Walking across lawns day in and day out, you start to recognize the signs. Those brown patches scattered across an otherwise lush green expanse? Classic fungal infection. I’ve seen my fair share of distressed homeowners fretting over these unsightly blemishes, but with the right knowledge and approach, they’re treatable and often preventable. Let me share some insights to help you restore your lawn to its former glory.

What Is Lawn Fungus? 

Fungi are a family of organisms that survive by breaking down organic matter. They’re often beneficial — humans not only consume fungus as food but also use it in medicinal and fermentation processes.

However, fungus can be harmful, too. The parasitic nature of the organism leads it to damage gardens and lawns. 

Lawn fungus can leave turfgrass spotty and weak as it absorbs nutrients the grass needs. Luckily, many treatment methods and products are available to weed out fungal infections before they take over your whole yard. 

Below, I’ll provide tips for identifying and handling common types of lawn fungus.

How To Identify and Treat Common Lawn Diseases

Powdery Mildew

What Is It?

Powdery mildew is a common plant disease caused by the fungus Erysiphe graminis. This infection is likely to develop under conditions of hot and humid weather, poor air circulation and drainage, and low light. 

The fungus produces spores that sit on infected leaves and show a powdery appearance. At first, a white dusting appears on the tips of infected blades of grass. As the mildew reproduces, turfgrass may turn pale and withered.

How To Prevent and Treat It

The Ohio State University Ohioline Extension provides the following tips for treating powdery mildew infection in turfgrass:

  • Research and plant grass varieties that resist powdery mildew.
  • Increase your lawn’s exposure to sunlight by pruning back shade trees and shrubs.
  • Improve your turf’s air circulation by thinning out nearby trees and shrubs.
  • Adjust your irrigation schedule to ensure your lawn isn’t staying wet enough to encourage mildew growth.
  • Apply preventive fungicide regularly to protect your property from mildew infection.

Snow Mold 

What Is It?

Snow mold is caused by a fungus called Typhula incarnata, which is tolerant to the cold. These fungi can multiply at freezing temperatures, which leaves turfgrass under snow cover especially vulnerable.

Your lawn may be susceptible to gray or speckled snow mold if your grass is tall and becomes matted down by heavy snow or ice. Infection may worsen in the early spring when the snow melts and the lawn is wet from thawing.

If your lawn is infected with gray snow mold, you’ll see circular gray areas throughout the turf. Matted areas may develop patches of black mold called sclerotia.

Typhula incarnata typically enters a dormant phase as turf dries out through spring and fall. However, you may still see “scars” left over from the damage.

How To Prevent and Treat It

If you live in an area with heavy snowfall and cold winters, prevention is the best method of snow mold control. 

The University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences provides the following tips for preventing snow mold infection:

  • Avoid using nitrogen fertilizers in the six weeks leading up to the first frost or snowfall.
  • Avoid heavy use of lime treatments.
  • Aerate and dethatch your lawn to prevent thatch buildup.
  • Install snow fences to prevent accumulation.
  • Apply fungicide to your lawn before the first heavy snow of the season.
  • Repair damaged areas in the spring by dethatching, reseeding, and overseeding.
  • Prevent mold growth by ensuring your lawn has proper drainage and air circulation.

Read also: How much does lawn reseeding cost?

Necrotic Ring Spot

What Is It?

Necrotic ring spot (NRS) is caused by a fungus called Ophiosphaerella korraeThis fungus mainly affects cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass.

According to the Utah State University Turf Pests guide, ring spot can be hard to diagnose because the symptoms resemble those of other common turf issues. Ophiosphaerella korrae kills the grass’s roots, leaving yellow patches in an otherwise healthy lawn. Unfortunately, improper mowing and imbalanced soil moisture can leave similar irregular patches in your grass.

You can determine if ring spots affect your lawn by noting when symptoms appear. The NRS fungus typically infects turf during early spring’s cool, wet weather. Symptoms may lessen during dry months but could be triggered again by the stress of drought.

If you’re still unsure of your turf’s ailment, you can send a soil sample to a local soil testing lab. Soil testing can help you determine any infections present in your lawn, as well as pH levels and nutrient deficiencies.

How To Prevent and Treat It

Light, steady watering can help your grass heal from necrotic ring spot infection. Light watering in hot weather conditions can reduce your lawn’s heat stress and begin the recovery process. Maintaining a well-balanced fertilization and aeration program will also give your yard the boost it needs to heal.

Aeration and slow-release fertilization allow for better nutrient absorption, removing stress from your already infected turf.

You can prevent the spread of NRS by cleaning your gardening equipment between uses. NRS can spread like any germ, so proper sanitation of tools like mower blades, rakes, and shovels is essential. You can also apply preventative fungicide in the early spring to ward off ring spot caused by wet conditions.

Fairy Ring Disease

What Is It?

Fairy ring disease is caused by grass fungi that feed on dead plant matter. The fungus releases nitrogen as it consumes decaying plants, resulting in brown patches or dark green rings in the turf. 

Some fairy ring fungi form a hydrophobic layer in the soil that keeps water from reaching plants’ roots. These fairy rings produce brown spots or unusually dark grass.

How To Prevent and Treat It

Fairy ring fungi spread to new sites in the air or when infected soil is transported to a new area. For this reason, it can be challenging to prevent the disease altogether. 

However, you can take a few preventative measures to decrease your lawn’s susceptibility to this pesky fungus. The Texas A&M AgriLife program offers the following tips to control and prevent fairy rings:

  • Dethatch your yard to remove dead grass.
  • Aerate your lawn to allow air circulation and drainage.
  • Top dress your lawn by adding a thin layer of sand to the turf.
  • Add nitrogen-rich fertilizer to mask symptoms caused by dark green fairy rings.
  • Use a wetting agent on fairy rings showing drought symptoms to help water move through the soil.
  • Frequently water the areas damaged by hydrophobic fungi.

Red Thread

What Is It?

Red thread disease is caused by a fungus called Laetisaria fuciformisAt a glance, red thread looks like round patches of pink grass amongst green, healthy turf. You can distinguish red thread up close by identifying spiky pink structures coating the tips of infected grass blades. 

Red thread most commonly appears during the spring and fall on Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass. Lawns with poor nutrition and slow growth are the most vulnerable to infection.

How To Prevent and Treat It

Luckily, red thread doesn’t infect the root systems of grass, so symptoms are mainly cosmetic. The primary method to prevent and treat red thread infestation is to ensure your lawn can grow steadily with proper nourishment. You can do so by following a fertilization and watering schedule suited for your specific region. 

You should avoid watering your lawn in the late afternoon, as this will prolong the time water is sitting on your grass, inviting infection.

Red thread disease is relatively cosmetic and will heal on its own during the turf’s life cycle. 

Dollar Spot

What Is It?

Dollar spot is a common fungal disease caused by Clarireedia jacksonii (formerly known as Sclerotinia homoeocarpa). It affects various types of turfgrass, including bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and fescue. The disease gets its name from the small, circular patches of damaged grass it creates, which are roughly the size of a silver dollar.

Dollar spot typically appears during periods of high humidity and moderate temperatures (60°F to 80°F). It’s most active in spring and fall but can persist throughout the summer in some regions.

Look for these signs to identify dollar spot in your lawn:

  • Small, circular patches of bleached or straw-colored grass, usually 1 to 3 inches in diameter
  • In severe cases, these patches may merge to form larger areas of damage
  • On individual grass blades, look for lesions with reddish-brown borders and bleached centers
  • In the early morning, you might see cobweb-like mycelium on the affected areas when dew is present

How To Prevent and Treat It

To prevent and treat dollar spot, consider the following strategies:

  • Maintain proper nitrogen levels. Dollar Spot often thrives in nitrogen-deficient lawns. Follow a balanced fertilization schedule.
  • Water deeply but infrequently. This encourages deep root growth and helps the grass resist disease. Water early in the morning to allow grass to dry during the day.
  • Improve air circulation. Prune nearby trees and shrubs to reduce shade and improve airflow across your lawn.
  • Mow at the proper height. Keep your grass at the recommended height for its species. Taller grass is often more resistant to dollar spot.
  • Reduce thatch. Excessive thatch can harbor the fungus. Dethatch your lawn when necessary.
  • Apply fungicides. If cultural practices aren’t enough, you may need to use fungicides. Both contact and systemic fungicides can be effective against dollar spot. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Overseed with resistant varieties. When reseeding, choose grass varieties resistant to dollar spot.

Remember, early detection and treatment are key to managing dollar spot effectively. Regular lawn inspections can help you catch the problem before it becomes severe.

How To Treat Lawn Disease

You can treat lawn fungal disease by hiring a lawn care service or taking a DIY lawn maintenance approach. You can also choose a chemical fungicide or try out an all-natural option. 

Any of these methods can work, but some are more costly and time consuming than others. To choose the best treatment option for you, decide if you want to pay more for a doctor to find and treat the problem or if you don’t mind doing the research and work yourself. 

The next couple of sections will touch on some lawn disease treatment methods and how they can get your grass back in tip-top shape.

Using Fungicide To Treat Grass Fungus

Fungicide is a type of pesticide that kills fungi living on plants. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of lawn diseases.

If your lawn shows symptoms of infection and it’s too late for preventative measures, applying fungicide to your turfgrass may be an effective treatment method.

Home Remedies for Lawn Disease Treatment

Below are some home remedies for fungus control. These methods are meant to be used on smaller areas of infected turf or as preventive measures. Chemical fungicides may be necessary if your lawn is severely affected by fungus.

Compost Tea

Compost tea is a liquid version of compost made from water and microbial matter. The liquid is brewed in a mechanical system to multiply beneficial bacteria and create a nutritious turfgrass treatment. 

Compost tea is best used as a preventive treatment for your lawn because it adds beneficial bacteria to the soil to help it take in nutrients, keeping your lawn healthy and strong. The beneficial bacteria also build soil structure to help reduce compaction that can lead to fungal infection.

Neem Oil

If you’d prefer to go the all-natural route and avoid spraying chemicals on your lawn, you can buy a neem oil spray to fight fungus on your turf.

Neem oil is a naturally occurring insecticide and fungicide found in neem tree seeds. According to the National Pesticide Information Center, neem oil and its components are used in over 100 pesticide products.

Neem oil works by preventing fungal spores from penetrating plant tissue. While the oil won’t cure already infected grass, it does help contain the spread of disease.

Baking Soda Solution

You can apply a baking soda solution to your turf to treat small areas of lawn fungus. To use this treatment effectively, you’ll need to mix sodium bicarbonate with water.

Your goal is to create a solution strong enough to kill fungi but too weak to disrupt your soil’s pH balance.

How To Prevent Lawn Disease


Dethatching is the process of removing dead plant matter from your lawn. Thatch builds up between the base of grass blades and soil, creating an optimal environment for fungus to thrive. 

Most lawn care companies provide dethatching services, but there are also several ways to dethatch your lawn yourself with a manual thatch rake, power rake, or vertical mower.

Core Aeration

Core aeration involves using a machine to pull cylindrical plugs out of the soil, adding natural fertilization and circulation to the turf. Core aeration helps prevent lawn disease by loosening compacted soil and stimulating grass growth. You should aerate your lawn about once a year, but consider more frequent aeration if your yard experiences heavy foot traffic or waterlogging.You can hire a landscaping company to aerate your lawn or do it yourself by renting an aerator from your local home improvement store. 


Set your sprinklers to water your lawn early in the day. Your grass needs about one inch of water each week to grow. Watering late in the day gives it less time to dry properly. Water early to help prevent your grass from staying wet and developing fungus.

Sprinkler spraying water on a green lawn.
Watering early in the day instead of at night can help prevent lawn fungus from growing and causing disease in your yard.


Ensuring proper lawn mowing techniques is another way to prevent fungus outbreaks in your lawn

Before the mowing season begins, sharpen your mower’s blades to avoid ragged turf. Poorly cut grass is more vulnerable to fungal infection, so a clean mowing job is a must.

You also need to maintain a certain grass height depending on the type of grass in your yard. Common grasses like tall fescue should be cut to 2 to 3 inches. Warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass and Zoysia grass thrive at a 1-inch cutting height.  

Lastly, clean up grass clippings after mowing. Infected clippings can spread fungus to other areas of your lawn or build up as thatch, preventing nutrients from reaching areas of healthy growth.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article helps you understand how to treat fungal disease on your lawn. Homeowners have access to many treatment options, from DIY care to home remedies.

Remember that regular lawn maintenance is the best way to prevent fungal outbreaks in your turfgrass. The healthier your lawn is, the better equipped it will be to ward off pests and germs.

Further Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What kills fungus but not grass?

Several fungicides are designed to target lawn fungi while leaving your grass unharmed. Look for products containing active ingredients such as:

  • Propiconazole
  • Azoxystrobin
  • Myclobutanil
  • Thiophanate-methyl

These fungicides are formulated to disrupt fungal growth without damaging turfgrass. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application rates and frequency.

What is the best homemade lawn fungus treatment?

While commercial fungicides are often more effective, some homemade treatments can help with mild fungal issues:

  1. Compost tea: Brew compost in water to create a nutrient-rich spray that can boost your lawn’s health and resistance to fungal diseases.
  2. Baking soda solution: Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one gallon of water and a few drops of liquid soap. This can help alter the pH of the grass surface, making it less hospitable for fungal growth.
  3. Neem oil spray: Dilute neem oil according to package instructions and spray on affected areas. Neem oil has natural antifungal properties.

Remember, these homemade treatments may not be as effective as commercial products for severe infestations.

What is the best time of year to treat lawn fungus?

The best time to treat lawn fungus depends on the specific type of fungus and your local climate. However, in general:

  • Spring: Apply preventative treatments as temperatures begin to warm up.
  • Summer: Treat active fungal infections quickly, especially during humid periods.
  • Fall: Apply preventative treatments before winter, particularly for snow mold in colder regions.

For most fungal diseases, early treatment is key. Apply fungicides at the first sign of infection or when conditions are favorable for fungal growth in your area.

Will lawn fungus go away on its own?

In some cases, minor fungal infections may resolve on their own if environmental conditions change (for example, decreased humidity or improved air circulation). However, it’s generally not advisable to wait and hope the fungus will disappear. Untreated fungal infections can spread and cause significant damage to your lawn.

Implementing proper lawn care practices can help your grass recover from mild infections. For more severe cases, active treatment with fungicides is usually necessary.

Can lawn fungus be spread by mowing?

Yes, lawn fungus can be spread by mowing. Fungal spores can attach to mower blades, wheels, and other parts of the mower. They can then spread to areas of your lawn that are not affected or even to nearby lawns. To minimize this risk:

  1. Mow infected areas last to avoid spreading the fungus to healthy parts of your lawn.
  2. Clean and disinfect your mower after use, especially if you’ve mowed over infected areas.
  3. Avoid mowing when the grass is wet, as this can increase the spread of fungal spores.
  4. Bag clippings from infected areas rather than leaving them on the lawn.

By taking these precautions, you can help contain fungal infections and prevent their spread while mowing.

Editorial Contributors
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Elisabeth Beauchamp

Senior Staff Writer

Elisabeth Beauchamp is a content producer for Today’s Homeowner’s Lawn and Windows categories. She graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with degrees in Journalism and Linguistics. When Elisabeth isn’t writing about flowers, foliage, and fertilizer, she’s researching landscaping trends and current events in the agricultural space. Elisabeth aims to educate and equip readers with the tools they need to create a home they love.

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photo of Coty Perry

Coty Perry

Expert Writer & Reviewer

Coty Perry is a lawn and garden writer for Today’s Homeowner. He focuses on providing homeowners with actionable tips that relate to the “Average Joe” who is looking to achieve a healthier and greener lawn. When he isn’t writing he can almost always be found coaching youth football or on some trail in Pennsylvania in search of the next greatest fishing hole.

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