Tumble Tower

Another popular game that is easy to DIY is a jumbo Tumble Tower!

You’ll need six 8-foot 2-by-4s, a miter saw, some 100-grit sandpaper and acrylic paint.

Use the miter saw to cut the 2-by-4’s into 48 pieces — each of those pieces should be 10 1/2 inches in length. Then sand to smooth out the ends and edges.

Add color by painting the ends of the blocks with acrylic paint.

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Chelsea Lipford Wolf

Blogger and TV Show Co-Host

Chelsea Lipford Wolf is a renowned home improvement expert, media personality, and blogger who has made a name for herself in the world of DIY home renovation and decoration. Born and raised in the Gulf Coast region of Alabama, Chelsea developed an early passion for hands-on projects and creative design with her own original web series and blog “Checking In With Chelsea,” featuring fun décor, craft and home improvement projects.

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