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Has your home office been feeling a little drab lately? If you’re in dire need of a change but don’t want to spend a fortune, then fear not! There are plenty of ways to give your space a facelift without breaking the bank.

From simple changes like repainting or investing in some new furniture to more drastic renovations, you can elevate the space you use for work or study. Some ideas you may be considering are knocking down walls or adding an addition. There’s no shortage of options when it comes to giving your home office a makeover. Let’s dive into some great ideas for sprucing up your space!


This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to change the look and feel of any room in your house. A fresh coat of paint can work wonders in terms of brightening up a space and making it feel more modern. When selecting a paint color, opt for something light and airy to create a sense of openness. If you do want to add a darker color, consider using it for an accent wall.


If you’ve had the same desk, chair, and filing cabinet for years, then it might be time for an upgrade. There are tons of stylish and modern furniture options available these days, so do some research and find pieces that fit both your budget and aesthetic. When it comes to furnishing your home office, there are endless possibilities.

Ladder bookcase

First, consider a ladder bookcase. This type of bookcase is perfect for small spaces because it takes up minimal floor space. Plus, the ladder-style shelves offer a unique look that will add visual interest to your office. Ladder bookcases are also great for storing frequently used items within easy reach.

Standing desk

If you need a desk for your office, consider a standing desk. Standing desks are becoming increasingly popular because they offer a number of health benefits. Studies have shown that standing desks can help improve posture, increase energy levels, and reduce back pain. When you’re finished working for the day, you may even be able to fold up your standing desk and store it out of sight.

Ergonomic desk chair

Finally, add a comfy chair to your home office. After all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time sitting in it! Look for a desk chair that offers good back support and adjustable height features. And if you want to really treat yourself, choose a chair with built-in massage functionality. You’ll be glad you did when you’re working long hours at your desk.


Nothing makes a space feel more open and inviting than natural light. If your home office is lacking in windows, consider adding one or installing some skylights to let in more sunshine. Not only will you save on your energy bill, but you’ll also get the added benefit of vitamin D! If this isn’t realistic for your space, prioritize warm lighting.


Art is a great way to add some color to any space and make it feel like your own. Whether you opt for paintings, photos, or sculptures, choose pieces that reflect your taste and style.


Indoor plants are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also have tons of health benefits. From improving air quality to reducing stress levels, there are plenty of reasons why you should add some greenery to your home office. Plus, they make for great conversation starters!


If your home office is in dire need of a makeover but you don’t want to spend a fortune, don’t worry. Between adding some extra color and bringing in some new furniture, there are tons of ways to upgrade your space without breaking the bank. So, what are you waiting for? Start sprucing up your space today!

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Founded in 1973, Old House Journal is the original authority when it comes to old-house restoration, traditional house styles, period kitchens, bath & kitchen restoration, DIY projects, gardens & landscaping, and more-- from Colonial and Victorian through Arts & Crafts and Mid-century Modern homes.

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