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Do you want to create the perfect outdoor space for your home, one that will make your home the envy of your neighbors? Then, you’ll need the right tools for the job. In this post, we’ll discuss the top tools you’ll need to give your landscaping some serious curb appeal.

Whether you’re new to landscaping or you’ve been doing it for years, we’ll discuss the essential tools you’ll need to tackle any project. Let’s get started and find the perfect tools to make your landscaping dreams come true.

Supplies for Landscaping

Gardening Tools

Having a good set of gardening tools is essential for any landscaping project. You’ll need items like shovels, rakes, hoes, and trowels to till, dig, and rake the soil. You’ll also want a string trimmer for grass along walkways or around trees. If you’re planning on doing heavy-duty work, you may want to invest in larger tools like powered saws, edgers, and augers.

Fertilizers and Weed Control Products

If you’re trying to take your landscaping to the next level, using fertilizers and weed control products is a must. Fertilizers will help make sure your plants are getting enough nutrients and will help them grow healthy and lush. Weed control products will keep the weeds out of your garden beds so that you don’t have to worry about them taking over. A good sprayer will make applying both a breeze.

Plant and Flower Selection

Choosing the Right Plants

When choosing plants and flowers for your landscaping project, you must account for the climate and soil conditions where you live. Different plants require different amounts of sun, water, and nutrients to thrive properly in your yard. You’ll want to do some research before choosing the plants for your yard.

Plant Hardiness

In addition to finding plants that are well-suited to your climate, you also want to ensure they are hardy enough to survive in your area. Research a plant’s hardiness zone before purchasing to ensure it won’t be damaged by weather. This research will save you money by ensuring that any new plantings won’t die off before they get a chance to grow.

Outdoor Structures


If you want to create a more private outdoor area, installing a fence is an excellent idea. Fencing can also be used to delineate different areas of your yard or keep pets out of certain areas. There are many fencing styles available, so make sure to choose one that fits with the overall look of your outdoor space.

Walls and Steps

Adding walls or steps can help create dimension in a flat outdoor space or provide seating in an area where there isn’t much room for furniture. This feature is great for creating focal points in the garden. Walls can also be used for accentuating existing features, such as trees or shrubs, and steps can be used functionally and aesthetically depending on their placement in the garden or yard.


Path Lights

Adding lighting to an outdoor space can make it look more inviting at night while providing extra security when used strategically. Path lights are an easy way to achieve this without installing complicated wiring systems or electrical outlets.

Accent Lights

Accent lights can be used for highlighting architectural elements, such as trees or statues, and creating a soft glow effect on pathways. These lights typically come with higher voltage bulbs that require professional installation.


Creating the perfect outdoor space doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right tools, you can transform your yard into an oasis of beauty and relaxation that you’ll enjoy for years. From gardening tools to decorative elements, the supplies you’ll need for landscaping are easier to find than you think. With some know-how, you can give your landscaping some serious curb appeal. Get out there and start transforming your outdoor space today.

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Old House Journal

Founded in 1973, Old House Journal is the original authority when it comes to old-house restoration, traditional house styles, period kitchens, bath & kitchen restoration, DIY projects, gardens & landscaping, and more-- from Colonial and Victorian through Arts & Crafts and Mid-century Modern homes.

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