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Making your home and lifestyle more environmentally friendly doesn’t have to clean out your bank account. Here are some ideas that can help the planet and save energy on your utility bills without spending a bundle.

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

The first line of defense in keeping the air in your home clean is to install a high quality air filter on your heating/cooling system and change it regularly (every 1-3 months).

Houseplants improve air quality by filtering the air, absorbing harmful chemicals, and releasing oxygen. The most effective plants for cleaning the air are:

  • Bamboo palm
  • Chinese evergreen
  • Cornstalk Dracaena
  • English ivy
  • Golden pothos
  • Janet Craig Dracaena
  • Peace lily
  • Philodendron
  • Spider plant
  • Weeping fig

How to Reduce Heating and Cooling Costs

There are a number of simple ways to save on heating and cooling cost for your home, such as:

    • Open curtains and blinds on the sunny side of your house during the day in winter to reduce heating bills, then close them at night to retain the heat.
    • To save on air conditioning costs, keep curtains and blinds closed on the sunny sides of the house during the summer, or install window film to keep sunlight out.
    • Plant trees that shed their leaves in winter (such as oak, maple, hickory, beech, poplar) on the south and west sides of your house to block the sun in summer and let the heat through in winter.
    • Raise your thermostat in the summer and lower it in the winter or install a programmable thermostat to do it for you.
  • Dress warmly indoors in the winter and wear thin clothes in the summer.

    • Set ceiling fans on reverse and run on low in the winter to circulate warm air around the room. Put fans on forward during the summer to cool your skin by evaporation.

How to Go Green in the Kitchen

Environmentally friendly steps you can take in the kitchen include:

    • Avoid using the oven in the summer, use the microwave instead.
    • Reduce the amount of time the refrigerator door is open.
    • Run full loads in the dishwasher and don’t prerinse dishes.
  • Eliminate buying bottled water and use a water filter instead.

How to Save in the Laundry Room

To save both energy and water when washing and drying your clothes:

    • Use cold water settings on washer and run only full loads.
    • Keep the lint filter and vent pipe clean on the dryer.
    • Dry clothes on a clothes line if possible.
  • Don’t overfill the clothes dryer.

How to Save on Hot Water

To save energy on hot water:

    • Lower the hot water heater thermostat to 120º F.
    • Insulate hot water pipes.
  • Drain hot water heater annually to remove sediment.

How to Save Water

To conserve water in your home:

    • Monitor your water meter for plumbing leaks in your home, and repair any you find.
    • Turn off water when shaving or brushing your teeth.
    • Reduce the time spent in the shower

Start Recycling and Reusing

Begin recycling to reduce the waste going to the landfill, and dispose of hazardous materials properly.

Items to recycle include:

  • Paper
  • Glass
  • Plastic (bags and containers)
  • Metal cans
  • Aluminum cans

Dispose of these hazardous items properly:

  • Batteries
  • CFL bulbs and fluorescent tube
  • Household chemicals and paints
  • Kitchen grease
  • Motor oil
  • Electronic devices including televisions, computers, printers, and cell phones.

Reusing existing products is even better for the environment than recycling. Donate unwanted items to a thrift or reuse store and purchase reused materials for home improvement projects when possible.

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How to Removing Grease

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Concrobium Mold Control

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Concrobium Mold Control

Mold in your home is unsightly and can present a health hazard. Concrobium Mold Control kills and prevents mold without dangerous chemicals. It’s odorless and contains no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Concrobium Mold Control is available at The Home Depot.

Saving Water with Low-Flow Showerheads

Thinking Green with Danny Lipford:
Low-Flow Showerheads Save Water

Showers account for almost a fourth of individual water use in the home. Replacing your existing showerheads with low-flow showerheads will save both water and energy. For more ways to reduce the amount of water you use, see our article on Water Conservation in the Home.

Editorial Contributors
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Danny Lipford


Danny Lipford is a home improvement expert and television personality who started his remodeling business, Lipford Construction, at the age of 21 in Mobile, Alabama. He gained national recognition as the host of the nationally syndicated television show, Today's Homeowner with Danny Lipford, which started as a small cable show in Mobile. Danny's expertise in home improvement has also led him to be a contributor to popular magazines and websites and the go-to source for advice on everything related to the home. He has made over 200 national television appearances and served as the home improvement expert for CBS's The Early Show and The Weather Channel for over a decade. Danny is also the founder of 3 Echoes Content Studio,, and Checking In With Chelsea, a décor and lifestyle blog.

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