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If you are fortunate enough to have a pool or a hot tub at your place, you probably already know that owning either is not all sunshine and rainbows. Maintaining these spaces can end up being a nightmare compared to the pleasure and enjoyment of just relaxing in them. And the biggest problem can come in the form of the relentless foam that never seems to let the water inside your pool or hot tub stay clear.

Fortunately, defoamers can be a great solution to your problems. These products can make your water look clearer by breaking the surface tension of foam while also fighting the agents that cause it. But buying these products isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are a ton of things you need to be aware of before you start looking for one. But don’t worry, that’s exactly what this article is going to help you with. From some reviews of the top defoamers to a detailed buyer’s guide, you should be able to find something that can help eliminate the foam from your hot tub or pool!

Finding Your Next Defoamers: A Buyer’s Guide

Buying a defoamer is no easy task, especially if you’ve just bought a hot tub. There are a lot of different foaming agents out there too, and knowing more about the problem you’re facing can help you solve it. And that is exactly why we have compiled this buyer’s guide for you. It should provide you with some useful information about these products and help you find a defoamer that can work for you and your specific setup.

Benefits of Using Defoamers

Removing harmful chemicals

First, it’s important to know what causes foam in hot tubs. The oils, soaps, and other cosmetic products that can mix in with your water whenever you take a soak are the main reason. Chemicals from these products and substances do not only cause foam, but they can also be pretty risky for anyone coming in contact with them, too.

Defoamers can help remove this foam from the water, and they can also help with getting rid of the chemicals that cause the buildup in the first place.

Eliminating dirt from water

The water in pools and hot tubs are prone to gathering a lot of impurities. And these don’t just include the chemicals from other products that mix in with the water. The water in pools or hot tubs can also contain more dirt than you might realize, and another benefit of using defoamers is that they can also help remove this dirt along with foam.

Types of Defoamers


Silicone-based defoamers contain hydrophobic silica, which is diffused in silicon oil. Emulsifiers are also added to make sure the silicone spreads evenly in a product. Silicone-based defoamers can also work effectively without altering water chemistry.


Just like their name sounds, water-based defoamers are made up of a water base. Different types of oils, like mineral oil and waxes, are then added to the water to create a product that acts as a defoamer. What makes water-based defoamers a good option is that they are unlikely to leave behind an oily residue.


Oil-based defoamers can be made of different types of oil, including vegetable oil and mineral oil. These products can also contain other materials, such as waxes or hydrophobic silica, to make a product more effective. Oil-based defoamers might be more effective at removing foam compared to other types of defoamers, too.

Powder defoamers

Powder defoamers aren’t really that different from oil-based defoamers, except that they come in powder form. These defoamers are made from a mixture of different types of oils and waxes that work together to help remove the foam.

Things To Consider When Buying Defoamers

Chemical compatibility

Pools and spa water almost always contain chemical compounds, like chlorine or bromine, to help kill bacteria. So, if you use a defoamer that does not work well with these chemicals, it can throw off the balance of the chemical levels of your water.

This is why you should make sure a product won’t alter your water’s chemistry before you buy it, and you also check if it is compatible with the chemicals added to your pool or hot tub, too. And speaking of chemicals, you should also ensure that the defoamer you purchase does not include chemicals that can cause irritation or harm to your eyes or skin.


Not everyone leads the same kind of lifestyle. For example, if you’re all about green solutions and products, make sure you buy a defoamer that is environmentally friendly. These kinds of products often contain solutions that are biodegradable and shouldn’t harm marine life when they’re flushed out.

Before buying a defoamer, you should also make sure that a product does not contain any ingredients you are allergic to. Even after flushing, some trace amounts of a defoamer can still linger in a hot tub and your skin might get exposed to it. So, for example, if you’re allergic to silicone, you should steer clear of silicone-based defoamers.

Side effects

Because defoamers are made of chemicals, they are pretty likely to have a few side effects. These can include your water having an oily residue after using a product – or there can even be some irritation. Make sure you look at the reviews for whichever defoamer you choose, and you should also remember to carefully consider the ingredients so you don’t end up purchasing a defoamer you might be allergic to.

How We Picked Our Favorite Defoamers

Price range

The products above only contain defoamers that fall within a reasonable price range. The prices of these products fall between $15 and $30 if you buy the standard size. And at the same time, these products are highly rated in their category and should also be pretty effective, too.


Any defoamer you pick out should be safe to use, and they shouldn’t come with serious side effects such as skin or eye irritation either. This should be true of the products above too, and it’s also important that the product you choose is effective without interfering with the chemistry or pH levels of the water in your pool or hot tub.

Comparing the Top-Rated Defoamer in Detail

Essential Values Defoamer

– Best Overall


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Whether you have a pool, a hot tub, or even an indoor waterfall, this option from Essential Values can help remove the foam inside it. What makes this pick extremely safe to use is that it’s silicone-based, so it shouldn’t irritate your eyes or skin.

Another reason why this defoamer is so popular is that it can fight foam and suds without altering your water’s chemistry. This product is also compatible with all sorts of chlorine, bromine, and mineral sanitizers, too. This defoamer is eco-friendly and it can work almost instantly in pretty small amounts, which helped make this pick the best overall on this list.


  • Works within seconds
  • Environmentally conscious
  • Requires small amounts


  • The bottle may come without a lid

Bluewater Chemgroup Defoamer

– Budget-Friendly


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This product from Bluewater Chemgroup is one of the least expensive options out there, but that does not make it any less effective. In fact, this defoamer can work better than most other defoamers on the market.

Using a silicone formula, this pick helps eliminate foam and bubbles in water within seconds, and it doesn’t even alter water chemistry. So whether your hot tub uses chlorine or contains saltwater, you can use this defoamer without worrying about throwing off the balance of the chemical levels too much. This product is also extremely safe to use for children, pets, and the environment, and it’s completely odorless and non-toxic, too.

You may find that this pick leaves behind a slimy substance though, which can be a result of the collected impurities in your water. And this defoamer might also make your water cloudy.


  • Begins working in just seconds
  • Eliminates bubbles
  • Environmentally-friendly formula


  • Leaves behind slime

EcoClean Solutions Defoamer

– Most Compatible


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This option from Ecoclean Solutions is compatible with multiple types of water. So whether your hot tub uses chlorine or saltwater, this defoamer can get the job done. This product is also water-based, plus it shouldn’t leave behind an oily or cloudy residue after an application.

This pick also provides three options. You can either buy a 32-ounce bottle, a 1-gallon bottle, or even a 4-gallon container. And the greatest thing about this defoamer is that it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, if you feel like this product isn’t working for you, you should be able to get a refund without a lot of hassle.

This defoamer is also extremely effective, and it works without interfering with water chemistry. That being said, you may need to use frequent applications for better results.


  • No oily residue
  • Doesn’t alter water chemistry
  • 30-day, money-back guarantee


  • Might become moldy over time

MAV Aquadoc Defoamer

– Quickest Application


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If you’re looking for a defoamer for your spa, this product from Mav Aquadoc can be a good option. With all the oils, soaps, and other products that mix in with hot tub water, foam is almost inevitable. And whatever source is the reason behind this stubborn foam, this defoamer can really help eliminate it.

This pick comes in three sizes, too – 16-ounce, 32-ounce, and a 12-pack of 16-ounce bottles. This defoamer can provide effective cleaning, and it is also compatible with almost any type of sanitizer. Plus, it can work really fast! So whether your hot tub uses chlorine or bromine, this product can work within seconds without interfering with your water’s chemistry.

This option might leave an oily residue behind or cloud your water though. And you might also find that this defoamer doesn’t last as long as others, too.


  • Works almost instantly
  • Does not alter water chemistry
  • Easy to use
  • Works on spas, hot tubs, and bathtubs


  • Might require more applications

Spa Essentials Defoamer

– Best Container


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The Spa Essentials Defoamer can be a great choice because it should be completely odorless and works almost instantly without interfering with water chemistry. Plus, a unique feature of this pick is that the bottle comes with measurement marks. This can make tracking how many ounces of the product you have used much easier, and let you know when it’s time to purchase another bottle.

This defoamer is available in multiple sizes, too – you can either buy a single pack, a two-pack, or even a four-pack. And with this product, you also only need a small amount to get the job done. For every 300 ounces of water, all you need is one capful of this option to help get rid of the foam. That’s not it, though. The bottle also offers a few useful spa maintenance tips, which will probably come in handy.


  • Small amounts required
  • The bottle has measurement marks
  • Produces no odor


  • May cause mild irritation to the eyes and skin

People Also Asked

Q: What causes excessive foam in my hot tub?

A: When you take a dip in your hot tub, your body is likely covered in lotions, oils, or makeup. Even the laundry detergent used to wash your swimsuit can be a culprit, too. When all these products mix with water, it can lead to foam buildup. And foam can also result from a chemical imbalance in your pool or the shedding of dead skin cells from your body.

Q: What is the difference between a defoamer and antifoam?

A: A defoamer and an anti-foam agent may not necessarily be the same thing. An anti-foaming agent can help prevent the build-up of foam in the first place. Defoamers, on the other hand, can only help reduce pre-existing foam. So, when you use a defoamer, it can only remove the existing foam and cannot stop more foam from building up later.

Q: What makes a good defoamer?

A: A good defoamer isn’t just a product that produces results. Good defoamers should also not contain chemicals that can irritate the eyes or the skin. And quality products should also work without interfering with water chemistry or leaving behind oily or slimy residue.

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