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Kitchen scales aren’t just for the health conscious. They’re frequently used by white-glove chefs, bakers, and home cooks too! Need a reason to buy that cool digital kitchen scale that you came across earlier? Here are a couple of benefits of owning this handy gadget:

You’ll Come Up With Accurate, Consistent Recipes

Here’s a concern that many of us have had at some point: You make some chicken chili on a fine Sunday afternoon that turns out phenomenal. You brag about your unrivaled cooking skills to your friends and family. When you finally get the chance to cook it again for an audience, the recipe somehow doesn’t quite turn out as good as before. The problem probably was that handful of herbs or spices that you didn’t measure.

When you’re weighing out your ingredients before adding them, it ensures a uniform recipe every time. So the next time you’re experimenting, make sure to weigh your scoops. Note down the weighed ingredients so you can return to your flavorful cuisine.

It’ll Help You Count Your Calories

One of the primary benefits of weighing out your food is the ability to count your calories. If you’re trying to lose weight, you have to be in a caloric deficit. If you’re trying to gain weight, your daily calories have to be in surplus. If you train regularly, you’re going to need to know what you’re consuming for a flawless diet plan.

You can get away with not weighing your food when you’re bulking up. But when the time comes to shred, every calorie will matter! That’s when you’ll have to weigh every meal.

Encourages Healthier Eating Habits

Once you start weighing your food, it instills a sense of mindful eating. After a while, you tend to develop a sense of accountability for your diet. It’ll prevent you from over-consuming unhealthy foods. It’ll also push you towards working out regularly and developing a healthier lifestyle,

Prevents You From Undereating

Frustrated from not getting your desired results, you may feel inclined to start a crash diet without knowing what it may do to your body. You may even start to consume too few calories. This can lead to major problems down the road such as hair fall, weak bones and other nutrient-deficiency illnesses.

Makes Baking Easier

When it comes to tricky recipes, you have to be precise. Especially when you’re doing a single-person serving, you’ll need to be precise with salt, flour and yeast. It just makes things a whole lot organized and your cakes will be a lot more uniform.

Lastly, You’ll Find Your Go-to Meals!

When you’re eating something that’s high-carb, eyeballing to determine the portion size is next to impossible. So, what do you do? You don’t have to stop eating your favorite foods. Instead, just weigh out each bowl before eating it, and that way you can always relish what you truly enjoy. You’ll find out what the correct size for your desired meals should be – be it breakfast, lunch, dinner or just a midday snack!

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Founded in 1973, Old House Journal is the original authority when it comes to old-house restoration, traditional house styles, period kitchens, bath & kitchen restoration, DIY projects, gardens & landscaping, and more-- from Colonial and Victorian through Arts & Crafts and Mid-century Modern homes.

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