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For many of us, having a reliable and safe water source is essential. Whether you live in an area with naturally-low water levels or rely on a well for your home, using a water storage tank can help you manage and store your water. A water storage tank ensures you always have the right amount of water in your home or business, regardless of external conditions.

In this article, we’ll share our top picks for the finest water storage tanks. We’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each type of tank and share the top features you should look for when buying one. Whether you’re looking for a durable tank that can handle extreme weather or need a space-saving option, we’ve got you covered.

Water Storage Tank: A Buyer’s Guide

When looking to purchase a water storage tank, there are a variety of factors to consider. To help make the process easier, we have compiled this guide to provide an overview of the nine most important features to look for when choosing a water storage tank.


The capacity is the first factor to consider when buying a water storage tank. Depending on your needs, you will want to choose a tank that can adequately store the water you need. This will be based on square footage or volume. You’ll also want to consider whether or not the tank has additional features, such as compartments or additional connections to other tanks.


Next, you’ll need to decide what material you want for your water storage tank. Common materials include plastic, concrete, stainless steel, and fiberglass. Each material has pros and cons, and it’s important to consider environmental factors and costs when deciding. Plastic tanks are generally less expensive but may require more maintenance over time, while stainless steel tanks are more durable but may be more costly upfront.


When choosing a water storage tank, you’ll also need to consider its design. Water tanks come in a variety of designs, including sealed tanks with no openings for draining and filling and tanks with openings for both tasks. It’s important to consider how much work you want to do regularly to maintain your tank when selecting the right design.


Another important factor to consider when buying a water storage tank is its durability. Will the tank stand up to wear and tear over time? Different materials offer varying levels of durability, so it’s important to consider that when selecting the right material for your needs. Some tanks are coated with particular chemicals or substances that offer extra protection against wear and tear over time.


You must also ensure your water tank is easily accessible for repairs or maintenance. If you plan on accessing the interior of your tank for purposes such as cleaning or repairs, ensure adequate safety measures are in place to protect anyone working inside the tank from potential harm.

Installation Requirements

Before installing your water storage tank, ensure you know its installation requirements to ensure it is done correctly and safely. Consider if any special installation conditions apply or if any equipment may be needed that must be followed for your water storage tank installation to be successful and legal.


Where will your water storage tank be located? Will it be indoors or outdoors? Make sure that there is enough space for it both now and in the future so that it does not become too cramped or crowded over time, as this can lead to decreased performance and efficiency of your unit as well as potential damage if it becomes overcrowded with other items nearby such as furniture or plants, etc.


It’s important to compare costs between different types of water storage tanks when deciding which one is right for you; make sure you get the best value out of your purchase by doing research ahead of time on what different models cost so you can find one within your budget range that meets all of your needs effectively.

Maintenance Needs

Finally, make sure that you know what type of regular maintenance your chosen model requires. All tanks require some level of maintenance to perform optimally over time, so make sure you understand exactly what needs to be done for yours to last years and beyond! Some common tasks include checking filters and hoses for clogs or leaks, servicing pumps annually, inspecting seals around lid openings, etc.

Comparing Water Storage Tanks

WaterSupply Water Storage Tank

– Best Overall


Check on WaterSupply

The SureWater WaterSupply Water Storage Tank is an ideal emergency water storage container for any home. Its durable construction allows for the safe and hygienic storage of hundreds of gallons of water that can last up to 260 days. It is made from a heavy-duty high-density polyethylene material (HDPE) that is both FDA/NSF compliant and BPA-free, ensuring that your stored water remains clean and safe to drink.

The tank is also designed to be space efficient, allowing it to fit through any standard doorway. It weighs 75 pounds empty and 2243 pounds full, making it light enough to move even when full. The integrated brass spigot makes accessing your water a breeze, simply attach a standard garden hose and you are ready to go. The water storage tank ensures that you will be prepared for any water emergency or shortage, making sure you have access to clean drinking water whenever you need it most. With its unique design, lightweight construction, and exceptional durability, this best overall tank will provide reliable water storage for years to come.


  • Well-made
  • Delivered on a lift gate truck for easy delivery
  • Quick delivery


  • Delivery may be too large for some customers to accommodate.

Legacy Premium Water Storage Tank

– Excellent Durability


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This emergency water storage tank by Legacy Premium Food Storage comes with six tanks and offers 30 gallons of safe drinking water for emergencies. The heavy-duty, food-grade plastic construction is designed with a 3/4 inch threaded opening and offers dimensions of 15³ H x 10³ W x 12³ D. The tanks feature stackable ribs on the top and matching vents on the bottom for easy and efficient stacking as well as a built-in handle for ease of transportation. The dark blue color will help keep out light and prevent algae growth. The product includes eight lids, two spigots, an Aquamira water purification kit, and a lid strap wrench.

The 30-gallon capacity makes this tank the perfect choice for emergencies when tap water is unreliable or contaminated. Its durable construction ensures that it can handle the wear and tear of continuous refilling, while its lightweight design makes it easy to transport and store. The built-in handle lets you lift and move it quickly when needed, while the stackable design allows users to maximize the space in their storage area. The Aquamira water purification kit will help ensure your water stays clean and safe by reducing bacteria, chemicals, viruses, and sediment from potable water sources so you can have peace of mind during an emergency.


  • Stackable tanks are easy to maneuver
  • Stick wrench and water treatment kit included
  • Tight seal on caps for leak prevention
  • Integrated handle for easy movement


  • Lids may be hard to seal

LOSTRONAUT Water Storage Tank

– Easy to Set Up


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The LOSTRONAUT Portable Rain Barrel Water Tank is the perfect solution for any consumer looking for an efficient way to water their garden or lawn. This collapsible rainwater collection system provides a generous amount of storage in its 53-gallon capacity and 27.5-inch tall by 24-inch wide size. It is built to last with its highest quality 3-ply PVC material and UV, heat, cold, and freeze-resistant zipper.

This set has excellent features like two spigots and an overflow kit. The two spigots-one high flow and one downspout-provide ample water from the tank, and the overflow spout ensures no water waste. The tank includes leakproof washers, six sturdy legs/feet for stability, and a super-tough barrel with a filtered intake hole. It takes no time to set up or take down and stores easily away when not in use.


  • Sturdy and easy to assemble
  • Multiple faucets are easy to install
  • Design blends beautifully outdoors
  • Easy to clean and store away


  • Mesh may be too large

KMJETNIVY Water Storage Tank

– Sturdy Design


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The KMJETNIVY Rain Barrel Portable Water Storage Tank is an excellent choice for those looking to recycle rainwater while also helping to reduce their carbon footprint. This product has a capacity of up to 50 or 100 gallons, letting you store significant rainwater for car washing, irrigation, and other purposes. It has three outlet valves installed and doesn’t require manual installation, so setup is quick and easy.

The rain barrel is made from durable materials to withstand the worst weather conditions for an extended period. It is collapsible, making it easy to transport and store in the garage or tool room, even when space is limited. Overall, this rain barrel is an excellent choice for eco-minded individuals who want to recycle rainwater conveniently and efficiently.


  • Pre-installed valves
  • Sturdy and thick fabric
  • Posts have wider bottom support
  • Bottom drain spout handle can be adjusted


  • Leaky seals on some spouts

Norwesco Water Storage Tank

– Best for ATV Mounting


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The Norwesco Gallon Horizontal Water Tank is an ideal way to store water for various uses around the home or business. Constructed from high-density polyethylene, it is both durable and lightweight and can withstand a variety of chemical uses without suffering any harm. It has a 35-gallon capacity and measures 29“ x 20“ x 23“, making it the perfect size for many applications.

This tank can be used for rainwater collection and harvesting, greywater storage, hydroponic systems, and even water care systems. The flat back and low profile make installation easy in tight spaces, and the broad base ensures stability. An easy-to-use screw-on lid allows you to fill and empty the tank as needed and helps to keep the contents secure when in storage.


  • Easy to mount and attach
  • Tough, high-quality polymer construction
  • Two grooves for easy tie-down
  • Creates basic water pressure without overuse


  • Requires additional hardware for use

People Also Asked

Q: What size water storage tank do I need?

A: The size of the water storage tank depends on various factors, including the intended use, the volume of water required, and the space available. Larger tanks are usually needed for agricultural or industrial applications, while smaller tanks are usually enough for domestic purposes.

Q: What type of material should I use for a water storage tank?

A: The type of material used for a water storage tank can vary depending on the application. Common materials include concrete, plastic, fiberglass, steel, wood, and aluminum. Each has advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when selecting.

Q: How much will a water storage tank cost?

A: The cost of a water storage tank depends on the size and material used. Generally, larger tanks made from more expensive materials will cost more than smaller tanks made from cheaper materials. Prices can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars or more.

Q: How often should the tank be inspected?

A: It is recommended that a water storage tank be inspected at least once per year to ensure its integrity and proper functioning. If any changes in the system or environment have occurred since the last inspection, an inspection should be conducted immediately to ensure proper functioning.

Q: What safety precautions should be taken prior to installing a water storage tank?

A: Prior to installing a water storage tank, it is important to follow all safety instructions provided by the manufacturer and local regulations. This includes ensuring that all components are correctly installed per the guidelines, that any necessary permits have been obtained before installation, and that hazardous materials are handled properly during installation and disposal of waste.

Q: How long should a water storage tank last?

A: The life expectancy of a water storage tank depends on several factors, such as the material used, the size of the tank, the volume of water stored, and the level of maintenance provided. Generally, most types of tanks should last between 10 and 20 years if properly maintained over time.

Q: Are water storage tanks suitable for storing drinking water?

A: Many water storage tanks are suitable for storing drinking water, provided they are properly maintained over time and inspected periodically under recommended guidelines. It is important to understand that certain materials may not be suitable for storing drinking water due to leaching or chemical exposure.

Q: Are there any regulations or requirements for the installation of a water storage tank?

A: Most local and state governments have regulations and requirements for installing a water storage tank specific to their region and application type (domestic/commercial/industrial). It is important to check with local authorities before purchase or installation to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.

Q: Is it possible to recycle or reclaim the materials from old water storage tanks?

A: Yes, it is possible to recycle or reclaim some components from old water storage tanks, such as plastic polyethylene liners and steel reinforcing rods, depending on their construction. In some cases, recycling may be more cost-effective than replacing these components with new ones when repairing or replacing an old water storage tank.

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