Philips SlimStyle LED light bulbs produce the same amount of light as a 60-watt incandescent bulb while using only 10.5 watts of electricity.

Philips SlimStyle LED bulbs are dimmable, last up to 25,000 hours, and are available at The Home Depot.

Watch the video above to find out more.


Jodi Marks: You know, I love these displays over here in the lighting department because it just gives me so many fun things to play with. And if you’re in the market for a light bulb, look no further than right here.

Now, this is the Philips SlimStyle LED light. I love this thing. Look, I’ve got it for display here. And you can see it’s got the round shape of a typical light bulb. The LED lights are dimmable. I’m going to go up one more time, and bring it right back down. Look how bright that is.

You would think that because using an LED light bulb, it doesn’t pull as much power, you’re not going to get as much brightness to the bulb, but that’s not true. This right here replaces a 60-watt incandescent bulb. And you can see when I was dimming it, I mean, it gets really bright.

I think the best thing about this, though, is it doesn’t cost as much money to operate one of these. This thing can last, they say, about 22 and a half years. That’s about 25,000 hours of light time. And do you know, to run this bulb over that time is going to cost you under $30. That’s amazing.

So, not only is it bright, it’s beautiful, it can be used in floor lamps and also in table lamps. Its going to save you a lot of money, too.

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Jodi Marks

Best New Products Host

Jodi Marks is a construction expert and television personality who’s always on the lookout for ways to make a job easier as she hosts “Best New Products” for Today’s Homeowner. After obtaining a degree in psychology, she joined her father's construction company as a project manager. Jodi's career in television began when she was selected to co-host the series Fix It Up! on Home and Garden Television (HGTV). She went on to host several other shows on HGTV, Turner South, and TBS, and co-created The Tile Doctor series with Paul Wilson. Jodi also earned her general contractor's and real estate licenses in Georgia and has been renovating and flipping houses.

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