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Are you feeling tired, weak, or anxious but can’t seem to put your finger on what might be causing it? It might be time to consider investing in a grounding mat. These mats are designed to connect you directly with the Earth’s natural electrical field and help you to relax, reset, and restore balance in your body. They reduce the amount of electrical charge and electromagnetic radiation running through your body, helping you feel grounded and connected to the Earth.

We’ve listed down some of the highest-rated grounding mats to help you make an informed decision. Whether you’re looking for something small and portable or a mat with all the bells and whistles, our list has got you covered.

Buying Guide: Grounding Mat

Grounding mats are a great way to mitigate the effects of static electricity and provide an effective means of dissipating electrical charges. But to reap all these benefits, you need to choose the right grounding mat. With that in mind, we’ve curated this comprehensive buyer’s guide to help you choose the perfect grounding mat for your needs.

How to Choose a Grounding Mat


When selecting a grounding mat, it’s important to consider the material used in its construction. Rubber is the preferred choice for grounding mats because it provides insulation from electric shocks and provides superior durability. This material also has good elasticity and is easier to maintain than other materials.

Color and Design

Most grounding mats come in various colors and designs, allowing customers to choose one that matches their workspace aesthetic or other tools they are using within it. Take this into consideration if design preference plays into your purchasing decision.


Grounding mats come in various lengths and widths, so selecting one that covers the designated area completely is important. Depending on the application, you may need a large grounding mat with greater coverage or a smaller grounding mat with more precise coverage.

The size of the surface area covered by the ground mat also matters, as larger surfaces provide better coverage for dissipating static electricity away from sensitive components. Larger grounded areas are better for dissipating static electricity over longer distances, while smaller areas can only disperse static electricity over short distances. It’s important to measure accurately when buying a grounding mat to get one that covers the designated area completely and efficiently.


The mat’s thickness can also affect its efficacy as thicker mats can absorb larger amounts of electric current while thinner mats may not handle as much power. When choosing a mat, it’s important to consider the level of electrical resistance you require to get the most out of your grounding mat.


When selecting a grounding mat, it’s important to consider the durability to determine how long the product will last before needing replacement. Rubber ground mats typically have better durability than man-made materials and will last longer without showing any visible signs of wear and tear.

Electrical resistance

This refers to the amount of electricity that can be conducted through the material used to construct the grounding mat. Rubber mats have higher electrical resistance than other man-made materials, so choosing a material that can withstand high levels of electrical current with minimal damage is important.


Higher conductivity means greater efficiency in dissipating static electricity away from sensitive components, while lower conductivity levels may not provide as much protection from electric shocks. Rubber or leather grounding mats typically have higher conductivity levels than other man-made materials, making them ideal for robust protection against electric shock.

Safety features

Safety should always come first when dealing with electrical equipment and devices. So, always look for products with certified safety standards, such as UL or IEC standards, which ensure adequate resistance against electric shock to protect personnel from harm.

Comparing the Top-Rated Grounding Mat

Earthing Grounding Mat

– Best Overall


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The Earthing Grounding Mat is a revolutionary product designed to improve sleep, and reduce inflammation, pain, and anxiety. It harnesses the power of the earth’s electrons, offering you an effective way to ground yourself and restore balance. The Mat is made with eco-friendly and non-toxic materials such as vinyl-free polyurethane resin to create a safe environment for earthing. The complete kit includes an earthing mat, coil cord, US safety adapter, and an outlet tester, allowing you to start using it right out of the box.

This grounding mat is patent-protected with a one-year warranty, so you can rest easy investing in a reliable product. Setting up this mat is extremely easy – all you need to do is plug it into any safe outlet, and you will be connected with the Earth’s electrons in no time. This natural conductive energy reduces stress levels, increases energy levels, improves blood circulation, and normalizes hormonal imbalances while giving you greater clarity and emotional balance.


  • Allows for easy storage when not in use
  • Easy setup and connection to plug
  • Slim design to prevent tripping


  • Charge may be too strong for some

Hooga Grounding Mat

– Most Rejuvenating


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Looking for an innovative way to connect with the Earth’s natural energy without having to be outdoors? The Hooga Grounding Mat is for you. The mat is constructed with a non-slip rubber backing and soft vegan leather that’s carbon-infused, making it highly conducive to help you alleviate stress and unwind after a long day. The mat has a 15-foot grounding wire to connect to a grounded electrical outlet.

This grounding mat uses the Earth’s natural energy to improve health and well-being. Using this mat is easy – just unroll it, snap the grounding cord onto the mat, plug the cord into the ground socket of a wall electrical outlet, and you are all set to enjoy the benefits of grounding while indoors. You can use this versatile grounding mat as a floor or desk mat when working or resting at home or work. To ensure that you can reap the full benefits of this product, it includes an instructional video demonstration with every purchase on how to test for continuity and do a body voltage test using the grounding mat.


  • Provides a lengthy cord so you can adjust as needed
  • Travel-friendly design
  • Easy to set up and maintain cleanliness


  • Not comfortable to sleep on directly

ATE Health Grounding Mat

– Budget-Friendly


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The ATE Health Grounding Mat kit is the perfect way to experience the benefits of grounding without having to worry about electricity or even needing to go outside. This mat is constructed from eco-friendly and non-toxic materials, so you can use it with complete peace of mind. It also comes with a black top layer of vegan leather and a bottom layer of high-quality foam, making it extremely user-friendly. It comes with a 15 feet long straight cord for a quick and easy setup to reduce inflammation and improve sleep.

Another great thing about this grounding mat is that it rejuvenates your body without requiring electricity, making it both practical and eco-friendly. With its comfortable design, this product is sure to be a hit with anyone looking for a natural way to relax and feel grounded no matter where they are. The kit also includes a wristband to further increase your grounding potential.


  • Wristband for added convenience
  • Comes with cord for quick setup
  • Includes a user guide


  • The cord may tangle easily

NEWMEIL Grounding Mat

– Most Versatile


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The NEWMEIL Grounding Mat is an excellent accessory to have for those looking to take their health and well-being to the next level. This mat comes with a 15 feet long cord, making it the perfect product for addressing many of the physical ailments caused by being constantly connected to technology. It measures 39.37 inches by 11.8 inches, making it an incredibly versatile product that can be used anywhere – from under a computer mouse at the office or under a foot pad while lying in bed.

Due to its ground-contact design, this mat is capable of providing relief from pain and inflammation as well as improved mental focus and motivation. By using this grounding mat, your body connects with free electrons that work as antioxidants to neutralize free radicals and reset your body’s biological clock. This product is made from high-quality materials that are smooth to the touch and have a thin felt material on the bottom.


  • Indicator light to ensure proper grounding
  • Smooth fabric that does not hinder writing
  • Easy to clean with damp cloth


  • Doesn’t come with a user manual

People Also Asked

Q: How does a grounding mat work?

A: Grounding mats provide a direct connection between the user and the Earth’s natural electrical field. The grounding mat absorbs electrons from the Earth’s naturally occurring electrical field, which are then distributed to the user through their body. This helps reduce static electricity, balance an individual’s energy field, and promote general well-being.

Q: Are there any safety concerns with using a grounding mat?

A: When used properly and with caution, no safety concerns are generally associated with using a grounding mat. But it’s important to follow all manufacturer instructions and warnings when using any electrical device, including grounding mats. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of any health conditions or medications that could be affected by a grounding mat and seek medical advice before using one.

Q: Does a grounding mat require regular maintenance?

A: No, most grounded mats don’t require regular maintenance and should last several years if properly cared for according to manufacturer instructions. Over time, the insulation of certain mats can become brittle or worn due to use or exposure to extreme temperature or moisture levels. This can result in decreased conductivity and diminished performance over time, so it’s important to regularly inspect the condition of the materials used to construct the grounding mat.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for using a grounding mat?

A: There are generally no age restrictions for using grounded mats. Still, it’s always advisable to seek medical advice before introducing earthing (grounding) therapies into children’s healthcare routine. Certain medical conditions may need to be taken into consideration before usage depending on age group and individual health condition.

Q: Are grounding mats waterproof?

A: No, most grounding mats are not waterproof and should not be submerged in water; however, some manufacturers do offer waterproof models which should be used if it is necessary for your application.

Q: Do I need a special plug or outlet to use a grounding mat?

A: No, you do not need a special plug or outlet to use a grounding mat; however, it is essential that any outlet used in conjunction with the mat is earthed correctly in order for the mat to work properly and safely. It is also important to ensure that any electrical wiring near the outlet is secure and functioning properly prior to use.

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