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Our Score: 4.4

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Himalayan pink salt is an amazing natural resource that has many beneficial properties. Its signature pink hue is derived from the natural mineral content, and it provides a slew of health benefits. With the Pure Daily Himalayan Pink Salt Diffuser, you can enjoy the benefits of this salt from the comfort of your own home. This unique diffuser sends a fine mist of moisture into the air, creating an environment that is filled with the therapeutic effects of this natural resource.This product is an effective blend of both aromatherapy and ionic salt therapy that provides buyers with fantastic results. The efficient design of the device and the essential oils included make it easy to enjoy the benefits of diffusing at home.

From the Manufacturer

The Pure Daily Himalayan Pink Salt Diffuser is the perfect wellness device for those who want a natural solution to improve their health and well-being. This 2-in-1 device is capable of delivering two natural healing therapies, aromatherapy, and ionic salt therapy, into one simple and compact device. The aromatherapy aspect of this device utilizes an ultrasonic diffuser to atomize essential oils and provide powerful therapeutic effects. Working without heat, it preserves the integrity and original therapeutic properties of the oils. The ten essential plant oils included are lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree, orange, peppermint, lemongrass, jasmine, nutmeg, clove, and spearmint. All of the oils are therapeutic grade, with no additives or cheap filler oils added. They come in amber jars to protect them from sun degradation. Also, this device contains unprocessed, raw Himalayan pink salt crystals, which can act as a natural source of air purification and ionization for easier and healthier breathing. The neat, compact design of this device ensures that it easily fits in any space while still providing a sense of peaceful ambiance to it. The built-in ambient lighting settings produce a soft glow to create a relaxed atmosphere.

Customer Review

Many customers have been raving about how happy they are with their purchase. One customer left the following review: “I wanted a diffuser for my living room – something nice to place by the front door. After reading the reviews, I decided to order this one, and I’m happy I did. The units works great and the mist last almost a full day (only pushing the button one time). I have received several approving compliments on the salt rocks when lit. The oils are also fragrant and provides scent throughout the room. Definitely worth the money.“


  • Automatically turns off without water
  • Children- and adult-friendly
  • Quiet and smooth operation
  • Includes starter essential oil scents


  • Provided scents are fairly basic and not strong

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Himalayan Pink Salt Diffuser: A Buyer’s Guide

When shopping for a Himalayan pink salt diffuser, there are many factors to consider – from price and size to performance and quality of the salt. This buyer’s guide outlines what you should take into account when selecting a salt diffuser for your home.


The cost of a Himalayan pink salt diffuser will vary depending on the size, type, design, and amount of salt included. Generally speaking, larger models that create more of a “mist“ rather than a lamp will be more expensive. Consider your budget when making your purchase decision.


Himalayan pink salt diffusers come in multiple sizes and shapes, ranging from tabletop models to wall-mounted options. Generally speaking, the larger the diffuser is, the more area it can cover in terms of room coverage. Make sure to consider how much space you have available before purchasing a specific size or shape.


Himalayan pink salt diffusers come in several types: lamps, candles, and beakers. A lamp requires an electrical outlet to function, while a candle requires fuel such as oil or wax to light up. Beaker diffusers are large vases that use water instead of oil and usually require an electrical outlet as well. Consider which type best fits your home environment before making your purchase decision.


The design of a Himalayan pink salt diffuser is often a reflection of its aesthetic appeal. From sleek and modern designs to intricate pieces with ornate designs, there are plenty of options to choose from. Keep your home décor in mind when making your selection so that the diffuser complements its surroundings. While selecting one with an attractive design, consider also its overall functionality since some models may look great but don’t perform very well due to their design being too simplistic or minimalist.

Amount of Salt Included

Salt is an essential element when it comes to a Himalayan pink salt diffuser since it’s what helps emit negative ions into the air. Some models include more salt than others, so if you’re looking for a long-term solution or regular use, consider one with more salt included. Keep in mind that you may need to replenish your supply every few months, depending on how often you use the diffuser.


The performance of a Himalayan pink salt diffuser is largely determined by how well it can vaporize water in order to create negative ions in the air, which help purify them from allergens and pollutants. Look for models that feature high-performance heating elements that can generate more power for better performance.


Durability is another important factor when choosing a Himalayan pink salt diffuser since it will likely get frequent use over time. Look for models with sturdy construction and solid materials that can withstand wear and tear over time without any issues such as cracking or breaking down completely.

Quality of Himalayan Salt Used

The quality of Himalayan pink salt used by each manufacturer in their products can vary significantly. Ensure that you select a product from a reputable brand that has good feedback from satisfied customers, mentioning its quality openly. Also, check reviews online before making your purchase so that you can make informed decisions based on real customer feedback.

Why Trust Us?

At Old House Journal, our team is dedicated to only bringing you the highest-quality products in the market. All the products are thoroughly evaluated and their pros and cons are weighed out. Our goal is to provide you with accurate information so that you can make an informed decision when it comes to purchasing products online. We believe in getting value for the price that you pay, which is why we only recommend products that are reviewed positively by previous customers. While reading our reviews, you can rest assured that all the information is accurate and reliable. Follow the tips mentioned to find a product that meets your specific requirements.

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