Let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like spending those warm spring and summer evenings kicking back on the deck with a cold drink in hand. It’s the perfect way to unwind after a long day or catch up with friends and family. But you know what can quickly turn that idyllic scene into a nightmare? Mosquitoes.

These pesky little bloodsuckers have a knack for ruining a good time, and if you’re not careful, they’ll make themselves right at home under your deck. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen time and time again. One minute you’re laughing and swapping stories, the next you’re swatting away a cloud of mosquitoes, desperately trying to avoid getting bitten.

And let’s not even get started on the embarrassment factor when you’ve got guests over. There’s nothing quite like having your friends and loved ones huddled together, slapping themselves silly, while you sheepishly try to explain away the mosquito infestation you’ve got brewing under your deck.

On a positive note, there’s a way to exterminate them away and maintain a mosquito-free yard! In fact, it is quite easy to get rid of mosquitoes hiding under your deck. Here are my top tips.

3 Factors that Attract Mosquitoes to Hide Under Decks

Mosquitoes do not hide under your house deck just because they feel like it. Oftentimes, it is because your house (or yard) has something that they are attracted to. Or something that tells them that it is a great breeding ground to lay their eggs. 

That said, here are a few factors why mosquitoes hide under decks. 

The top reason why mosquitoes hide and reproduce under house decks is stagnant water. The mere presence of it under the deck or around your front or backyard is enough reason to attract mosquitoes.

It is because mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs. Hence, for these mosquitoes, such areas are great spots to hide and reproduce. 

Take note as well that the more stagnant water you have in or around the yard, the higher the chance for mosquitoes to reproduce and hide out in your deck. 

Another factor that brings mosquitoes into your yard is the lack of sunlight. These insects naturally thrive in areas that are shady, cool, as well as moist. And they will likely reproduce often if the area where your deck is does not get enough sunlight to shoo them away. 

That said, if that describes your front or backyard, then expect mosquitoes to take shelter in some parts of the house. And that includes the space under your deck or porch. 

For mosquitoes, water and moisture are the same. And believe it or not, they prefer such areas to use as their nests for their eggs too. 

Soil that is constantly wet, for instance, is the typical breeding ground for mosquitoes. Yard decorations that are not waterproof or is likely to hold moisture—mulch and pine straws, for example—could also be the factor that brought mosquitoes into your porch. 

That said, if not immediately fixed or properly treated, these areas could become breeding grounds. 

8 Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

As mentioned, there are several easy methods to shoo away and stop mosquitoes from reproducing in and around your house.

Here’s how:

1. Remove Stagnant Water

Given that it is the number one reason that attracts mosquitoes to nest in and around your house, removing and presence of standing water must be the first thing you should do. 

That said, check your yard for any containers, as well as toys and yard decorations that can hold water and moisture. You can either throw—you may donate it instead if the toys are still okay—them away or turn the containers upside down to avoid collecting rainwater.

Gutters that are not properly functioning or clogged can also hold rainwater and act as mosquito breeding grounds. So, check them as well and make sure to clean and fix them.

2. Treat Stagnant Water

Aside from draining, treating standing water is also a great solution. It is particularly true if you have features or decorations in or around the house that naturally require water.

Take a fountain or a birdbath, as examples.

To avoid mosquitoes from using it to lay their eggs, simply treat it with mosquito bits or dunks. These water treatment products essentially release a bacterium that kills mosquito larvae. Make sure that the water in the fountain is always running as well as it helps keep mosquitoes at bay.

3. Install a Fan

Installing a fan or two on your porch could also help shoo mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes hate fast-moving winds as it is too difficult for them to fly in a breeze that is over 2mph. In return, this will make it difficult for them to land or fly around your deck. 

4. Burn Citronella

For a quick fix, burning citronella candles (a.k.a. mosquito candles) or sticks can repel mosquitoes away as well. You can simply place a stick or two in the area where mosquitoes hover around, especially in parts where your family or friends are.

Another way to use it is by building in what they call a “citronella wall.” Theoretically, this method will help keep mosquitoes at bay by fencing your yard around using citronella candles or sticks. It is specifically used when there is a heavy presence of mosquitoes. 

That said, simply place citronella candles or sticks—6 to 8 feet apart—around the perimeter of your deck.

5. Install Screens

If you want a long-term solution that not only repels mosquitoes but also other pests, enclosing your yard with screens would be the best. It is a bit drastic, but it can certainly stop mosquitoes and bugs from entering your yard, as well as your house.

The only catch is that this method could be slightly expensive compared to other solutions. 

6. Clean The Gutters

Clogged gutters can be a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes, providing the perfect environment for stagnant water to accumulate. Even a small amount of standing water is enough for female mosquitoes to lay their eggs, leading to an explosion in the mosquito population around your home.

By regularly cleaning out your gutters and ensuring proper drainage, you eliminate these potential mosquito nurseries.

7. Mow The Grass

Mowing the lawn regularly is more than just maintaining a neat appearance – it’s a crucial step in keeping mosquitoes at bay. Tall grass provides the perfect hiding spot for these blood-sucking pests, offering them shelter from the elements and protection from predators.

Keeping your grass trimmed short eliminates cozy hiding places for mosquitoes and exposes them to the sun’s drying rays. This makes them more vulnerable to natural predators like birds and bats. The same applies to areas under your porch and deck. If possible, use a string trimmer to remove any weeds that might attract mosquitoes.

8. Hire Professional Mosquito Control

Lastly, if you are a busy type of person and can’t personally do the recommended solutions mentioned above, you can instead hire a professional mosquito control team from your local area.

Hiring a professional will not only shoo mosquitoes away, but they can also help them exterminate completely.

How to Improve Drainage to Prevent Mosquitoes

Let me tell you, one of the biggest mosquito magnets around your home is poor drainage. Trust me, I’ve seen it time and again – a little puddle here, a clogged gutter there, and before you know it, you’re swatting away clouds of mosquitoes every time you step outside.

First things first, take a good look around your property and identify any areas where water tends to collect. Low-lying spots, clogged gutters, and even something as innocuous as an overturned flowerpot can become a mosquito nursery if left unchecked.

Once you’ve pinpointed the problem areas, it’s time to get to work. For low-lying spots, you may need to do some grading or install a French drain to redirect water flow away from your home. Clogged gutters should be cleaned out regularly, and any standing water should be drained or treated with a mosquito larvicide.


As homeowners, mosiquitoes can be one of the most annoying pests that come into your outdoor space. Mosquito repellent works and DIY solutions work to make your outdoor living space more enjoyable.

But what’s most important is getting them out for good. If you have a mosquito problem and you can’t seem to get them out from under your deck boards, it might be time to call in the pros.

If you’re looking for professional pest control help, use the tool below to get estimates from local professionals:

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Reviewed for accuracy, cost data, industry best practices, and expert advice by Coty Perry.
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Matt Greenfield

Matt Greenfield is an experienced writer specializing in home improvement topics. He has a passion for educating and empowering homeowners to make informed decisions about their properties. Matt's writing focuses on a range of topics, including windows, flooring, HVAC, and construction materials. With a background in construction and home renovation, Matt is well-versed in the latest trends and techniques in the industry. His articles offer practical advice and expert insights that help readers tackle their home improvement projects with confidence. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned professional, Matt's writing is sure to provide valuable guidance and inspiration.

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Coty Perry

Expert Writer & Reviewer

Coty Perry is a lawn and garden writer for Today’s Homeowner. He focuses on providing homeowners with actionable tips that relate to the “Average Joe” who is looking to achieve a healthier and greener lawn. When he isn’t writing he can almost always be found coaching youth football or on some trail in Pennsylvania in search of the next greatest fishing hole.

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