Remember when “The Jetsons” brought us the vision of a future with smart homes? That future is no longer just a cartoon fantasy but a rapidly growing reality. The world is taking off with the buzz of smart homes. In fact, there are an estimated 300 million smart homes in the world.

Now, picture this — what if your tech-driven smart home could not only make your life easier but also be kind to the environment? Sounds like the best of both worlds. Get ready because we’re about to journey through the wonderland of sustainability at home thanks to the best smart home devices out there.

What Is a Smart Home?

Let’s backtrack a bit. We’re all fired up about smart homes, but what are they exactly? Imagine your lights dimming down automatically when it’s movie time or your thermostat adjusting itself to your comfort zone before you step in from a chilly day out. That’s a smart home — a living space decked out with connected tech designed to automate and optimize household tasks and environments. 

Whether it’s adjusting lighting, heating, security, or entertainment systems, smart homes are all about making your life smoother and more convenient. In fact, according to a survey, 63.4 million U.S. households are actively using smart home devices in 2023. It’s like having your very own tech-savvy butler ready to serve at your command. For more on this topic, you can check out our article on innovative smart home solutions.     

Smart Home Devices and Sustainability

Before we dive deeper into the green benefits of smart home devices, let’s get the basics straight. Just what are these devices? Picture your everyday household gadgets but with a tech-savvy twist. Smart devices are internet-enabled appliances or systems you can control remotely, all with a few taps on your phone. We’re talking about everything from your light bulbs to your thermostat, with each adding a layer of convenience and efficiency to your life.

Sustainability Benefits of Smart Home Devices

Now here’s where it gets even more interesting. These smart devices aren’t just about making your life more convenient — they’re also about making your home more sustainable. You’re probably wondering “How does that work? Aren’t these devices using up energy?” You’re not wrong, but there’s a flip side to that coin. When used wisely, smart home technologies (SHTs) can greatly enhance home sustainability

For instance, a smart thermostat can learn your routine and adjust the temperature when you’re not home, minimizing energy wastage. Likewise, smart lighting can adapt to your habits, ensuring lights aren’t left on when not needed.

However, we do need to be mindful of the potential challenges. SHTs require energy to function, and their production processes can sometimes be less than green. It’s a delicate balance to strike, but with careful selection and mindful usage, the benefits can far outweigh the downsides.

Today’s Homeowner Tips

So when you ask “How is a smart home green?” the answer is conditional. Smart homes can be green by reducing waste and optimizing energy usage, but they also demand conscious choices from us, the users — at the end of the day, a tool is only as good as the hands that wield it.

Lighting and Energy Efficiency

Flick a switch, and voilà, you’ve got light. It’s so simple, so routine, that we often overlook the significant energy footprint of our home lighting. Here’s a shocker: around 20% of global energy consumption is attributed to residential sectors, and this percentage is projected to rise by 10% by 2040. So, how can we curb this growing demand and increase sustainability without stumbling around in the dark? Enter smart lighting.

Smart lighting systems, ranging from motion sensors to dimmers, offer an innovative solution to reduce energy consumption, making our homes more sustainable. Here’s how:

Remember those thriller movies where the villain’s secret lair lights up as they walk through it? With smart homes, you’re the hero in the story, and your power is energy conservation. Motion lighting systems use sensors to detect movement, switching lights on when you enter a room and off when you leave. So you’re only using light when you need it. 

Work late and often come home to a dark house? Or maybe you’re away for the weekend but don’t want to advertise it to potential burglars? Smart-timed lighting has you covered. You can program these systems to turn on and off at specific times, ensuring your home is lit when needed and conserving energy when it’s not. 

Ever find yourself squinting against the harsh glare of the kitchen light during your midnight snack run? With smart lighting dimmers, you can control the intensity of your home’s lighting, ensuring you use just as much as you need. Less intensity means less energy consumed, and suddenly your late-night cravings are contributing to a greener planet.

By incorporating these smart lighting systems into our homes, we can do our part to curb the rising demand for residential energy. But remember, it’s not just about having the latest tech. It’s about using it responsibly. As the saying goes, “With great power comes great responsibility” — or, in our case, “With great power savings comes great sustainability.”

If you’re looking for smart lighting that offers a more colorful, safe, and convenient life, Govee and Nanoleaf have a variety of great options!

Water Monitoring

Water, the essence of life, is a finite resource we often take for granted. From washing dishes to watering the lawn, our daily activities can add up to significant water usage, with leaks and overuse posing threats to our environment and sustainability goals. But did you know smart devices can help us navigate these water-related challenges and contribute to global sustainability efforts?

Below are a few ways we can make a splash in our water-saving efforts.

Toilets account for nearly 30% of an average home’s indoor water consumption. With smart toilets, we can bring this figure down. Equipped with features like dual-flush systems and leak detection, these high-tech fixtures can help us save water with every flush. Plus, they offer the added bonus of making your bathroom feel a bit like a spaceship!

Familiar with that annoying drip-drip sound of a leaky faucet? That’s the sound of water wastage. Smart faucets can help eliminate that. With touchless operation, these faucets prevent accidental water wastage. Plus, they’re pretty convenient when your hands are covered in cookie dough. And let’s not forget their leak detection capabilities, alerting you to any potential water wastage in the making.

Envision a sunny afternoon — your lawn sprinkler merrily showering your garden while you watch the rainbow it creates. It’s a lovely image but one that betrays potential water wastage. Smart irrigation systems aim to change that. By adjusting to weather conditions and the specific needs of your plants, these systems ensure your green space gets just the right amount of water, reducing waste and nurturing your landscaping more responsibly.

By integrating smart water monitoring systems into our homes, we can help safeguard our planet’s precious water resources and contribute to sustainable development goals. But it’s not just about the tech — it’s about using it wisely. The path to a more sustainable future starts at home, so let’s make every drop count.

If you’re looking to easily schedule and control your in-ground irrigation system, Rachio has a variety of great options!

Electricity Usage 

Phantom energy, the energy consumed by devices when they’re turned off or in standby mode, can be a sneaky contributor to your home’s carbon footprint. It’s like leaving your car engine running while you pop into the store — wasteful and unnecessary. Luckily, smart devices offer innovative ways to banish phantom energy use and monitor and control energy usage overall. In fact, there are technologies, like Qmerit smart electrical panels, that help you monitor usage! They’ll be a big player in helping us achieve cleaner, more affordable energy — a key component of sustainable development.

We’ll take a deeper look at some of these electrifying smart energy solutions below.

Remember when you’d leave your air conditioning or heating on full blast all day just to return to a comfy home? Enter smart thermostats. These clever devices learn your habits, adjust to your schedule, and ensure your home is just the right temperature when you need it — no energy wastage and no compromises on comfort. Plus, smart thermostats let you control your home’s climate remotely, so you can always make adjustments and monitor conditions from wherever you are.

ecobee thermostats are a great option, offering advanced occupancy sensing technology, so you never heat or cool an empty home.

Smart plugs are like your personal energy stewards, helping you manage devices plugged into them and virtually eliminating phantom power consumption when your devices aren’t turned on.

By letting you control your plugged-in devices remotely or set schedules for their operation, smart plugs help ensure your gadgets don’t sip power when they don’t need to. You can even integrate smart plugs with your voice assistant. So, for instance, you can set times for all your plugged-in home office or home entertainment devices to be turned off, or ask your voice assistant to turn them off, and you’ll save energy.

Fridge running too cold? Washing machine using more water than necessary? Smart appliances can help. These devices are designed to optimize their operations, using just the right amount of resources for each task. They can even be programmed to run during off-peak energy times, saving money and reducing strain on the power grid.

Incorporating these smart devices into your home can significantly reduce your resource consumption, moving you towards a more sustainable lifestyle. With the global electricity access rate at 91% in 2020, still leaving almost 750 million people worldwide without electricity, the impact of individual households making changes to reduce energy use can be monumental. Remember, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a journey that starts right in our homes.

Waste Reduction

Waste reduction is an essential component of sustainable living. Even with recycling, the truth remains that the best waste is the waste we never produce. Enter smart homes, equipped with devices that not only manage energy consumption more efficiently but also significantly contribute to minimizing waste. We’ll explore some of these ingenious waste-reduction technologies below. 

Smart home hubs are like the command center of your smart home. They synchronize and automate all your connected smart devices, making your daily routines more efficient and minimizing waste. 

For instance, imagine your smart fridge identifying ingredients nearing expiration and suggesting recipes to ensure they’re consumed. Or your smart washing machine deciding the perfect amount of detergent and water for each load, reducing waste. With a smart home hub, these and the rest of your smart home devices are monitorable and controllable from a single place. 

An Aeotec hub is a great option to be the heart of your smart home, offering control via your Smartphone.

This level of automation is more than just convenience — it’s a step towards a low-waste, sustainable lifestyle.

Even with all the smart devices reducing consumption, waste is an inevitable part of our lives. However, it doesn’t all need to end up in a landfill. Smart waste bins come with features such as auto-segregation of recyclable materials, monitoring of waste levels, and even alerts when it’s time for disposal. Some even compact waste, reducing its volume and making it easier to handle. These innovative devices encourage responsible waste management and recycling habits, which are crucial to a sustainable future.

By using smart devices, we can take a significant step towards waste reduction and sustainable living. After all, sustainability isn’t just about what we consume but also wise stewardship of what we don’t consume. It’s about making intelligent choices, and smart homes are paving the way.

10 Safety Tips When Using Smart Home Devices

Smart home devices are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and efficiency. However, they also pose challenges to the security and privacy of users. Researchers from Florida International University found that a hacker inside or near a house can pick up signals about the state and actions of smart home devices. 

So it’s important to understand the benefits, risks, and barriers of smart home technology adoption. In the following sections, we’ll explore ten actionable safety tips to keep in mind while using smart home devices.

1. Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

Your Wi-Fi network is the gateway to all your connected devices. Make sure it’s password protected, hidden, and uses the latest encryption method.

2. Keep Software Up to Date

Always ensure your devices are running on the latest software versions. Updates often contain security patches that keep your devices safe from new threats.

3. Use Strong Passwords

For every device, use unique, complex passwords with a mix of numbers, letters, and special characters. Avoid common words and personal information that can be guessed easily.

4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

If available, enable two-factor authentication. It provides an extra layer of security by requiring two types of identification before granting access.

5. Review Privacy Settings

Smart home devices are convenient and useful, but they also pose challenges to the security and privacy of users. Therefore, it’s important to review and adjust the privacy settings of each device to minimize data sharing. Opt for the least privilege principle — share only what’s necessary.

6. Research Device Manufacturers

Before purchasing a device, research its manufacturer. Look for companies with good track records in security practices and responsiveness to vulnerabilities.

7. Regularly Review Device Permissions

Periodically review and manage the permissions granted to each device. Limit permissions to only those necessary for the device to function correctly.

8. Disable Unnecessary Features

Many smart devices come with features you may never use. Identify and disable these features to reduce potential attack vectors.

9. Keep an Eye on Data Usage

Monitor your data usage. Unusually high data usage could indicate a compromised device.

10. Create a Separate Network

Consider creating a separate network for your smart devices. This way, if a device is compromised, the hacker won’t have access to other devices or sensitive information on your primary network.

While smart homes are undoubtedly convenient, remember that your safety lies in your hands. Stay alert, stay informed, and stay safe in your smart home.

Final Remarks

Embracing the smart home revolution promises an array of benefits from energy efficiency to more sustainable living, but it’s crucial to tread this path with caution. Balancing the advantages with potential risks, particularly regarding security, is vital. By understanding these devices, applying practical safety measures, and staying informed about the latest trends and threats, we can build safer, smarter, and more sustainable homes. The future of smart homes is indeed bright, and with responsible usage, it can be secure as well.

Editorial Contributors
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Alexis Bennett


Alexis is a freelance writer with nearly a decade of experience covering the home services industry. She’s built considerable expertise in roofing, plumbing, and HVAC, as well as general construction and real estate matters. In her free time, Alexis enjoys coaching women’s golf. She lives in the Triad area of North Carolina.

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Alexis Curls

Content Marketing Manager

Alexis Curls is a content strategist on the Today’s Homeowner team. She specializes in home services research. She graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations.

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