This content was originally published on and has been republished here as part of a merger between our two businesses. All copy is presented here as it originally appeared there.

Photo: Bob Buckter, aka Dr. Color

Don’t add to the primary facade of a house without consulting a designer. Ham-fisted add-ons-the boxlike projection, that window, the vertical siding, the 20th-century wrought steel rail-are just plain degrading. 

Not even its sunburst disposition could save this little Queen Anne row house from a fate so sad. (The house is south of Market in downtown San Francisco.) Scars remain from trim that has fallen off, but they’re nothing compared to what was grafted on. A real-estate office calls this place home! Clients beware, the agent’s heart may not be in it. Let’s hope the company is merely a tenant, and not the perpetrator.

OHJ’s long-time friend Bob Buckter sent us this one; as a color consultant who often specifies paint schemes to improve commercial buildings, this must have made his eyes water.

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Founded in 1973, Old House Journal is the original authority when it comes to old-house restoration, traditional house styles, period kitchens, bath & kitchen restoration, DIY projects, gardens & landscaping, and more-- from Colonial and Victorian through Arts & Crafts and Mid-century Modern homes.

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