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Memory foam has been around for a while, yet it never fails to amaze people. It surely feels great on the skin. Whether you lie on a memory foam bed or set your head on a memory foam pillow, the experience is nothing short of amazing. Because of this, it’s no surprise that memory foam bath rugs exist. The best memory foam bath rugs will make leaving the shower feel so much more satisfying.

Memory foam rugs can be used all throughout the house, but having them right outside your shower is great. The rug not only dries your feet but does so in the most comfortable way possible. We’ve searched the internet and found five ideal picks for your bathroom. Here are our top five memory foam bath rugs.

Comparing the Best Memory Foam Bath Rugs

Buganda Memory Foam Bath Rug

– Best Overall


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People who own bathtubs are also likely to own long bath rugs. This is because since you can exit the bathtub from different points, you’ll want to be covered no matter where you leave. This particular bath mat is excellent for people who own a bathtub, as it ensures you’ll have a nice place to dry your feet no matter what. It’s anti-slip and waterproof, so even if you’re drenching wet, you won’t slip and fall as you exit.

A few different color options are available for the bath rug: blue and tan and darker colors such as grey, red, and black. At 17“ by 47“, it’s a fairly long rug, so it may not even fit in some bathrooms, so be sure you have enough space before you buy one of these luxurious rugs.


  • Long (17“ by 47“)
  • Anti-slip and super-absorbent


  • It may be too long for some bathrooms

Clara Clark Memory Foam Bath Rug

– Runner Up


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In some cultures, the bathroom and the toilet are kept in separate rooms, but in many others, it’s in the same space. If you want to keep your feet nice and comfortable even while sitting on the toilet, this would be one of these bathroom rugs. The rugs come in different sizes, but the size worth noting is the contour version, with a design that curves inwards on one side.

For this particular rug, you can place the rug right in front of the toilet, allowing your bare feet to stay comfortable as you sit on your throne. You can also get other rugs aside from this one, and when combined, you could even cover the entire bathroom in memory foam. Of course, you probably don’t need to do this, but having the ability to do so is always nice.


  • Can be placed below the toilet
  • Many color options


  • The rugs aren’t very long or large by themselves

Flamingo P Memory Foam Bath Rug

– Honorable Mention


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If there’s one fabric that makes sense to combine with memory foam, it’s microfiber. Like memory foam, microfiber is nothing short of a modern miracle, being soft to the touch and highly absorbent. This rug mat features a waved pattern made of microfiber with enough space for even the largest person.

The mat comes in various colors, though most of them are cool colors, such as blue, cyan, and grey, rather than warmer colors. You can also choose the size of your mat, ranging from 17“ by 24“ to 24“ by 36“ and even 17“ by 47“ for those who want really long rugs. The microfiber surface absorbs water very well, so no worries about having wet feet.


  • Microfiber surface
  • Multiple size options


  • Color options are limited

Gorilla Grip Memory Foam Bath Rug

– Also Consider


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While most people only spend a fraction of their day in the bathroom, it never hurts to make it look presentable. After all, if you’re relieving yourself or getting ready to start the day, you want to do so in a comfortable environment. One of the easiest ways to make your bathroom feel cozier is to match colors and designs, and if you want to do that with your rug, you’ll find plenty of options here.

Aside from choosing the size of your rug, you’ll also be able to select the color, which includes over 30 different colors to choose from. This gives you plenty of freedom to decide how your toilet and bathroom will look. The rugs are nice and thick, making them feel great on your feet when you step on them. If the other rugs on this list don’t have the color you’re looking for, chances are you’ll find it here instead.


  • Plenty of color options
  • Soft to the touch


  • Only comes in one shape

Genteele Memory Foam Bath Rug


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Bath rugs aren’t meant to stay by your toilet forever, and no matter how careful you are, they will gather dust and dirt over time, making them unhygienic to use after showering. That’s not to mention all the bacteria that may be growing inside the rug. Luckily, even when you do need to clean it, this rug can easily be washed using a washing machine, saving you time and effort in the process.

Aside from being machine washable, this rug is also great if you want a rug that doesn’t slip. The rubber base features non-slip technology that prevents accidents from ever occurring. Yet, if you aren’t satisfied with your purchase, you can use the lifetime warranty and money-back guarantee by Genteele. However, it is unlikely you need to due to how comfortable and high-quality they are.


  • Lifetime warranty and money-back guarantee
  • Machine washable


  • No options smaller than 17“ by 24“

Buying Guide for the Best Memory Foam Bath Rugs

A great way to make your bathroom experience much more comfortable is by adding a memory foam bath rug. Here are some tips to help you pick out the right one.

What Is a Memory Foam Bath Rug?

A memory foam bath rug is a unique bath rug made out of memory foam. As the name suggests, memory foam retains the shape of whatever object was placed on it, which leads to a very comfortable experience when resting your feet on it.

Why Is It Important To Have a Memory Foam Bath Rug?

It dries your feet

This is the main reason why you’d want a memory foam bath rug or a bath rug in general. When you leave the bathtub, your feet are probably still wet, and there’s always the possibility of slipping and falling, which can cause some serious injuries. It doesn’t help that many bathrooms are tiled and easy to slip on, either. So, to avoid any potential accidents, having a bath rug below your feet minimizes the possibility of injuries.

It keeps your feet comfortable

There’s a reason why memory foam has become so popular in recent years. The material is incredibly soft and plush, and if people are willing to spend thousands of dollars on memory foam pillows and beds, they’ll surely pay an extra $20 or so for a memory foam bath rug. It simply feels great on your feet, which can be reason enough to get them.

Even if you have a bath rug already in use at home, it pales compared to a memory foam bath rug in terms of comfort. Sure, you’ll get your feet dry, but with memory foam, you can dry your feet while feeling nice and comfy.

Tips When Using a Memory Foam Bath Rug

Place them as close to the shower or bathtub as possible

Bath rugs are used to dry your feet, and it’d make little sense for you to walk over uncovered tiles after showering before you reach the rug. You’ll want to dry your feet as soon as you can, and preventing that from happening is not a good idea.

If you’re worried about the bath rug getting wet by water, don’t be – they’re designed to either absorb water or repel it entirely, ensuring that they’ll be dry eventually. So don’t be afraid to place the rug close to the shower, as it’s completely fine if it gets a little wet.

And if your reason for placing the rug a distance away from the shower is because there’s simply no space available, consider getting a smaller rug that fits when placed beside the shower instead. Even though it’ll be smaller than you’d like, it’s much safer and more convenient.

Wash them regularly

Bath rugs are destined to get wet, and while that means they’re serving their purpose quite well, it also means that bath rugs become the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and multiply. Bacteria thrive in damp and lukewarm conditions, and with many bathrooms meeting that criteria, you can bet bacteria is multiplying in your bath rug this instant.

Since this is unavoidable, the best thing you can do is wash the bath rug regularly to keep it clean and sterile. Many memory foam bath rugs are machine washable, but yours might not be, so be sure to check the store page and/or packaging before throwing it in.

Get the right size

We mentioned this earlier, but getting the right size is important for memory foam bath rugs. Suppose you have plenty of space to exit from in the shower or bathtub. In that case, a long rug will help cover every possible place to exit, guaranteeing your feet will be dry and comfy no matter where you are.

In general, you want to cover as much space as you need. However, even if you have plenty of space, you can still get away with using a small rug, provided that you know where the rug is when you exit.

Memory Foam Bath Rug Price Range

Memory foam bath rugs may sound like prestigious pieces of bathroom furnishing, but they’re actually quite affordable. For less than $13, you can get your hands on a decent bathroom memory foam rug. For the most part, these rugs are priced very similarly, with the only differences in price coming from the size of the rug itself. In other words, the larger the rug, the more expensive it’ll be, and vice versa. Expect to spend no more than $50 on a good memory foam bath rug.

Memory Foam Bath Rug FAQ

Q: Are memory foam bath rugs safe?

A: Memory foam bath rugs can help comfortably dry your feet, making them safe for use in the bathroom.

Q: Are memory foam bath rugs sanitary?

A: While they can dry your feet easily, memory foam bath rugs collect dirt and serve as an environment for bacteria growth over time, so it’s best to wash them occasionally.

Q: How do I wash my memory foam bath rug?

A: Memory foam bath rugs can be hand-washed or machine-washed, though they should be done at a cool temperature to keep the material in good condition.

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