water or throw it in the dishwasher for a more thorough scrub.


  • Works with all kinds of teas
  • Easy to clean
  • Great gift for tea lovers


  • Too large for finer teas

People Also Asked

Q: How many tea leaves should I put in a tea infuser?

A: The amount of tea leaves you place in a tea infuser depends on how strong you like your tea. Usually, the amount of tea recommended for use in a tea infuser will be written on the packaging of your tea. However, as a general rule, you should use about one teaspoon of tea per teacup of water.

Q: Does tea become stronger the longer it is steeped?

A: Yes, the tea does become stronger the longer it is steeped. The longer it is brewed, the more tannins and caffeine are released into the water. As a result, the flavor becomes stronger too.

Q: Is it safe to eat tea leaves?

A: Yes, it is safe to eat tea leaves. However, people usually choose not to because they do not have a nice texture and a less appealing flavor when chewed.

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