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Hardwood floors are the perfect flooring option for adding a touch of luxury and warmth to the home. But hardwood isn’t without its flaws – from everyday wear and tear to accidental scratches, your hardwood floors can take a lot of abuse. Fortunately, with a bit of DIY know-how, you can quickly and easily fix minor scratches and restore your hardwood floors back to their original beauty.

In this post, we’ll discuss some of the best DIY methods for fixing scratches on hardwood floors and cover the necessary materials and tools you’ll need, as well as step-by-step instructions for restoring your hardwood floors. Plus, we’ll give you some steps to prevent any future scratches. So whether you’re dealing with minor scuffs or deep gouges, our guide will help you get your floors looking like new in no time.


To restore your scratched hardwood floor, you will need wood stain in a color that matches your floor as closely as possible, a paintbrush or sponge applicator, sandpaper (120-grit), tack cloths, and mineral spirits. You may also want to consider using furniture floor protectors to protect your hardwood floors from future scratches.


To restore and protect your hardwood floors, follow these steps:

Removal of Scratches

1. Sand down the affected area with 120-grit sandpaper in the same direction as the grain of the wood until the scratch is barely visible.

2. Wipe down the area with a damp cloth to remove all residue from the sanding.

3. Use a tack cloth to carefully remove any remaining dust from the affected area and allow it to dry completely before proceeding with any staining.

Staining and Protecting

1. Apply a coat of mineral spirits to the affected area with a sponge applicator in order to prep the wood for staining, then allow it to dry completely before proceeding with staining.

2. Apply one thin coat of matching wood stain to the area using a brush or sponge applicator. And make sure that you follow the grain of the wood when applying the stain.

3. Allow the stain to dry completely before applying another coat if necessary. Also, be sure to clean up any accidental spills with mineral spirits after you apply each layer of stain.

4. After you achieve your desired level of color, apply a layer of polyurethane or other protective finish over the area with a brush and allow it to dry completely before allowing any foot traffic or furniture back on the wood floor surface.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When restoring a scratched hardwood floor, it is important to avoid common mistakes such as:

  • Applying too much stain at once: This can result in an uneven appearance or further damage your flooring since excess stain can seep into crevices between boards or into joints between planks, which can cause swelling. Instead, use thin coats of stain that match your existing floor color as closely as possible and allow ample drying time between applications;
  • Not using a protective finish after applying stain: All stains should need a seal with polyurethane or other protective finish for long-lasting protection.
  • Not using furniture floor protectors: This simple step of using furniture floor protectors underneath furniture legs can help prevent future scratches from occurring on your hardwood floors. It’s a really inexpensive and easy way to extend the life of your floors!

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips for restoring scratches on hardwood floors:

  • Test out all cleaning agents in an inconspicuous spot first before starting your project to ensure there won’t be any unexpected results such as discoloration or fading.
  • Use gloves whenever working with mineral spirits or other chemicals.
  • Wear safety glasses when sanding.
  • Check for old nails poking out from the subflooring when sanding. If they’re present, they may damage your new finish.


Hardwood floors make for a beautiful addition to any home, but they can easily get damaged. Fortunately, with a few simple supplies and tools, you can easily repair minor scratches on hardwood floors and restore them to their former glory. By following the steps outlined in this post and avoiding a few common mistakes, you can quickly and safely restore your hardwood floors and enjoy their timeless beauty for years to come.

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