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Table salt is a staple in many, many recipes. Saltiness is a factor that’s considered in all sorts of dishes, and while many cultures differ in terms of food, many of them use salt as part of the recipe. As such, it’s a universal ingredient, and even in your local restaurant, you can find salt shakers ready to be used by people who want their food to have a little more saltiness.

But salt isn’t exactly the healthiest ingredient out there, and while sodium is a vital component for bodily function, too much salt in your body can be a bad thing in the long run. You can develop long-term debilitating effects that can severely impact your life down the line. Salt is still essential in many dishes, however, which is why people are looking for alternatives that aren’t as harmful.

Enter Himalayan salt, or as its more commonly known name, pink salt. Pink salt is easily identifiable due to the unique pink hue that separates it from regular iodized salt. However, unlike regular salt, pink salt has been linked to various health benefits, making it an ideal alternative to regular table salt. It also has a slightly different taste and texture, which is perfect for people who use it to make unique dishes.

If you want to add pink salt to your meals, you’ll need something to grind it up to small enough chunks for consumption. These best pink salt grinders will be your best friend in turning any meal into a tastier (and even healthier) one.

Compare Our Favorite Pink Salt Grinder

Ebaco Pink Salt Grinder

– Best Overall

Stainless steel products feel great to own and use. There’s just something about them that exudes quality and, to a certain degree, luxury. While they aren’t plated with gold and adorned with precious gemstones, the sleek and simple yet heavy and durable feel of stainless steel makes them one of the most popular material choices when it comes to manufacturing kitchenware. And for salt and pepper grinders, they’re especially useful. This grinder by Ebaco can be used for both pepper and salt, including Himalayan or pink salt.

The grinder can easily fit in your hand thanks to its dimensions not exceeding 5.3 inches in height. It’s also got a clear glass body, allowing you to easily see how much of the condiment remains inside the grinder. All the materials used in the stainless steel grinder are of high quality, so you can bet that this product will last you months and even years without losing its premium feel. And thanks to its stainless steel make, it’s also incredibly easy to clean, making maintenance on this grinder a cinch.


  • Salt and pepper grinder
  • Stainless steel make


  • Heavy

Olde Thompson Pink Salt Grinder

– Runner Up

This salt grinder, as well as the next two grinders, already have pink salt contained in them. However, due to the nature of their grinders, you can use the containers multiple times after finishing the salt that comes with your purchase. This will allow you to try out pink salt without having to invest money in buying large quantities of them at once. This adjustable grinder can be bought with Himalayan pink salt, but you can also choose Italian seasoning, steak and burger seasoning, garlic pepper, and more.

The grinder contains 10 oz of pink salt, all of which are natural and fresh. The quality of the salt is good enough to be usable in commercial settings such as restaurants. And while other grinders are made to be reusable for long periods of time, this grinder is made to be disposable and recyclable. This is because the container is made out of PET. You can discard it with ease of mind thanks to its more environmentally-safe nature.


  • PET bottle
  • Disposable grinder


  • Not ideally used more than once

Himalayan Secrets Pink Salt Grinder

– Also Consider

If you or someone you know follows Judaism, then you probably keep an eye on products that adhere to Kosher law. Kosher food isn’t always easy to come by these days, and finding the Kosher certification on a product means that you’ll be able to use that food product in your meals. If you were worried that pink salt doesn’t conform to Kosher dietary laws due to some in-between process, don’t be – this product is 100% Kosher certified.

The salt grinder contains a pack of pink salt ready to go, and it contains no added chemicals that may affect the natural taste of Himalayan salt. The salt is even considered to be Gourmet Food Grade, so when combined with Kosher certification, you can be sure that the food you prepare with this pink salt grinder is both safe and delicious. Whether you’re seasoning meats or adding flavor to salads and stews, this pink salt grinder can serve as an all-in-one solution.


  • Kosher certified
  • Gourmet Food Grade


  • Not always available

Buying Guide for the Best Pink Salt Grinders

Pink salt has become quite the popular alternative to regular table salt in recent years. This guide will give you the basics regarding pink salt grinders.

What Is a Pink Salt Grinder?

Pink salt grinders are grinding tools that either contain pink salt or grind pink salt. Usually, a pink salt grinder will already have pink salt contained inside the bottle, though general use grinders will be empty, requiring you to fill them with your own pink salt.

Why Should You Use Pink Salt Grinders?

It makes grinding salt very easy

Grinding down salt crystals to make them easier to add to meals has been a process that man has done for centuries. It’s very simple and rudimentary, but not only brings out more flavor in the salt crystals but also allows you to more evenly spread it throughout your dish. Grinding salt crystals as you add them to your meal also feels satisfying, which is great if you’re trying to have fun while cooking.

Salt grinding can be done in various ways. Many people used to grind (and still grind) salt using a mortar and pestle, which is the usual way to grind things up into finer particles. However, this can be inconvenient at times, as you may end up with some particles flying out of the mortar and onto your kitchen surface if you’re inexperienced. It can also be difficult to add the grounded-up salt particles onto the meal unless you sprinkle it indirectly with your hand.

And that’s where salt grinders come in. They grind up salt inside the container in a matter of seconds, and you can grind the salt crystals as you pour them onto your dish. It’s easy and effective, and fun besides.

Pink salt contains health benefits

Now, before we go any further, it’s worth mentioning that pink salt does not have any significant advantage over regular table salt when it comes to health benefits. Sure, it can help with various things, including improved respiratory health, but these benefits can also be seen when using regular table salt. There are minerals found in Himalayan pink salt that can’t be found in regular table salt, but the amount isn’t large enough to provide any noticeable benefit.

That’s not to say, however, that you shouldn’t use Himalayan pink salt at all. The benefits are clear and well-documented, and when consumed in healthy doses, you can improve your overall health with the help of Himalayan pink salt. Just don’t think that pink salt is the ultimate solution to staying healthy, as it’s not a wonder ingredient some people purport it to be.

Things To Consider When Buying a Pink Salt Grinder


The size of the pinks salt grinder is important as it determines how much pink salt you can put inside one grinder. Usually, a pink salt grinder is small enough that it can fit in the palm of your hand. This makes it easy to use in many situations, but it also means that you won’t be able to carry around a whole lot of salt before needing to refill the entire grinder.

When choosing the appropriate size for your pink salt grinder, it’s important to take a few things into consideration. For example, how often do you intend on using the pink salt grinder? For how long will you be using it during every cooking session? Will you be using it for other, more commonly used condiments and spices? These factors can affect what size of a pink salt grinder works best for you, and you should give it some thought before buying to make sure you get the most out of your grinder.

Grinder quality

In terms of quality, Himalayan rock salt is nearly identical to a certain degree – after all, they come from the same place and are made up of the same minerals. However, the grinders themselves can vary in quality, with some being made out of durable, long-lasting materials and others made simply for disposal after they’re emptied. But how do you know which is which?

When it comes to grinders, it’s okay to assume that virtually all of them are reusable unless otherwise stated. After all, grinders are made as tools, not disposable bottles, at least for the most part. Disposable grinders can be useful if you don’t really need a use for the grinder after finishing the pink salt, so that’s always worth considering, but otherwise, try going for grinders with at least decent material quality so that it can last you a good while.

Pink Salt Grinder FAQ

Q: Is pink salt healthy?

A: Pink salt does provide health benefits, but so does table salt in healthy doses. Pink salt does not contain any significant advantage over table salt in terms of raw health benefits.

Q: Where does pink salt come from?

A: Most pink salt in the market today comes from the Himalayan Mountains, which makes their composition and color somewhat different from the sea salt commonly used today.

Q: How much pink salt can I consume in a day?

A: Pink salt should be consumed as much as the recommended amount for table salt, as both substances can be dangerous when consumed in high amounts.

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