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If you want to combat the summer heat and keep your garden looking fresh, you’ll need to invest in a good-quality water sprinkler system. Most people take the time to water their plants and hedges, but many forget about maintaining their lawn. If the weather has been dry, your lawn will become parched and start to yellow. As such, you should always be well prepared to make sure your garden stays healthy.

If you are planning to renovate your garden or simply breathe new life into your outdoor space, you may want to consider our list of water sprinkler recommendations. We have collected some of the top products to help you give your lawn some TLC. Read on for everything you need to know about the top-rated water sprinklers.

Best Water Sprinkler Reviewed in Detail

Melnor Water Sprinkler

– Top Pick


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Kicking off our list of recommendations is the Melnor Turbo Oscillating Sprinkler, a relatively inexpensive bit of kit for the amateur gardener. With 18 precision rubber nozzles, this item offers plenty of cover for lawns or gardens up to 4,000 square feet.

Depending on the model you buy, you get one, two, or three-way adjustment controls, letting you dictate the forward and backward motion of the sprinkler, as well as the width of the watering patterns. As such, you can cover the whole yard or just a flower bed if necessary.

In addition, this product is completely manual – simply connect the sprinkler to your hose with the included adapter. So you don’t need to install any tricky sprinkler system.


  • Adjustable settings
  • Infinity turbo drive offers smooth operation
  • Easy to connect
  • Melnor Limited Lifetime Guarantee


  • Made from plastic, so it is not very durable

Aqua Joe Water Sprinkler

– Runner Up


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If you are looking for a truly durable water sprinkler, look no further than Aqua Joe Oscillating Sprinkler. This entirely customizable product offers a range of coverage patterns and utilizes a steel base and leak-resistant connection, so you are always assured of quality performance.

You also do not need an adapter, as this item fits most standard garden hoses. In addition, the turbo-drive motor ensures your sprinkler has enough power to take care of your garden regularly.

Expect a range over up to 3600 square feet. Unless you live on a football field, this sprinkler should do everything you need.


  • No need for an adapter
  • It covers up to 3600 square feet
  • Durable construction
  • Various coverage patterns


  • This product is quite light despite the steel material, which may not be good in bad weather conditions.

Orbit Water Sprinkler

– Honorable Mention


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The final sprinkler on our list of recommendations is the Orbit 6 Gear Drive Sprinkler, which offers six unique spray patterns. The first thing you’ll notice is how quiet this sprinkler is – no matter which setting you choose.

The sprinkler also offers 360-degree coverage and a unique design that separates it from other sprinklers. In addition, the high-impact construction means this product will last for years. And thanks to the flow-through spike base, you can connect more than one sprinkler in a series, which is perfect for those with a large garden.


  • Multiple spray patterns for effective coverage
  • Very quiet
  • It can be connected in series
  • Very durable


  • Some customers have said the spray patterns are very similar.

Trazon Water Sprinkler

– Also Consider


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Trazon Garden Sprinklers are perfect for anybody who wants a handy irrigation system that does not cost the earth. This product will cover up to 3000 soiree feet of lawn space. You can also control the direction of water with complete 360-degree rotation and adjustable angles from 45 to 90 degrees.

You also do not have to worry about keeping your sprinkler in one place with ground spikes. The rounded base allows you to move the sprinkler across your garden to ensure every inch of the lawn is adequately watered. Throw in the rust-resistant plastic material, and you’ve got a fantastic water sprinkler for a very reasonable price.


  • Very cheap compared to other sprinklers
  • Rust-free plastic materials
  • Easily maneuvered around the garden
  • Adjustable angles and 360-degree coverage


  • Not as sturdy as more expensive water sprinklers

Buying Guide for the Best Water Sprinklers

Now that we’ve given you an idea about the best sprinklers available on the market, why don’t you take some time to peruse our buying guide?

In this section, we’ll be talking about some things you should consider before purchasing a water sprinkler, the benefits of such products, how much you should expect to spend, and so much more.

Are you intrigued? Carry on reading below.

What Is a Water Sprinkler?

A water sprinkler (or irrigation sprinkler) is a device that is used for watering crops, lawns, and other grassy areas. They can also be used for controlling dust and cooling the surrounding area. These sprinklers are a great way of applying water to grass and plants, much like rainfall. The sprinklers are connected to your main water supply line and may use pumps, pipes, valves, and various sprinkler heads.

Things To Consider When Buying a Water Sprinkler

There are numerous things to consider when buying a water sprinkler. These include:

Fixed or portable?

There are many types of sprinklers available, but one of the biggest things you need to consider is whether you need a fixed or portable sprinkler. Fixed sprinklers are perfect for smaller gardens or areas you cannot reach by yourself. However, portable sprinklers with a rounded base are much better if you change up which parts of your lawn will be watered.

Type of sprinkler

You can find water sprinklers with varying heads, from pulsating to oscillating. First, consider which type of head best suits your garden. For example, oscillating sprinklers make sure different areas of your garden are covered evenly. They are also gentle on flowerbeds.

However, if you have a large outdoor space, you may wish to invest in traveling sprinklers. These products move up and down your garden to provide even coverage.

Electronic timer

If you want to invest in a truly effective sprinkler system, consider buying a sprinkler with an electronic water timer. This will ensure that your lawn is watered at the same time every day.

Nozzles and flow settings

You also want to purchase a sprinkler with a variety of nozzles and flow features. A sprinkle with different settings will allow you to focus on certain areas of your garden that need some additional TLC.


Sprinklers are usually made from two types of materials: plastic or steel. While steel sprinklers are much more durable and will last longer, they are prone to developing rust. On the other hand, plastic sprinklers may be less durable, but they will not rust; they are also easier to maneuver across your lawn when required.

Customer reviews

The best way to ensure you are getting a good quality sprinkler system is to check online customer reviews. You’ll usually find honest information about the advantages and disadvantages of each product and make an informed decision.

You may also want to consider leaving your own reviews to help other buyers in the future who may be considering the same item.


If you are investing in a sprinkler system that should last you several summers, make sure you purchase one that comes with a warranty. For example, the Melnor water sprinkler recommended above comes with a warranty, such as the company’s confidence in the quality of their product. This way, you’ll never be left without a watering system for your garden for long.

Water Sprinkler Price Range

If you are looking to invest in water sprinklers for your garden, you’ll be happy to hear that you do not have to spend any more than $30 on a good quality product. In fact, we have included suggestions on our list that will cost you less than $10.

That being said, if you are looking for a high-end sprinkler, you can easily spend up to $60-$70, sometimes even more if you are buying sprinklers for commercial use.

If you are not purchasing a manual sprinkler, you may also want to consider the cost of a plumber to help you install your sprinkler system properly.

How We Choose the Best Water Sprinklers

As you can see, sprinklers are available in all sorts of shapes, styles, and sizes. However, when we choose the best sprinklers on the market, we look at their coverage and reach capability and the overall build quality and different modes available.

For example, while all our sprinklers are oscillating products, we must consider whether the materials used will be durable and long-lasting. While we normally prefer metal (as it is very sturdy), plastic sprinklers are sometimes just as good because they are less likely to rust.

We also like to consider how easy it is to operate your water sprinkler. Of course, you have to remember that not everybody is a jack-of-all-trades. However, the best sprinkler system will be easy to use. As such, we ensure all our recommendations are intuitive and come with simple-to-follow instructions.

In addition, we make sure that our sprinkler suggestions are going to stand the test of time. After all, you want your sprinkler to last multiple summers rather than just one.

Water Sprinkler FAQ

Q: What kind of sprinkler covers the most area?

A: If you require a sprinkler that covers a wide area, we recommend a pulsating sprinkler. These products can usually cover 85 feet in diameter. Additionally, they will also fit the majority of garden hoses, you don’t even need to buy an adapter. You can also adjust the flow rate and angle to ensure your garden is adequately covered. These sprinklers are usually planted with a spike, which is durable and easy to use.

Q: When should you run your sprinklers?

A: Knowing the right time to water your lawn takes a lot of practice. However, the important thing to remember is that timing is everything. For example, if you water your lawn in the middle of the day, most of the water will evaporate. If you water too late, the moisture sticks to the grass and increases the risk of lawn disease. We recommend watering your lawn first thing in the morning to ensure the right level of hydration.

Q: How long should you water your grass?

A: If you want to maintain a healthy lawn, we recommend that you get 1 inch of moisture on your lawn every week. Pro tip: run your sprinkler and see how long it takes to fill a measuring just with an inch of water. You’ll find that most decent sprinklers will produce an inch of water in an hour. Therefore, we recommend watering your garden for half an hour twice a week. However, if the weather is particularly hot and dry, run the sprinklers for double the suggested amount of time.

Q: How can I increase the water pressure in my water sprinkler system?

A: The first thing you need to do is rule out that there is a problem with the main water supply line in your home. Once you have done this, you can perform numerous checks to increase the water pressure in your sprinklers. For example, if your sprinkler has a head with adjustable screws, try and turn the screws counterclockwise. This increases the water flow through the sprinkler head. However, this will only work for that individual head. If you have an entire system, this will not fix the entire issue. You can also try removing some sprinkler heads around your yard and cap the plumbing line. Less active heads mean that the water pressure will be greater in the ones still in use.

Q: Can you use different sprinkler heads in the same sprinkler system?

A: Yes and no. While there is nothing technically wrong with using different sprinkler brands, we recommend against using different types of heads. This is because the majority of heads (Rotor heads, spray heads, etc.) have different flow rates. This will lead to a patchy-looking lawn in the long run.

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