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Our Score: 4.5

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Do you hate finding clumps of hair in your shower drain? It’s a common issue for many households and not only is it annoying, but it can also lead to inconvenient clogs and expensive repairs if it’s not addressed properly. Allow us to introduce you to the ShowerShroom Hair Catcher and Shower Drain Protector: an effective, chemical-free solution to the problem. This clever device, designed by the team at ShowerShroom, prevents clogged drains by capturing any hair, soap scum, and other debris that may obstruct the flow. With its easy-to-install design and stainless steel construction, it will keep your shower drain clean and clog-free. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at the features, benefits, and specifications of this product and share some important factors to consider as you’re shopping for a shower drain protector. So, if you’re tired of hair clogging up your shower drain, then be sure to read on!

From the Manufacturer

The ShowerShroom Hair Catcher and Drain Protector is an innovative, award-winning product that provides a neat and efficient way to catch hair and keep it from clogging your shower drain. Unlike standard drain plugs that cover the drain, ShowerShroom fits inside the drain to safely and effectively collect hair around it. This product is designed for shower stalls with a standard-sized, 4-inch drain opening and can be easily installed by simply replacing the existing drain cover. It is eco-friendly and cost-effective, eliminating the need for chemicals or costly plumbing services. The patented design has been recognized with a 2018 KBB Product Innovator Award in the home and bath category, ensuring its reliability and effectiveness. This shower drain protector is an excellent product for anyone who wants to save time and money while shielding their pipes from harsh chemicals.

Customer Review

A satisfied customer reviewed the product saying: “We bought this for our primary bath shower. We had a hair catcher that was supposed to stay in place with little suction cups, yet it continually moved all over the shower. We tried this and it worked just as we wanted it to. It is easy to clean the trap, does not shift around, and [is] easy to keep clean.“


  • Easy to clean and remove hair
  • Stays securely in place
  • Can be easily removed from the drain
  • Fits most drains without adjustments
  • No harsh chemicals


  • May not fit some tubs

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Shower Drain Protectors: A Buyer’s Guide

Choosing a suitable shower drain protector can be a daunting task. To ensure you end up with a product that meets all your needs and expectations, consider these factors when making your final decision:


Look for a product made from durable materials like stainless steel or brass that’s resistant to rust, as well as wear and tear over time. You should also check if the product has a guarantee that promises a certain level of durability.


Depending on the existing fixtures in your shower, the material of the drain protector may need to match. Metal finishes such as chrome or brushed nickel often accompany contemporary showers, while brass or copper can provide a classic look. Make sure to pick a material that won’t clash with your space’s overall design and style.

Ease of Installation

Installing a shower drain protector shouldn’t be overly complicated or require specialized tools. Choose one designed for easy installation, with detailed instructions for setting it up correctly.


Selecting a shower drain protector is not all about aesthetics – functionality must also be taken into account. A drain protector is meant to prevent blockages, clogging, and the resulting water accumulation by catching hair and other debris. Make sure the product you choose is able to effectively do all of these things.


The drain protector must fit perfectly in your bathtub or sink drains to work effectively and last longer. Make sure to measure the opening carefully, and check to see if all the necessary parts are included in the package before making a purchase.


Before making your selection, compare prices between different brands and see what extra features they offer at various price points that may help to distinguish their products from competitors’ products.

Anti-Clogging Features

To ensure long-lasting performance, select a shower drain protector with built-in, anti-clogging features such as grooves or channels, which will help trap larger dirt particles before they enter the pipes beneath and cause clogs down the line.

Rust Resistance

Choose a shower drain protector made from corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel or brass. These materials are guaranteed to last longer than those made from other materials like plastic, which can easily deteriorate over time due to exposure to water vapor and air pollution.

Ease of Cleaning

Most showers are prone to developing mold and mildew due to steamy indoor conditions. This makes it essential to choose a shower drain protector that can be easily cleaned without taking much effort or time. Look for models with removable parts or ones that can be wiped down using soap and water. This will help maintain its shine and resist staining over longer periods.


Finally, ensure your new purchase comes with a warranty to protect against manufacturing defects or faulty components during installation. This will allow you the peace of mind of knowing that if anything goes wrong during regular use, you’ll have access to reliable customer service at no additional cost.

Why Trust Us

At Old House Journal, we believe that shopping for quality products shouldn’t be a stressful experience. Whether you’re upgrading kitchen appliances or replacing outdated plumbing, our team of experts can help you find the perfect solution for your home. When reviewing products, our team of experts takes a holistic approach to evaluate the product’s features, benefits, and overall value. We also employ a data-driven approach, using both internal and third-party data sources to make informed decisions about which products are worth your hard-earned money. This way, you can feel confident while making the purchase!

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