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In this review, we will be taking a closer look at the Black Rifle Coffee Rounds in the Just Black flavor. These coffee rounds have been gaining popularity among coffee enthusiasts for their rich and bold taste. We will explore the features and benefits of this product, as well as provide an honest assessment of its overall quality. So, if you’re a coffee lover looking for a new and exciting brew, keep reading to find out if the Black Rifle Coffee Rounds are worth a try.


Our Score: 4.7

Experience the bold and smooth taste of Black Rifle’s Just Black Coffee Pods – a medium roast blend that combines flavor and convenience. These single-serving pods are pre-measured and come in 32-count and 50-count sizes.

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Experience the best drip coffee you’ll ever taste with this medium roast blend. Developed by Black Rifle Coffee, this product features a delightful cocoa and vanilla aroma, bold tasting notes, and a smooth, buttery finish. It’s made from the highest-quality Brazilian and Columbian beans, and it comes in pre-measured, single-serving cups for optimal convenience. These pods are compatible with all K-cup brewers and coffee makers. Not only do they make a great gift for the coffee lover in your life, but they also serve as a convenient addition to your morning routine. They’re available packs of 32 and 50, so you won’t run out anytime soon. Enjoy amazing coffee while supporting our nation’s heroes with this delicious product.

From the Manufacturer

Whether you’re a fan of dark roast or prefer a lighter cup of joe, our variety packs of single serve coffee rounds have got you covered. Proudly American and owned by veterans, Black Rifle Coffee stands by its commitment to support America and its service members. With a portion of the proceeds going directly to support veterans, first responders, and the police, you can enjoy your morning specialty coffee while making a difference. Don’t settle for anything less than the best – choose Black Rifle coffee pods and experience bold flavor and American convenience in every cup.

Customer Review

Customers are raving about this coffee blend! One happy buyer expressed their satisfaction with the product in a glowing review: “My husband says this is the best coffee he has ever had. We also like the fact that is a veteran-owned business, employed with veterans and donates to veteran charities.”


  • Multiple quantities available
  • Supports a great cause
  • Conveniently packaged in single-serving pods


  • May have a bitter aftertaste

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Coffee: A Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the best coffee, there are many factors to consider. This buyer’s guide will walk you through the most important considerations so you can make an informed purchase decision and find the ideal java blend for your palate.

Roast Level

Depending on your preference, you can choose from light, medium, or dark roast levels. Light roasts generally have milder flavor profiles with a higher acidity, whereas dark roasts tend to be bolder with more body and lower acidity.


Some prefer artisanal roasters with a focus on quality and sustainability over larger, high-end brands. On the other hand, budget-friendly options are often more accessible with competitive pricing. When choosing the right roaster for you, consider your priorities and what’s most important to you in terms of quality, cost, and sustainability.

Country of Origin

A coffee product’s country of origin can impact its flavor profile significantly. For instance, beans from Latin America tend to be nutty and chocolatey while African beans are often brighter and more acidic. If you’re looking for a specific flavor profile, then it’s wise to pay attention to where the beans were sourced from.

Taste and Flavor Profile

Coffee’s flavor profile depends on the type of bean it’s made from and how those beans are roasted. Some may be nutty and chocolatey while others may have floral or fruity notes that come out depending on how they’re processed. Take the time to educate yourself about different flavor profiles so you can choose one that suits your tastes best.

Organic or Non-Organic

Choosing organic will help ensure that your coffee is produced using sustainable farming practices with minimal environmental impact. Additionally, organically grown coffee is free from chemical fertilizers and pressure sprayed pesticides which can be damaging to your health and the environment.

Caffeine Content

Before choosing a coffee, it’s important to consider the amount of caffeine in each blend, as this value varies greatly across brands and types of coffee. Generally, light roasts have more caffeine than dark ones.


When it comes to ground coffee, bulk-sized containers typically offer the best value for money. As long as ground coffee is packaged in an airtight bag or container, buying larger amounts at a time is fine. However, coffee beans are a different story, as they tend to lose their flavor quickly. Ideally, you shouldn’t buy more coffee beans than you’ll use in a week or two.


For optimal freshness and flavor, look for products that are packaged in airtight containers or resealable bags. This will help to keep the coffee’s flavor and potency contained for a better-tasting end result.

People Also Ask

Q. What is the best type of coffee bean to use?

A. The best type of coffee bean to use is one with a profile that suits your personal preferences. For example, if you prefer full-bodied, rich coffee with chocolate notes, then you should look for French or Italian roasts. If you prefer light and fruity flavors, you should look for Colombian or Ethiopian varieties.

Q. What’s the best way to brew coffee?

A. The best way to brew coffee depends on individual preferences. Generally, the most popular brewing methods are pour-over and French press. Both of these methods allow for maximum extraction of the coffee’s flavor without too much bitterness.

Q. What’s the best temperature for brewing coffee?

A. For optimal flavor extraction from coffee beans, the ideal temperature for brewing coffee is between 195 degrees Fahrenheit and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. The water should be just below boiling temperature when it touches the coffee grounds during brewing.

Q. What’s the difference between espresso and regular coffee?

A. Espresso is a concentrated form of brewed coffee that’s made by forcing very hot water through finely ground coffee beans under high pressure. Regular drip-style brewed coffee is made by pouring hot water over coarsely ground beans, which typically takes longer than brewing espresso to extract flavor from the beans. Espresso typically has a higher caffeine content than regular brews do due to its higher concentration level.

Q. What’s the best coffee-to-water ratio for brewing coffee?

A. We recommend using one to two tablespoons of coffee per six ounces of water for optimal flavor. You can always adjust this ratio according to your preferences.

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