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April 17, 2024

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    Though some people enjoy the rhythmic chirping of crickets on a hot summer night, many homeowners can’t stand the noise. Learning how to get rid of crickets can help you enjoy more restful sleep — especially if you live in an area prone to noisy summer evenings.

    I’ve created this comprehensive guide with everything you need to know about getting rid of crickets once and for all. Read on to learn more about:

    • How to use DIY methods and home remedies to get rid of crickets
    • Signs that you’ve got a cricket problem in your home
    • Tips that will prevent crickets from returning to your home

    Whether you’re dealing with mole crickets, camel crickets, or anything in between, I’ll help you fight back against these pests in your home.

    What Are Crickets?

    Present in most parts of the country, crickets are some of the most common pets in America. Most homeowners dislike crickets for multiple reasons, mostly because they emit loud chirping noises and tend to jump at humans at random.

    Crickets have six legs and are known for their powerful jumping abilities. Some species of crickets can reach up to three feet in the air in a single hop. Crickets are a global plague present in most countries, but they prefer warmer temperatures.

    You’re likely to see high cricket activity during the insects’ mating season, during the spring and summer months. Crickets are nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the evening.

    There are many different types of crickets. Most species of crickets are dark brown or yellowish-brown in color, though some crickets also have light yellowish-brown bodies. Crickets feed on human food, everything from produce to baked goods, as well as fermented fruits and pet food.

    The life expectancy for most species of crickets is only a few months. However, the average female may lay up to ten cricket eggs every day. That said, cricket infestations can happen after only a few weeks. This fast reproductive cycle makes cricket infestations a particularly annoying household problem to tackle.

    6 Ways to Get Rid of Crickets

    Use the following tips and tricks to eliminate your cricket crisis. 

    1. Prevent Crickets From Getting Inside

    To get rid of crickets for good, you’ll need to start outside your home. Take a look at the shrubbery and grass around the perimeter of your home. Make sure that everything is trimmed and neat. House crickets look for long grasses to hide from predators. That means if you have long grass near cracks in your home’s exterior, crickets may be drawn towards your house.

    Maintaining your lawn care routine is one of the best ways to keep crickets at bay. Mow your lawn every four to six days during the summer season. Also cut it once when your grass is dormant to keep tall grass in check.

    If you have shrubbery near your house, be sure to prune and trim it regularly. If you store firewood on your property, be sure to keep it at least 20 feet away from your house. This will prevent crickets from getting closer to your home. It will also keep roaches, termites, and other insects that thrive in woodpiles at bay.

    2. Try Out Diatomaceous Earth

    Diatomaceous earth (DE) is naturally occurring soil that contains the fossilized remains of water plants, including algae and waterborne bacteria. While harmless to humans, the fossil remnants contained in the soil are made up of microscopic, bladed edges. DE damages insects’ exoskeletons, eventually killing them.

    If you have a cricket infestation and you’re looking for natural, chemical-free pesticides to tackle it, DE can be an affordable and accessible option. You can find bags of DE (typically sold as a white powder) in gardening and home improvement centers.

    To use diatomaceous earth, simply sprinkle the dry powder in areas of your garden or home perimeter where crickets tend to gather or enter your home. Wear a mask when you apply the powder to prevent it from irritating your nostrils or eyes.

    If you must apply DE powder on a windy day, I suggest combining it with a small amount of water to create a paste. Use a paintbrush to apply globs of DE paste where you need it (for example, near crevices in your home’s foundation or loose window screens acting as entry points for grasshoppers or crickets).

    While the diatomaceous earth will not actively kill common crickets while it is wet, it will regain its pesticide properties when it dries. 

    3. Enlist Natural Predators 

    Allowing the natural predators of the crickets in your area to thrive doesn’t just provide you with a quick fix for a cricket infestation — it also helps enhance your local biodiversity.

    One well-known and low-maintenance natural predator of crickets is the common house cat. If you have an outdoor cat who likes to roam around the neighborhood, consider giving them more time to stroll at night when mole crickets are most active. While most cats won’t be able to kill off crickets as quickly as an insecticide, their regular presence will usually be enough to seriously deter these pests.

    If you’re not a cat person, you can still benefit from natural predators by inviting birds to your lawn or garden. Insect-eating birds like robins, sparrows, starlings, and mourning doves are common in most parts of the United States, and they love protein-packed crickets. Reliable food or water sources for backyard birds (like a feeder or bird bath) will encourage them to visit your property and reduce your cricket population. 

    4. Reduce Moisture Inside Your Home

    If you have crickets inside of your home, the culprit behind this invasion may be excess moisture. Though crickets are exceptionally resourceful when it comes to finding food, they need plenty of water and moisture to thrive, especially when they lay eggs. By clearing out any standing water in your lawn and inside of your home, you’ll make your property less appealing to crickets.

    Begin by removing excess moisture inside your home. Check for leaking or dripping faucets or spots where water is pooling. Correct these home maintenance issues yourself or schedule repairs with a professional as soon as possible.

    If you have one or more crawl spaces in your home, be sure they are thoroughly ventilated. Depending on your location and the time of year, you might need to invest in a strong dehumidifier to effectively fight back against cricket infestations. This is an especially important device for homeowners with attics in very humid areas.

    5. Create a Natural Repellent 

    If a constant chirping sound is driving you crazy but you don’t want to kill the offending insects, consider using a gentle, natural DIY repellent. Grab a spray bottle and mix a bit of chili powder together with two cups of water. Pour the mixture into the spray bottle and add a few drops of dish soap to enhance the potency of the repellent.

    Lightly apply your repellent mixture to plants and baseboards near entry points to your home.

    Be sure to wear protective gloves and glasses while you’re spraying and avoid touching your face while handling the repellent. Capsaicin (an active component in chili peppers and powder) causes a burning sensation in crickets, which drives them away from your lawn.

    While chili powder alone will be enough to deter most species of crickets, you can also enhance your repellent with a bit of minced garlic if you have a lot of crickets to fend off. 

    6. Use Traps 

    When all else fails, you can always count on your local home improvement center to have a variety of sticky traps available to solve your cricket conundrum. However, if you’re feeling crafty, you can also try creating your own DIY sticky traps with a few common kitchen staples.

    Grab a jar and mix one part molasses with ten parts water. The sweet scent of the molasses will draw crickets to the mixture, while the stickiness of the sugar will trap and drown them in the water. 

    How to Know You Have A Cricket Infestation

    There are a several telltale signs of a cricket infestation in your home. Knowing what to look for can help you catch a pest problem before it becomes an expensive and time-consuming hassle.

    If you notice any of the following signs of cricket activity, you’ll want to be sure to take steps to get these pests off your property quickly:

    Cricket Body Parts

    Finding multiple crickets hopping around your home is a dead giveaway that you might need professional cricket removal services. However, in addition to live crickets, you should also keep a lookout for dead crickets and shed body parts.

    Even if you don’t see any live crickets inside your home, stray antennae or back legs abandoned throughout your house can mean crickets are hiding nearby.

    Incessant Chirping

    If you notice non-stop chirping in your home during the warm months, chances are high that crickets are the culprit. Though there are many types of crickets, males of all species make a high-pitched chirping sound to communicate with females during mating season.

    While it’s normal and unavoidable to hear crickets chirping outdoors during the summer, these pests are rarely active during the day, and their calls should not be so loud that they disturb you indoors.

    If you notice exceptionally loud chirping or chirping during the day, you might have a cricket problem inside your home.

    Damaged Clothing

    If you have many crickets in your home, you might start to notice damage to your clothing and furniture caused by the pests’ chewing. In particular, crickets are drawn towards natural materials, like cotton and silk. When crickets feed on clothing or upholstered furniture, they typically cause large holes with rough edges.  

    The best time to look for cricket damage is when you’re doing laundry. Crickets are attracted to clothing that is soiled with perspiration. That means you’re more likely to notice damage as you’re cleaning dirty clothes.

    How to Prevent Crickets

    After you’ve cleared crickets from your property, it’s time to be sure that crickets don’t return to your home. Use the following tricks to make sure you don’t face another cricket problem later:

    Use Caulking

    Did you know that crickets are experts at squeezing into small spaces? Even if you don’t regularly leave your doors or windows open, you could be inviting crickets into your home if you leave cracks and crevices to form in your home’s baseboards or foundation. Fill in these spaces using caulk to prevent crickets from getting inside your home and to lay eggs.

    Be Careful With Outdoor Lighting

    Crickets are nocturnal, and they are naturally drawn to light sources. If you have outdoor lighting on your property, crickets are more likely to be drawn to your home. It also means their chirping is louder.

    If you need to use outdoor lighting, consider upgrading to motion-sensing lights that only turn on when there is significant activity in your yard. These lights are on infrequently enough to avoid attracting crickets. 

    Hiring a Pest Control Company

    If you’ve tried the techniques listed above and you’re still dealing with a cricket problem, it might be time to call in the professionals. Professional pest control companies can help homeowners deal with even the most stubborn infestations, even when you’re dealing with multiple pests in a single property.

    Some of the advantages that come with hiring a professional pest control company to deal with your cricket problem include the following:

    Commercial-grade Products

    Professional pest control services have access to stronger chemicals and pesticides than those you can purchase at your local hardware or gardening supply center. With higher-level tools, you’ll see your cricket problem cleared up sooner rather than later.

    Expert Application

    Pest control professionals must undergo hours of training before they’re certified to provide services. Exterminators and technicians know how to spot areas where crickets are entering your home. Professionals can provide you with home improvement recommendations that help prevent future infestations.

    Lower Cost

    While hiring a pest control company can be more of an upfront expense than the DIY methods I’ve recommended thus far, it may also save you money in the long run if you have a more serious infestation. This is especially true if you live in a part of the country where crickets are a recurring issue.

    Professional Guarantees

    Most pest control companies also offer guarantees on the services they provide. These guarantees simply aren’t available with over-the-counter insecticide options.

    For example, when you hire Terminix, you are protected by the company’s Nix Pest Guarantee. If you have an annual pest control plan in place and your cricket problem returns before your next service visit, Terminix professionals return to your home between services at no additional cost to you.

    Best Pest Control Companies

    Not sure where to begin your search for the right pest control company? The following pest control services offer affordable cricket control options across the country. Be sure to get a free, no-obligation quote from each recommended pest control provider using the links below before you book your service. 


    Though you probably already know that pest control powerhouse Terminix provides comprehensive termite treatments, the company also offers cricket elimination packages as well. Terminix has been in the pest control industry for nearly a century, and they’re known for providing both single treatments and year-round protection packages.

    If you have a continuous cricket problem in your area, Terminix’s treatment plans can provide relief for as little as $50 per month.

    Terminix is available in 45 states and operates more than 300 individual locations, meaning that you likely won’t have trouble getting service even in very rural parts of the country. Terminix prides itself on providing top-quality treatments alongside customer service that cares.

    Its customer service is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and it provides you with a text alert before heading to your appointments. With responsive customer professionals and around-the-clock assistance, Terminix can be a top choice for homeowners who value proactive pest control.

    If you’ve ever dealt with crickets in the past, you probably already know that these pests can take a while to fully eradicate. Terminix’s Nix Pest Guarantee helps you rest with the peace of mind that comes with knowing you won’t be paying for ineffective services. If you book a multi-month plan and your crickets return before your next scheduled treatment, Terminix will return and apply a new treatment without any extra charge.


    Another major name in American pest eradication, Orkin Pest Control has been offering extermination services for more than 100 years. Orkin is best known for employing some of the most comprehensively trained employees within the industry.

    Before they’re able to visit a property, Orkin’s technicians must complete more than 160 hours of training. They must also complete ongoing education to make sure customers always receive services using the most up-to-date chemicals and application methods.

    Orkin is a particularly popular choice for homeowners who are moving to a new area for the first time. It provides both corrective pest control services and general inspections. Some new homeowners hire Orkin to inspect a potential property before they buy to be sure that there are no lingering pest issues.

    If Orkin does locate a pest problem on your property, it works together with the owner to correct the issue before new homeowners move in. If there is no pest problem present, Orkin can apply a preventive treatment to the perimeter of the home to make sure it stays that way.

    Article Update Log
    Reviewed for accuracy, cost data, industry best practices, and expert advice by Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas.

    Today’s Homeowner Rating & Methodology

    Our research process involves a multi-step process to get real insights into the customer experience for each company. We contacted each pest control company directly and spoke to representatives via phone and online chat (if available). This allowed us better understand the company’s treatment offerings and customer service. We also consider BBB accreditation and what customer reviews say about each company. Additionally, we fact-check and update company data regularly to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. 

    We developed a 100-point rating system to compare the companies numerically. 

    • Plan options (35 points): Companies with more plans and flexibility on services to address specific issues were given a higher score. 
    • State Availability (5 points): Those that offer coverage in fewer than 45 states were deducted points for availability. 
    • Trustworthiness (10 points): This is based on whether companies have money-back guarantees, service guarantees, and additional satisfaction assurance measures.
    • Customer Service (30 points): We considered accessibility (including on weekends and holidays) of technicians and customer support. 
    • Additional Benefits (20 points): Companies that offer further conveniences such as an app, comprehensive resources, and other benefits were rated higher. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why am I getting crickets in my house?

    As mentioned, crickets will come indoors when seeing warmth, shelter for winter, food, or moisture. The most common reason for getting crickets inside your home is shelter and warmth as the weather turns colder.

    If you are having this problem, be sure to follow the preventative steps outlined above and consider treating your lawn with residual insecticides throughout the fall and winter months as well.

    Should I kill crickets?

    Crickets are an insect that many people do not think negatively about unless their chirping is causing sleep disruptions or the insects are infesting your home.

    If either of these two factors are occurring, you should consider eliminating crickets who can now be considered nuisance pests since they are affecting your quality of life.

    What smells do crickets hate?

    Like most insects, any essential oil has a repellent smell for crickets as well. Other smells that crickets dislike include lemon juice, household cleaners, garlic, onion, and any plant that contains nitrogen.

    Crickets also dislike the smell of soap, so you can consider spraying soapy water around your porch or under your windows at night.

    How do you lure a cricket out of hiding?

    To lure a cricket out of hiding, you can place bowls containing edible items or smells that are appealing to crickets. Molasses, beer, any type of granular food such as cereal or oats, or even soda can all lure crickets out of hiding.

    You can place any of these liquid substances in a bowl or cup near cricket hiding places to lure them inside of it. Once they fall into the bowl, the crickets will likely drown in the substance. Turning on lights is also a great way to lure a cricket out of hiding during the nighttime hours.

    Are there specific areas of my home that crickets prefer?

    Crickets are often found in basements, crawlspaces, garages, and around windows or doors. They might also infest areas with moisture, clutter, or light sources.

    When should I consider professional pest control for cricket infestations?

    If DIY methods are ineffective, and crickets persistently invade your home, it might be time to seek professional pest control services. They can assess the situation and provide a targeted solution.

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    Sam Wasson

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    Sam Wasson graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in Film and Media Arts with an Emphasis in Entertainment Arts and Engineering. Sam brings over four years of content writing and media production experience to the Today’s Homeowner content team. He specializes in the pest control, landscaping, and moving categories. Sam aims to answer homeowners’ difficult questions by providing well-researched, accurate, transparent, and entertaining content to Today’s Homeowner readers.

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    Lora Novak

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