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If you are tired of old and boring office desks, it’s time to consider switching to better alternatives. In recent years, various forms of standing workstations have been making the headlines, and though they promise additional calorie loss, are they worth it? According to researchers, there are pros and cons to standing and sitting for an excessive amount of time; thus, a good balance between sitting and standing is key for a healthy body.

What Are Standing Desks?

Standing desks or sitting-standing stations are desks or tables that can be raised to make working while standing possible. They are often praised for their ability to increase productivity, decrease healthcare costs, and improve overall health. They can be adjusted according to your height or to how high you want the table to go and can vary based on whether it’s manually adjusted or automatically functioning.

Should You Entirely Shift to Standing Desks?

A mix of sitting and standing sessions can do wonders, including less back pain, increased circulation, and improved mental focus, among others. If you are considering switching from a traditional desk job to a standing one, make sure to consider the advantages before making any decisions.

How Does It Affect Posture?

Desk height can affect how much strain you experience on your lower spine. If you sit at a desk for long periods, the lower portion of your spine (L-4/5) will likely start to develop a curve. Several studies suggest that this curvature, called lordosis, could lead to chronic neck problems and poor posture.

To reduce the strain experienced by your lower spine, try raising your desk slightly higher. This will allow you to stand straight while still maintaining good posture. Besides improved posture, you can gain the following benefits from a standing desk:

More Calories Expended

The latest research has shown that individuals who stand rather than sit burn more calories. Although the amount may seem insignificant and won’t be a major contributor to weight loss, it can play a crucial role in your overall fitness.

Diminished Risk of Diseases

Long hours of sitting can help mess up the blood flow in your body and thus lead to cardiovascular concerns. You will notice more discomfort in your back, neck, and shoulders. By switching to a standing desk, you can prevent all these.

Offers Flexibility

Studies have shown more productivity and a happier mood in the workplace if the staff have flexibility in the way they work, and a standing desk does just that. It gives you the flexibility you need.

Summing It Up!

Standing desks are a great addition to workplaces. Whether it’s a home office, a store, or an office, a standing or adjustable desk gives you the freedom to adjust how you work. This can lead to having more control, but most importantly, it helps decrease the risk of heart disease, obesity, and bad posture.

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