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Your washing machine is one of the most important appliances in your home, and it’s important to keep it clean if you want fresh, clean laundry. Over time, residue from detergent and clothing can build up in your washing machine and cause odors, discoloration, and mold growth. In this post, we’ll discuss how to keep your washing machine clean and provide tips for avoiding buildup in the first place.

Whether you have a top or front-loading machine, we’ll discuss the best cleaning techniques that are both safe and effective. We’ll also provide alternative methods if you want to go green with your cleaning routine. Let’s get started!

Understanding the Basics

To get started, you must understand the basics of your washing machine. Identify all the removable components, figure out if it has a cleaning cycle, and ask yourself some simple questions. How often do you run your washer? If you use it frequently, cleaning more often may be needed. On the other hand, if you don’t use the washer often, cleaning every few months may be enough. You should also consider how long it has been since you last cleaned your washing machine. If you clean it regularly, you can just run the cleaning cycle by itself. If you’ve never cleaned it before, you may need to wipe down the inside with a damp rag first.

Prepare Your Washing Machine

Once you have determined the frequency of cleaning needed, it’s time to begin the process of preparing your machine. The first step is to empty all the contents of your washing machine. Don’t forget the detergent drawers, fabric softener holders, and any remaining garments or items left inside. It is recommended to remove the lint filter and thoroughly clear off any dust and debris that has accumulated in this area. You can use an attachment on your vacuum to do this.

Use Natural Cleaning Agents

Now that you have prepared your machine, you can gather the cleaning ingredients. We will be using vinegar and baking soda. Vinegar is an effective agent for eliminating any unpleasant odors from your washing machine, while baking soda can help tackle any surface stains or marks that have built up over time.

Run the Cleaning Cycle

Once the cleaning agents have been added in adequate amounts, it’s time to select a cycle and start the clean cycle itself. Set the cycle to hot water and determine what type of load setting works best depending on the size of your washing machine. Finish off starting it by starting it and letting it run until completed.

Final Steps

After completion of the clean cycle, take a look inside the drum to ensure everything looks safe and secure before moving on to a few last steps. Reinsert the lint filter into place, if needed, and leave the door slightly ajar so air can circulate to help prevent future odors from forming. By taking these simple steps and following this guide as outlined above regularly, you can keep your washing machine working efficiently while providing fresh laundry each time.


Keeping your washing machine clean is essential for ensuring fresh, clean laundry. Following this guide will help you keep your washing machine in good condition and running efficiently for years to come. By taking these steps and following the tips outlined in this guide, you can easily say goodbye to those pesky odors and enjoy freshly cleaned clothing again.

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