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Our Score: 4.6

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From The Manufacturer

The Clutter Armour Wrapping Paper Organizer is the perfect solution for anyone looking to store and organize their essentials. It allows users to keep all their gift wrap essentials together in one place so they are always prepared for special occasions such as holidays and birthdays. This eliminates the need for constantly having to buy more supplies or search for misplaced items as everything is stored neatly and quickly away. The product features a large main compartment that can fit up to 20 long rolls of paper, plus an additional section for storing bows, ribbons, tags, and tape. Its clear window allows the user to quickly identify what paper is inside, eliminating the need to open it each time. Additionally, the organizer helps protect stored wrapping paper from dust, moisture, and other damaging elements. The product also has excellent space-saving capabilities. Not only does it slide easily onto a shelf or under the bed, but it also can be hooked onto a hanger or stored standing upright in a closet corner. This makes it easy to keep out of sight while still having quick access when needed. All in all, this is an excellent way to declutter the home while ensuring that all items are securely protected from any damage.

Customer Review

A customer has publicly spoken about the quality of this product in the following review “I purchased this to store our all occasion wrapping papers. This keeps all of our paper in one place and protected from damage. “

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Things to Consider When Buying Wrapping Paper Organizers

When it comes to wrapping gifts, it can be hard to know where to begin. A wrapping paper organizer can help make this tedious task a breeze by giving you a place to store not only your wrapping paper but also all of the supplies needed to get your gifts ready for the big day. With so many options on the market and important features to consider, it’s important to find an organizer that will fit both your needs and budget. This buying guide will walk you through everything you need to know when choosing the right wrapping paper organizer.


Price is usually one of the most important factors when making any purchase, and a wrapping paper organizer is no exception. Before beginning your search, make sure you have a clear understanding of how much you are willing to spend. You can expect to pay anywhere from $5 up to $120 depending on the brand, size, and quality of the product. Consider what features you want/need and set your budget accordingly. Be sure to look for deals and promotions that may help you save.


Material and construction quality should be a top priority when selecting a wrapping paper organizer. You want to choose an organizer that is well-constructed from sturdy materials such as textile, as these will be able to withstand regular use and hold up over time. The last thing you want is an inferior product that falls apart after just a few uses. Look for organizers that are made with high-quality materials and craftsmanship in order to ensure long-term use and durability.


Size is also key when it comes to selecting the right wrapping paper organizer. You’ll want something that has enough capacity to store all of your supplies without taking up too much space in your home or office. Consider both how many items need storing, as well as where they will be stored in order to ensure you choose an appropriate size for your needs. Measure the area before beginning your search so that you have clear guidelines on size when making your purchase.


The style and appearance of a wrapping paper organizer should also be taken into consideration since it will likely be on display in your home or office. If this is the case, then consider opting for an organizer with a pleasing aesthetic design that matches the decor in the room. You’ll also have a number of colors and patterns from which to choose from – sleek modern designs or bold prints – to find an organizer that best reflects your personal style.


As mentioned previously, durability is essential when selecting a wrapping paper organizer, as it’s likely going to be used multiple times throughout the year. Choose an organizer built with strong material and craftsmanship that can withstand frequent use without falling apart after just a few months. Also, look for features such as reinforced corners or double stitching at stress points that help guarantee maximum durability over time.


Mobility can be an incredibly useful feature if you plan on using your wrapping paper organizer in different locations throughout the year (such as storage rooms or during holiday parties). Consider whether you’d prefer something with wheels or handles that make moving it easier-you can even opt for both! Make sure that whatever mobility feature(s) you choose are not only functional but also able to support the weight of all of your supplies without compromising stability or safety.

Brand/Customer Reviews

The brand name is always something worth considering when selecting any product. A reputable brand is often indicative of good quality products backed by reliable customer service. Should anything go wrong with your purchase down the line, do some research on any brands before going through with your purchase decision. Additionally, customer reviews can provide quite a bit of insight into what others thought of their experience with certain products; read through reviews before making any final decisions so that you get an idea if other people were satisfied with their purchase decision before investing in one yourself.

Weight Capacity

This wraps up another important factor when selecting the right wrapping paper organizer-weight capacity! It’s important to take into account how much weight the unit itself can accommodate so that it doesn’t collapse under pressure due to excess weight caused by items like heavy rolls of gift wrap or oversized ribbon spools. Make sure whatever model you choose is capable of supporting its maximum capacity without the risk of damaging it or causing accidents/injury due to collapse from overload.

Maintenance Requirements

Maintenance requirements are key when selecting any item for purchase -it’s important to understand what type of upkeep is necessary in order to keep a product looking its best over time. Make sure to check if there are any special instructions necessary for cleaning or storing your chosen model so that you keep its condition optimal throughout ownership. Some products may require special dusting sprays or frequent vacuuming depending on the material, so make sure these instructions are noted clearly before making any final decisions.

Color Options

Most wrapping paper organizers come in multiple color options, so finding one that coordinates with existing decor shouldn’t be too difficult. If not available directly from manufacturers, retailers often offer custom paint services, so be sure to inquire about this option if needed. Depending on color availability, custom painting may prove beneficial depending on individual preferences.

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