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Have you ever tried to grab a hot pan with bare hands, shrieked in agony, and dropped all the food on the floor? Rest assured, you’re not the only one and that’s exactly why pot holders are a wondrous invention all chefs swear by. With the best pot holders, you can make your adventures in the kitchen much safer and pain-free!

As a highly useful buffer between your skin and the inglorious temperature of your oven, there’s no denying that a pot holder is a necessary kitchen item. Whether you’re fond of baking, grilling, or cooking full-fledged meals, going without one is never a good idea. That’s simply because it’s very easy to accidentally touch something that can bruise your hands.

Here Are the Best Pot Holder

Ritz Pot Holder

– Best Overall


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This pot holder is made of terry cloth cotton instead of flat fabric that doesn’t provide great insulation against heated materials. The reason why it’s on the list is that the quality of the cloth is far superior to most varieties available online. The product comes in a subtle latte color and dimensions of 8.5 x 8.25 x 0.25.

Its towel-like texture doesn’t let the heat penetrate quickly which is why you won’t have to rush right to the counter after grabbing the hot baking sheet. Moreover, you can use these pot holders to keep the hot bottoms of your pans from ruining the kitchen counter. Also, you can easily wash and dry these in the machine. With such promising features and company claims, it doesn’t seem like these will succumb to wear and tear for a long time.


  • The Ritz Royal Pot Holder is made with looped fabric that is much more resistant to heat than single-layered alternatives
  • There is a tiny loop at one corner of each pot holder so you can hang them anywhere in the kitchen
  • These pot holders have 4.6 out of 5 stars through user-generated reviews on Amazon


  • The stitching around the edges should be more refined

Risa Pot Holder

– Most Versatile


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The Risa Pot Holder is an excellent set for any kitchen. The mitts are made of food-safe silicone that protects hands from hot handles and fits a wide range of hand sizes. Their honeycomb design provides even more protection while added loops allow for easy hanging. The mitts are also dishwasher safe, making it even easier to keep them in good condition. These mitts are practical, functional, and provide great protection for cooks’ hands.

With their simple design, they do not detract from the look of a kitchen but rather enhance it with bright colors. This set allows users to customize their look with a wide range of color options. Wherever there is any hot food or material involved, the silicone oven mitts and pot holders from Risa will make any cooking experience safe and secure.


  • Customizable look
  • Lots of color options
  • Honeycomb design


  • Little pricey

Lifaith Pot Holder

– Runner Up


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These potholders from Lifaith are made with 100% terry cotton which is an excellent choice for dealing with hot items in the kitchen. You can buy these in a set or alone, regardless, they will be a welcome addition to your space. The measurements are 7 “ by 7 “ which is a pretty decent size to grab onto larger hot materials. Rest assured, you’ll be able to remove practically anything, be it from the stove or the oven.

The best part is that there is a Silverstone lining on one side which provides greater heat resistance. A hanging loop is also included in each pot holder so you can hang it near your utensils for quick access. Alternatively, you can even place heated pots and pans on these to protect kitchen surfaces. Moreover, these are 100% safe to wash and dry in the machine, thus, eliminating the need for handwashing.


  • The quilted lining ensures that the pot holders are great for holding onto things, limit dropping hazards, and enable greater flexibility
  • These pot holders have 4.6 out of 5 stars through user-generated reviews on Amazon
  • The seams are sturdy enough to sustain the overall shape


  • The rims are prone to melting

HOMWE Pot Holder

– Honorable Mention


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Homwe’s silicone pot holders put up a hefty fight against the heat. They are resistant up to a whopping 450 F which is more than what many other alternatives can claim. These are lined on the inside with cotton which ensures that you don’t get a rash while wearing them for a long time. The long length and convenient design can also protect your arm hair from unintended exposures to flame.

Most importantly, the silicone exterior ensures that no amount of moisture can seep through to make their heat resistance less tough. Safe to say, you can rely on these for a sturdy grip as the oven mitts have been designed to reduce slips. With an eco-friendly BPA material and machine washable features, HOMWE’s pot holders are undeniably the best among most varieties in the market today.


  • The non-slip texture allows you to worry less about dropping things and more about the cooking great meals
  • Their non-fabric exterior is not susceptible to wear and tear
  • These pot holders have a whopping 4.8 out of 5 stars through user-generated reviews on Amazon


  • They can be hard to wear for people who have sweaty palms

DII Pot Holder

– Also Consider


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The DII 6112 Quilted pot holder has a 100% cotton fabric with internal padding that adds to its overall heat resistance. The product offers protection for up to 400 F making it suitable for handling dishes coming out of the oven. Thus, these are perfectly safe for moving all sorts of hot things around in the kitchen.

You can also use these as hot pads to protect kitchen surfaces from the bottom of heated utensils. For those fond of cooking, DII pot holders are a great option to evade burns and spills. The exterior is skid-free and the overall quality is pretty durable. You can choose from a long list of different colors that are machine wash and dryer safe.


  • The corner loop allows users to hang them against the wall
  • These pot holders have 4.6 out of 5 stars through user-generated reviews on Amazon


  • They are a bit pricey compared to other pot holder varieties

Buying Guide for the Best Pot Holders

Potholders serve a significant purpose in the kitchen which is why they should be at the top of your buying list. Cooking food is no easy feat. After all, there is a tonne of sweat, cutting, and stirring involved. If you accidentally end up burning yourself, the damage can ruin the entire day and perhaps even keep you away from cooking a home-cooked meal for some time.

As a health nut who doesn’t like to order from restaurants or just someone who’s trying to lose weight, compromising your hand to a flare-up is nothing short of a nightmare. Needless to say, the best pot holder doesn’t come as a result of rocket science.

Why Buying a Pair of Potholders Is Never a Bad Idea

There isn’t a single person on the planet with a viable reason as to why you shouldn’t buy potholders. For anyone who finds themselves in front of a grill, stove, or oven even for an hour a day, you have plenty of reasons to invest in this handy invention. Rest assured, there are zero drawbacks to such a purchase.

Easy cooking

While pot holders can’t exactly make you cook delicious meals, they can certainly take the edge off. The faster you make food, the better it is. You get to spend more time with your family or watch your favorite shows on Netflix. So, when you’re not worrying about burning yourself, quick meal prep can be possible!

Kitchen aesthetic

Have you seen two pot holders hanging from the wall in a cute little kitchen that reminds you of your grandmother’s baking? If you’re obsessed with warm kitchen vibes, pot holders can be just what you need to quench your desire for vintage aesthetics.

Baking essential

You might be able to make do with a piece of cloth when cooking on the stove, but baking requires pot holders without question. Making pizza or baking a cake can skyrocket your oven’s temperature to over 200 C sometimes. This is no way near how hot toasted bread is! Plus, regular cloth alternatives can lead to slippage which can ruin hours of effort in just a few seconds.

How To Buy the Best Potholders for Your Kitchen

1. Material

Without the right kind of material, pot holders can be as good as useful. Verily, you must keep an eye out for cotton or preferably silicone. The latter is the best, although it can be a little more pricey than usual. However, your safety shouldn’t see any compromises. Make sure you read the product description to find out the level of insulation protection being offered.

2. Padding/Thickness/Layering

A single layer or fabric – quilted or not – can’t possibly protect you from elevated temperatures. There are a lot of potholder varieties out there with double lining or insulation paddings. These ensure that you can comfortably move hot items from one corner of the room to the other.

3. Wearability

When it comes to glove-shaped pot holders, the first thing you ask yourself is whether you see yourself wearing them comfortably. Not all products are breathable which makes it incredibly hard to use them in the first place. If your palms get irritated easily, it’s always better to go with an option that has a smooth inner lining.

4. Machine washable

Spending unnecessary time in the kitchen is something everyone likes to avoid. Plus, your kitchen items should not be contributing to unreasonable handwashing loads. Many people make the mistake of buying potholders that can’t be cleaned inside the machine so don’t fall prey to similar traps. While it may seem easy, you’ll be surprised by how often your potholders get dirty. Washing them every 4 to 5 days will definitely seem like a crime after the first month.


Potholders are one of those things you shouldn’t go all out on. Yes, they’re important but are they worth a fraction of your savings? Absolutely not! You don’t even need expensive pot holders to begin with. The best brands on the market charge a very reasonable amount. So, anything extravagantly high is simply unjustified.

Pot Holder FAQ

Q: Should I buy silicone pot holders instead of cotton?

A: The great thing about silicone pot holders is that they offer much more than just heat insulation. Their texture is more slip-free allowing you to grip hot things tightly. However, silicone varieties aren’t always better, unless they’re lined with fabric that ups their heat resistance.

Q: What is the cheapest pot holder in the market?

A: Cheap pot holders can be anywhere less than $10. However, if you’ve got your eyes on something that’s $2, chances are, it isn’t worth your money.

Q: Can I use a washcloth instead of a pot holder?

A: Using a washing cloth as a replacement for pot holders is a bad idea and a massive disaster waiting to happen. This is because this makeshift alternative is often very thin and sometimes even slippery which is why it’s not worth the risk at all.

Q: Can I wash my pot holders with hot water?

A: Most pot holders should be washed with cold or room-temperature water. So, unless the product instructions say otherwise, it’s better not to experiment.

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