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If you’re looking to bring the flavor and fun of outdoor grilling to your backyard, nothing beats the classic gas grill. And when it comes to grilling steaks, gas grills offer unbeatable convenience and control, as well as unmatched flavor. Finding the right grill for your home and understanding how to use it can be challenging.

In this post, we’ll explain how to grill steaks on a gas grill and offer some tips on finding the best options for you. We’ll also review some of the highest-rated gas grills on the market, from quality budget options to top-of-the-line models. So get ready to enjoy some delicious steaks that you can be proud to serve your family and friends.

Overview of Gas Grilling

Gas grilling involves cooking meats directly over heat produced by the burning of gas, typically natural gas or propane, in the grill. Many gas grills are equipped with a thermometer gauge that can be used to easily monitor and regulate the temperature of the grill. This makes it easy to accurately determine the cooking temperature of the steak as it cooks, with minimal guesswork.

Preparing the Steak

When selecting steaks for grilling, opt for cuts that are tender yet have enough fat content, such as porterhouse, T-bone, rib eye, or sirloin steaks. They should be at least 1 inch thick so they will not overcook during grilling.

Bringing the Steak to Room Temperature

Bringing the steak to room temperature before grilling helps ensure even cooking. Place the steaks out of their packaging and let them sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before grilling.

Seasoning the Steak

Seasoning the steak before grilling adds flavor and can also help keep it moist during cooking. A good way to start is by generously seasoning both sides of the steaks with salt and pepper, then brushing them with olive oil to help create a flavorful crust when they hit the hot grill surface.

Preheating the Grill

Turn on the main burner valve on your gas grill by turning it counterclockwise until it clicks into place. The main burner should ignite shortly after starting up the valve, and you should hear it roar to life within 15 seconds or so.

Set your desired temperature on your gas grill using the control knob or by adjusting the lever connected to the main burner valve if so equipped. A medium-high temperature of around 400°F works best for most types of steak, but if you like your steak more rare or well done, you can adjust accordingly using lower or higher temperatures, respectively.

Placing the Steak on the Grill

Carefully place each steak onto your preheated gas grill, position them away from direct heat sources, and close any lid if so equipped to help maintain an even heat distribution while they cook. Resist pressing down on the steaks while they cook, as this will force out valuable juices, creating a tough and leathery steak instead of one that is juicy and tender.

After 3-4 minutes on each side, check each steak’s internal temperature using an instant-read thermometer inserted into its thickest part. Tare steak should reach 130-135°F (54-57°C), medium-rare should reach 140-145°F (60-63°C) and medium 160°F (71°C). Once your desired doneness is reached, remove each steak from the heat immediately to avoid overcooking them.

Finishing the Steak

Resting your cooked steaks will allow their juicy goodness to be evenly distributed throughout their interior, creating a tender and succulent steak once served. Let it rest for around 10 minutes after finishing them off on the grill before moving onto serving plates or cutting them into individual portions. This will give you plenty of time to prepare sides or other items for your meal while your steaks finish resting.

Just before serving, top each steak with a pad of butter for an added depth of flavor; as soon as it touches your hot steaks, it will melt into them, creating a luxurious flavor profile sure to please even your pickiest eater!


Grilling steaks on a gas grill can be an easy, delicious way to enjoy an outdoor meal with family and friends. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily cook restaurant-quality steaks with precision temperature control and flavorful searing. With the right grill, a bit of practice, and this guide by your side, you’re family and friends will be calling you a grill master in no time!

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