Looking to spruce up your home without breaking the bank? Home repair grants might just be the answer you’ve been searching for. These grant programs offer aid to eligible homeowners seeking safe and sanitary housing. Unlike initiatives aimed at cosmetic improvements, home repair grants are dedicated to addressing issues such as windows, doors, cabinetry, septic, sewage, and structural issues. In this article, I’ll explain what you need to know to navigate the world of home repair grants.

What is a home repair grant?

“A home repair grant is financial aid, or free money, issued by federal and local governments. Each grant is designed to help homeowners make select improvements to their home, often to correct health and safety hazards.”

Types of home repair grants

There are numerous home repair grants and home improvement grants available. Each grant program has different qualifications, but most include showing your household income, where you live, and what repairs you need to do. These grants are a big help for homeowners who need repair assistance due to health issues or financial hardship. From programs for low-income families to ones for making homes more energy-efficient, there are several opportunities out there. I recommend investigating the programs below to see if they apply to your situation.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Single Family Housing Repair Grants

Who is Eligible?Homeowners age 62 or older
Eligibility Criteria -Age 62 or older
– Be a homeowner in an eligible rural area: View eligible areas here
– Family income below 50% of the county’s median income: View median incomes here
– Unable to repay a repair loan
Coverage – Removal of health and safety hazards
– Can be used for mobile home repairs
Money AvailableUp to $10,000
Terms of GrantIf property is sold in less than 3 years, grants must be repaid
ApplicationApply at your local USDA Rural Development (RD) office

– Find your local office here: View all 50 state local offices
– Contact and ask to speak with a USDA home loan specialist

What you’ll need:

– Uniform Residential Loan Application—Form 410-4
– Authorization to Release Information—Form RD 3550-1
– Budget and/or Financial Statement
– Verification of Income and Assets
Proof of income for all adults in the household
Copies of benefit award letters to verify pension, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), welfare, and other similar income sources
Copies of bank or brokerage company statements for the most recent two-month period

– Evidence of Ownership—can provide the deed, tax records, or affidavits in the community to confirm the individual has owned the home for 10+ years
DeadlineAccepted year-round
Non-discrimination– Non-discrimination statement: View here
– How to file a discrimination complaint: View here

VA Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grant

Who is Eligible?Veterans/Military
Eligibility Criteria  Veterans or Service members with disabilities who have experienced one or more of the following conditions:

– Loss of or loss of use of either (1) both arms, (2)  both legs, (3) one leg and one arm
– Blindness in both eyes or having only light perception, plus loss of/loss of use of one leg
– Loss of or loss of use of one leg and residuals of organic disease or injury
– Certain severe burns
– The loss or loss of use of 1+ lower extremities due to service on or after September 11, 2001, which affects balance or the need for braces, crutches, canes, or a wheelchair
– Certain respiratory or breathing injuries

For additional eligibility information, contact: sahinfo.vbaco@va.gov or visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website.
CoveragePurchases, construction, or renovations of a home to be disability-adapted
Money AvailableMax of $47,130
Terms of Grant– No one can use the grant more than three times up to the maximum amount available
– Home must be owned by the eligible individual
Application To apply, complete: Application Form

– Submit application at www.ebenefits.va.gov
– Call 1-877-827-3702 to have a claim form mailed to you
DeadlineNone listed, but in accordance with the fiscal year due to funding made available

Housing Improvement Program (HIP)

Who is Eligible?American Indians/Alaskan Natives
Eligibility CriteriaMust be one of the following:

– Member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe
– Alaskan Native

Must be all of the following:
– Income not exceeding 150% of the U.S. DHHS Poverty Guidelines
– Have no other resource for housing assistance
– Either (1) Live within your tribe’s approved tribal service area; OR (2) Live in another tribe’s service area and have permission to be part of their Tribal Work Plan
– Either (1) Own and reside in substandard housing that was not acquired through a federally sponsored housing program; OR (2) Have no housing at all
Coverage – Interim Improvements: Housing repairs for conditions that threaten the health and/or safety of the occupants
– Repairs and Renovation: Repairs/renovation to meet applicable building code standards
– Replacement Housing: Replacement home if current housing cannot be brought to applicable building code standards
New Housing: New home if you do not own a home
You may be eligible if you’re the owner/leaseholder of land suitable for housing (Must be at least a 25-year lease at time of assistance)
Money Available– Interim Improvements: $7,500
– Repairs and Renovation: $60,000
– Replacement Housing: A modest house (only provided once)
– New Housing: Max of $75,000 assistance towards the purchase of a modest house
Terms of GrantHIP Frequently Asked Questions: View here
Application To apply for HIP assistance, submit the following documents to your tribal office:

– Complete HIP Application: HIP Application Form
– Copy of your Tribal Enrollment Card (Tribal ID)
– Proof of Income for Entire Household
– Proof of Land or obtain a Land lease
– Proof of Disability (if claiming disability in HIP Application)

For other questions:

– Visit the U.S. Department of Interior Indian Affairs website.
– Contact your tribal social service provider
DeadlineThere is no deadline

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Grants

Who is Eligible?Those Affected by Natural Disaster
Eligibility Criteria– Must be a U.S. homeowner affected by a natural disaster
– Must show documented proof of ownership, income loss, and/or information about your housing situation before the disaster occurred
Coverage  Home Repairs: May involve structural, windows, doors, cabinetry, septic, sewage, well, water system, HVAC systems, utilities, entrances and exits to home, and repairs related to a mobile home security through blocking, leveling, anchoring, or resetting fuel or septic lines.
Temporary Housing: For temporary living in rental properties—some areas provide government housing units as a last resort
Lodging Expense Reimbursement: Reimbursement for hotel expenses over a short amount of time due to inaccessibility or utility outage if not covered by insurance or other programs
Home Replacement: For homeowners whose home was destroyed in a natural disaster
– Semi-permanent or permanent home construction
Other Needs Assistance: Medical and dental expenses, funeral and burial costs, clean-up items, fuel, repairing/replacing vehicles damaged by the disaster or public transportation, moving and storage expenses related to the disaster, or clothing, household items, special tools required for job, or educational materials.
Money AvailableUp to $33,000 
Terms of Grant Insurance

– You must file a claim with your insurance agent before applying for assistance, failure to do so may affect your eligibility. Note: Assistance isn’t provided for losses already covered by insurance
– You have 12 months from the date you registered with FEMA to submit your insurance information for review.
– Flood insurance may be required in certain circumstances
Application To Apply: Complete Application Form

– To see if your area has been declared for Individual Assistance: DisasterAssistance.gov
DeadlineNone listed
Non-discriminationNon-discrimination statement: View here

HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Who is Eligible?States/Nonprofits
Eligibility Criteria– Applicants should be states, localities, & nonprofit groups
– Participating jurisdictions must match every dollar of funds used from the program, aside from administrative costs and predevelopment loans that don’t progress
CoverageUsed for those investing in the creation of affordable housing purchases, construction, or rehabilitation for low-income people
Money Available– States receive either their formula allocation or $3 million, depending on the greater amount.
– Local jurisdictions receive at least $500,000 under formula 
Terms of Grant – Provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
– HOME-funded housing units must remain affordable long-term (20 years for new construction, five to 15 years for homeownership housing and rehab)
– Jurisdictions have two years to commit funds and five years to spend them.
ApplicationTo see who administers the HOME program in your area: View here

– If you have more questions, visit the HUD website.
DeadlineNone listed
Non-discrimination– Non-discrimination statement: View here
– To file a complaint: View here

HUD Community Development Block Grant Program

Who is Eligible?Communities
Eligibility CriteriaApplicants should be communities looking to address development needs
Coverage -Acquisition of real property
-Relocation and demolition
-Rehabilitation of residential and non-residential structures
-Construction of public facilities and improvements, such as water and sewer facilities, streets, neighborhood centers, and the conversion of school buildings for eligible purposes
-Public services, within certain limits
-Activities relating to energy conservation and renewable energy resources
-Provision of assistance to profit-motivated businesses to carry out economic development and job creation/retention activities
Money AvailableVaries, depending on the project
Terms of GrantAt least 70% of funds must be used for low- and moderate-income individuals
ApplicationHUD field office
DeadlineNone listed
Non-discrimination– Non-discrimination statement: View here
– To file a complaint: View here

Additional financial assistance opportunities for homeowners

If a home repair grant doesn’t quite meet your needs, there are alternative assistance options worth exploring. Some financial aid programs offer support beyond the scope of traditional grants. These alternatives may include home improvement loans and tax credits. By investigating these options, homeowners can receive additional financial support. Whether it’s securing a loan with favorable terms or accessing energy-saving incentives, the programs below are additional resources for you.

  • Habitat for Humanity. Habitat’s Home Repair Program is intended to keep homes and communities livable and safe — the program relies on donations for necessary supplies. Coverage includes minor work such as weatherization, energy improvements, landscaping, painting, plumbing, etc. Contact your local Habitat for Humanity here.
  • Rebuilding Together. Rebuilding Together helps homeowners who have been impacted by a natural disaster, as well as low-income individuals. Coverage includes repairs and maintenance. Find your local affiliate here.
  • 203K loan—The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) offers a 203K loan, a popular option that lets homeowners borrow cash to use toward home projects and repairs at a low interest rate. 
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)—These organizations offer additional low-cost loan options available to those that meet eligibility requirements.
  • Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs)—If you’ve owned your home long enough to build equity, you gain access to that equity through a home equity line of credit (HELOC). Interest rates are much lower with a HELOC than credit cards, but the downside is that home equity lenders place a second lien on your home, which allows them to seize the home in the event you fail to make payments on time.
  • Green energy grants or tax credits — If any of the improvements you’re making to your home are for energy efficiency, you may be eligible for green energy grants and credits. There are Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans available to some property owners and businesses for clean energy projects. Approval for this loan is based on the property equity as collateral. Up to 15% of a property’s value is typically available.
  • Cash-out refinancing — This involves the refinancing of an existing mortgage. The new mortgage will be a greater amount than the original mortgage was. This allows the borrower to access the appreciation the home has accrued since the original loan was taken out.

Who is eligible for a home repair grant?

State, local, and federal governments offer loans to assist various individuals and situations. Home repair grants cater to senior citizens, mobile homeowners, veterans with disabilities, low-income Native Americans, homeowners facing disaster recovery, entire communities, and low-income rural residents. You can check your eligibility using a helpful tool on the grants.gov website. Under the “Search Grants” tab, select “Individuals” to narrow your search results. 

How do I apply for home repair grants?

Information on applying for home repair grants can be found on each website. The following are federal government websites to get you started.

When applying for a grant, educate yourself on the full requirements for eligibility and gather all of the necessary documentation you may need to qualify. Keep in mind that grants can be limited and typically only eligible applicants are chosen. Additionally, check the corresponding website to stay on top of deadlines to submit. Be patient — it can take time for the government to gather the money to disburse to you.

Avoiding Home Repair Scams

Now that financing is secured, the next step is finding a reliable contractor to tackle the home improvement project. Be wary and avoid home repair scams. Start by researching local contractors through online platforms, referrals from friends or family, or professional associations. Reach out to multiple contractors to obtain quotes and assess their expertise and reliability. Ask for references and examples of past work to make sure they have the skills and experience needed for your specific project. Below are some tips for avoiding trouble when selecting a contractor.

Be wary of a contractor who does any of the following:

  • Shows up uninvited or contacts you before you reach out
  • Pressures you to sign a contract ASAP
  • Offers deals only available on that one day
  • Brings up an multiple issues about your home
  • Makes you pay the full cost up front and insists on paying in cash
  • Offers to help finance the project if it involves your home equity or deed

Need a trusted home warranty company? Read our Choice Home Warranty review.

Tips for avoiding home repair scams:

  • Don’t commit to a contract before reading the contract in full and getting multiple estimates
  • Ask for the contractor’s references and look up reviews online to check work quality
    • Visit Better Business Bureau to check for customer complaints and look for contractors in your area
    • Check with your state’s licensing agency to see if the contractor is licensed and registered with your state’s board of contractors and local building inspection office
    • See if the contractor has pledged to follow ethical guidelines created by the National Association of the Remodeling Industry.
  • Never pay the full payment until the work is completed, especially if cash is required
  • Ask for a written document and invoice explaining the work being done, amount you’ll be paying, cost of materials, time needed to complete, payment process, warranty information, and confirmation that the contractor is insured and bonded.

If you’ve experienced a home repair scam, report it to your state consumer-protection agency.

Should You Get a Home Repair Grant?

If you find yourself in need of home repairs and qualify for assistance, you should get a home repair grant. It can be a beneficial step towards protecting the safety and livability of your home. These grants offer valuable financial support, enabling you to address critical repair needs without bearing the full burden of the costs. By taking advantage of available resources and exploring eligibility requirements, you can access the assistance necessary to transform your living space into a safe and comfortable haven.

Looking for some help with home repairs and maybe save a little money at the same time? Consider a home warranty. Check out our in-depth reviews to see which one may be right for you — all of them offer free quotes! 

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Reviewed for accuracy, cost data, industry best practices, and expert advice by Laurie Engle.
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Roxanne Downer


Roxanne Downer is a commerce editor at Today’s Homeowner, where she tackles everything from foundation repair to solar panel installation. She brings more than 15 years of writing and editing experience to bear in her meticulous approach to ensuring accurate, up-to-date, and engaging content. She’s previously edited for outlets including MSN, Architectural Digest, and Better Homes & Gardens. An alumna of the University of Pennsylvania, Roxanne is now an Oklahoma homeowner, DIY enthusiast, and the proud parent of a playful pug.

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Laurie Engle

Expert Writer & Reviewer

Laurie Engle is a freelance writer who provides insights to homeowners on topics such as the home warranty industry, relocation issues, and real estate trends. As a licensed Realtor since 2001 Laurie has acquired extensive expertise in dealing with home warranty companies and navigating the intricacies of the real estate market. In addition to her commitment to helping clients with their home buying and selling needs, she maintains a sharp awareness of market dynamics, including property values, interest rates, and local regulations.

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