Bugs can be a nuisance in homes across America. When an unwanted insect scurries across the floor or buzzes by, it serves as an unwelcome reminder that these uninvited guests are lurking in our living spaces. 

However, some people may appreciate the role that bugs play in ecosystems or simply have less animosity toward them. According to our surveying, this perspective is in the minority — most individuals harbor a strong dislike toward bugs that encroach on their homes.

With this in mind, our team at Today’s Homeowner conducted a survey to identify the most hated pest in each state. We polled 3,543 Americans nationwide and asked them to select the insect they despise the most out of a list of 20 common household bugs.

Key Results

Cockroaches are the most hated bug in 29 states, making them the most universally disliked pest in the country. 

Bed bugs rank as the top pest in 9 states

Spiders and mosquitoes round out the top three and four most hated bugs in the other 12 states

#1: Cockroaches

Cockroaches have proven to be unstoppable survivors for hundreds of millions of years. They can endure a month without food, two weeks without water, and even live for up to a week without their head. 

It’s a wonder Hollywood hasn’t made a horror movie starring a gigantic radioactive cockroach as the villain. These relentless pests spread bacteria and can aggravate allergies, so their presence in homes is widely detested. 

Cockroaches come out at night to scavenge for scraps, reminding squeamish homeowners that these unwanted roommates are lurking in their living space.

cockroaches on a piece of fruit

#2: Bed Bugs

While cockroaches dominate as the most hated pest overall, bed bugs rank first in nine states.

These ugly little bugs are expert hitchhikers, spreading by hiding away in luggage and thriving in areas with heavy travel and dense populations. 

They are most notorious in New York City but are gaining ground across the northern half of the country. Once they infiltrate a home, they emerge at night to feed on human blood, leaving behind itchy bite marks on their victims.

bed bug on a light background

#3: Spiders

Spiders strike fear in the hearts of many homeowners. Despite their important role as predators that control bug populations, many spider species are seen as frightening intruders in six states. 

Connecticut, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Utah all name spiders as their most hated pest. With long hairy legs and some with venomous bites, it’s no wonder spiders tend to send shivers down spines.

spider standing on the floor

#4: Mosquitoes

While not as universally despised as cockroaches, mosquitoes do top the list in Iowa, Kansas, Montana, and Pennsylvania

As spring and summer heat up, buzzing mosquitoes arrive to disrupt outdoor activities (and cause homeowners to invest in pest control devices like the Katchy Mosquito system). Only female mosquitoes bite, needing human blood to develop their eggs. 

swarm of mosquitoes on someone's skin

At best, bites cause annoying itchy welts — but at worst, mosquitoes can transmit dangerous diseases like West Nile virus. It’s no wonder that residents of some states view mosquitoes as public enemy number one when it comes to household pests.

Honorable Mentions: Ticks and Centipedes

Ticks and centipedes also made the top ten list of most hated bugs in select states. In Maine, the threat of Lyme disease from deer ticks makes this tiny pest public enemy number one. And in tropical Hawaii, aggressive centipedes whose venomous bites can cause skin inflammation are the most dreaded bug.

Looking at the Full Results

While no single bug emerged as the unanimous most hated pest, cockroaches dominate as the clear frontrunner when it comes to animosity toward household pests. Cockroaches are hated twice as much as the next two runners-up — spiders and bed bugs — combined. And when all remaining pests are totaled up — including mosquitoes, ticks, wasps, and centipedes — cockroaches still edge them out.

Even scorpions, which are only found in southwest states, made the overall top 10 list despite their limited geographic range. When surveyed on which bug they hate the most, 2.6% of respondents named scorpions as their top detested pest.


We also analyzed the data by gender to identify differing opinions between men and women when it comes to hated household pests. While both genders agree that cockroaches take first prize as the most loathed bug, differences emerge for the lower rankings.

Mosquitoes annoy men enough to rank as their second most hated pest. Women, on the other hand, dislike bed bugs so much that these blood-sucking parasites secure second place among their most hated insects. Spiders round out the top three for both men and women.

Overall, it’s clear that cockroaches dominate as the most hated household pest across demographics, with a strong dislike toward bed bugs, spiders, and mosquitoes as well. When an unwelcome insect shows up in the home, most Americans would prefer it to be any bug but a cockroach!

So, Which Bug Do You Hate the Most?

Cockroaches clearly dominate as the most hated household pest in the United States. But opinions can vary from person to person. Which bug would you be least happy to find in your home? Let us know if you have had experiences with any of these unwanted pests!

Further, if you think it’s time to contact a professional, I suggest having a look at our pest control cost guide, as well as browsing over our top picks for the best pest control companies nationwide.

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FAQs About America's Most Hated Bugs

Why do so many people hate cockroaches?

Cockroaches are viewed negatively for several reasons: they feed on decaying matter and spread germs, their presence indicates a sanitation issue, they are resilient pests that can be difficult to eradicate, and their appearance — long antennae and spiny legs — triggers disgust in many people.

What makes bed bugs spread?

Bed bugs move from place to place by clinging onto clothing, luggage, furniture, and more. Their flat bodies allow them to hide in tiny crevices. They also reproduce very quickly, with each female laying hundreds of eggs.

What dangers do spiders pose?

Most spider species are not harmful to humans. But some spiders can inflict painful bites that cause mild to moderate reactions. A small number of spiders, like black widows and brown recluses, have highly venomous bites that can require medical treatment. People tend to fear spiders because of their appearance and potential to bite.

How can you avoid mosquito bites?

Limit outdoor time at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are active. Wear long sleeves and pants while using insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin on exposed skin. Also, make sure window and door screens are intact. Be sure to remove standing water sources around your home where mosquitoes breed.


We conducted a survey from February 25 to March 5, 2021, asking 3,543 Americans to pick their most hated pest out of a list of 20 common household bugs. 

The survey participants represented diverse demographics and were not limited to any specific gender, age, or geographic group. Out of the respondents, 1,721 were women, 1,783 were men, and 39 preferred not to give their gender. With this large sample size, we estimate the margin of error for our findings to be approximately 2% — a pretty accurate sample size.

Editorial Contributors
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Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas

Expert Writer & Reviewer

Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas is a globetrotting content writer hailing from the USA. With a passion for pest control, he brings a unique perspective to his writing from his early years working for one of the largest pest control companies in America. Throughout his early 20s, Jordan gained valuable experience and knowledge in the field, tackling pest infestations head-on and ensuring the well-being of countless homes.

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photo of Jeff Zoldy

Jeff Zoldy

Jeff is a writer, editor, and marketer based in Charlotte, North Carolina. He has been editing on the Home Solutions team for over a year and is passionate about getting homeowners the information they need when they need it most. When he’s not working, Jeff can be found at baseball games, golfing, going to the gym, reading, watching movies, and playing video games.

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