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Are you looking to upgrade the look and feel of your living room? Beyond costly renovations, a sectional couch is the simplest way to increase the style and utility of your space. As one of the latest home furniture trends, sectional couches have many reasons to be your next home purchase.

Sectional couches allow for more seating in the same amount of space, so you can have more guests over. These couches provide a comfortable and cozy place for you and your family to hang out, talk, play, and watch TV. Their softness makes them the favorite spot of many house pets as well.

Sectional couches are a major investment, though, so make sure to buy the right one. Take a look at this list of the top sectional couches if you’re looking to purchase a new piece of furniture.

Buying Guide: Sectional Couches

The sectional couch you buy will have a direct and noticeable impact on your living room experience. Getting the right one can be the difference between your whole family enjoying the living room together, and no one wanting to sit there.

Considering this, you should put serious thought into your couch purchasing decision. Luckily, all you have to do is evaluate each viable option for the following attributes, and you’ll find the ideal sectional couch in no time. Let’s get started.


Before you think about anything else, figure out the exact size you need, as it will narrow down the options drastically. How many people are in your family? How many of them will use the couch? Do you expect guests on a regular basis? Ask yourself these and other similar questions, as the answers will guide you forward.

For example, say there are only two people that live in your home, you and your partner. In that case, a three-seater should be more than enough. A loveseat sectional couch might be tempting, but it’s nice to have some extra room. A sectional couch that accommodates up to five people is a must for larger families with three or more children.

Available space

Now that you have a clear number of seats in mind, it’s time to look in the other direction and see if you even have enough space for the couch you want. Before you worry too much, remember that these are sectional couches, and many of them can be moved around and reconfigured to fit your needs.

So before you even start looking online, measure the space you have. Find couches that fit this space or the ones that can be sectioned to fit. Be diligent with these measurements, as a single mishap can set you back.


The next major evaluation is the materials used in the construction of couches, and several items are to consider.


The frame is like the skeleton of the couch. It will hold everything together, and the longevity of your couch entirely depends on it. Things like upholstery and padding can be repaired to some degree, even if they fall apart after years of use. The frame, on the other hand, is a hassle to fix, if it’s even possible.

So, your ideal choice is to go with a couch that has a solid wooden frame. Not all solid wood is created equal, though, so consider the exact type of wood used as well.


The most obvious choice for upholstery material is high-end polyester. It is super soft to the touch, feels amazing on your skin, and is pretty resistant to wear and tear. Quality polyester can withstand years of use without any complaints.

Polyester isn’t the only option, though; you can also go for exotic materials like velvet or faux leather. Both of these have their pros and cons and are equally valid. For example, velvet is shiny and luxurious, while faux leather is cozy and comfortable.


The material used for cushion padding in your sectional couch is the key to long-term comfort, and there are plenty to choose from. The high-density foam seems to be the most popular option, and it is easy to see why. It isn’t very expensive, and it is quite comfortable.

Other padding materials like wool, cotton, and down are viable as well, just not very practical.


The practical side of choosing a sectional couch is all done, so it’s time to decide its appearance. What color should the couch be? The answer to this depends on two factors. The first is purely based on looks. For example, a light blue couch would look incredible in a living room that’s mostly white. Alternatively, a light gray couch is perfect for a living room with black walls.

The other way of choosing color is with a semi-practical lens. For example, a white sectional couch would look incredible, but for how long? It will gather a lot of dust, and most of that dust will turn into hard-to-remove stains.

As for the exact design, try to keep it simple. Stay clear of spirals and angles. Also, too many cushions or removable sections will become a hassle.

Additional Features

These features are not essential for your next sectional couch, but they’re nice to have.

Included storage

Many modern sectional couches have a dedicated storage space right underneath the seats. This storage can be used for everything from spare cushions to snacks.

Machine washability

The time will come when you’ll have to wash your massive sectional couch, and doing it manually might be a pain. In other words, having a sectional couch with removable covers that you can throw in the washer is a nice perk.

Best Sectional Couches Worth Considering

Rivet Revolve Sectional Couch

– Best Overall


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This Rivet Revolve Sectional Couch is a prime example of what these sofas should be like. It excels in every aspect and sets a high bar for everything. It is a three-person couch with one of the sides extended into a comfortable chaise. You can also move this lengthened piece to either side, depending on your room layout. This modular design is supported by a solid wooden frame that is crafted with precision and fitted together with high-quality standards to ensure a long lifespan.

On top of this wooden frame is polyester upholstery. This upholstery is responsible for both the look and feel of this couch, and it excels at both. The design of this couch is simple with straight lines, and it looks incredible in most modern homes. It’s also quite comfortable to sit on, thanks to generous padding and soft polyester upholstery. This mix of style, comfort, and a good price makes this choice the top pick on this list.


  • Sturdy, long-lasting wooden frame
  • Takes only 15 minutes to assemble
  • Fits the vibe of most modern homes


  • Can feel cramped with three people

Honbay Sectional Couch

– Ingenious Design


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This Honbay Sectional Couch boasts of the most well-engineered designs on this list. For starters, it is an L sofa with a reversible layout. In other words, you can put the extended section on either side, depending on your room layout. That’s not all, though, as every seat is also a storage container. Each seat has a hinge on one side and a handle on the other. Opening it reveals a large storage space that can be used for anything from cushions to books and board games, helping you keep the room tidy.

The overall design and construction of this couch are nothing to scoff at either. Its solid wood frame is strong enough to withstand years of regular use with ease. Even the polyester upholstery is durable and long-lasting. The best part about its design, however, is the fresh blue color. It’s not vibrant enough to clash with anything around it but still brings plenty of color and liveliness to your living room.


  • Super comfortable to sit on
  • Includes storage under each seat
  • Gorgeous, eye-catching color


  • A bit too large for many homes

Poundex Sectional Couch

– Gorgeous Aesthetics


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This Poundex Sectional Couch is gorgeous to look at. Its design isn’t overly colorful or full of eye-catching patterns. Nor is its shape something super complex. Instead, the secret behind this couch’s fantastic looks is a solid grasp of the fundamentals. For example, the gray color of this couch is a perfect balance between the dark and dingy vibes of black and the hard-to-clean, sophisticated look of white. Even the textures of the linen-like polyester used for its upholstery further add to its industry-leading looks.

Even if you don’t care about the looks, this couch is still worth your consideration. The overall quality here is excellent, and the cushion padding is comfortable. You will have a comfortable and cozy time sitting in it. It also comes with a matching ottoman that doubles as a coffee table.


  • Nailhead accent looks incredible
  • Super comfortable for daily use
  • Tufted seat and back for longer lifespan
  • Soft to the touch


  • Nailheads can get dull over time

Mr. Kate Winston Sectional Couch

– Accent Piece


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The Mr. Kate Winston Sectional Couch has the most striking appearance of any option on this list. On top of being an excellent and comfortable couch, it’s also a piece of modern art meant to decorate your living area. The biggest factor for its attention-grabbing looks is the vibrant blue color that stands out even in the most colorful home. This blue color is then further exaggerated by the shiny velvet upholstery. The last key contributor to its aesthetic is the rounded corners that give this couch a very cute and welcoming look.

Excellent aesthetics are not the only thing going for this sectional couch, either. Its solid wood legs can support this couch with ease, while the velvet upholstery keeps everything together on the top. The best part about this couch is that the vibrancy of its color will more or less stay the same over time.


  • Attention-grabbing vibrant blue color
  • Bubbly, cute rounded cushions
  • Durable wooden legs offer long-term support
  • Can be assembled quickly


  • Too vibrant for some homes

Beverly Fine Furniture Sectional Couch

– Most Comfortable


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If your main concern when looking for a sectional couch is comfort, this Beverly Fine Furniture Sectional Couch is the ideal choice for you. Its magic lies in the combination of faux leather upholstery and super comfortable padding. The surface feels soft while the padding just sinks in under your weight, making you feel cozy and relaxed. It is also quite a large couch with enough space for up to five people, so you can use it to lay down and relax your legs as well. The included toll pillows can help in that regard as well.

This faux leather upholstery isn’t just for looks either. It contributes to the incredible durability and longevity of this couch as well. It’s also super easy to clean with nothing but a wet paper towel. The included ottoman also opens up to reveal a lot of storage that can be used for included pillows or other items like living room blankets.


  • Faux leather looks great
  • Super durable in the long run
  • Extremely comfortable padding
  • Included ottoman has storage space built-in


  • Takes time to put together

LINSY HOME Convertible Sectional Couch

– Ergonomic Design


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Decorate your house in style with the LINSY HOME Convertible Sectional Couch. The ergonomic design provides excellent comfort to you and your family, with the 103-degree ideal angle for your back, three-stage support for your waist, back, and head, and even a 19-inch seat depth. The cushions include 28d high-density foam to make your nap the most comfortable and cozy it can be.

The two removable headrests can be removed or adjusted for better neck and head support for all your couch sleepers or extended movie watchers out there. The armrest pillows are soft, fluffy, and perfect for dozing off on after a long day at work. Two built-in USB ports also allow you to charge your phone while enjoying TV or talking to your loved ones on this couch.


  • Ergonomic design great for neck pain
  • USB ports allow phones to charge
  • Great for naps


  • Small for a big family

People Also Asked

Q: How long should a sectional last?

A: A quality sectional couch should last anywhere between seven and fifteen years. This number can change depending on factors like the frequency of use.

Q: How do I access under-seat storage on my sectional couch?

A: Find the connected strap/handle and lift it up. The other side is usually a large hinge, and it will likely be able to stay open on its own.

Q: How can I clean my sectional couch?

A: Depending on the material, you can clean a sectional couch with a light dusting or a clean wet rag.

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